Have you ever forced yourself to complete a game...

Have you ever forced yourself to complete a game?I am more then half into LA Noire and its so boring and i know that theres no payout but god damn i gave money for this shit so at least i have to finish it right?

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This is why you pirate before you buy.

you die at the end

saved you a few hours mate

that's what you get for buying into the hype

also this

>Have you ever forced yourself to complete a game?
God of War 2

Final Fantasy 12, the only game I can say that I had to force myself to complete.

The combat was a poor copy of 11, the story made no fucking sense, the characters were ruined by Vaan and an antagonist that disappeared for 95% of the game, and the music was a jumbled mess of poor decisions. I've played a lot of JRPGs especially that other people consider bad (Tales of Zestiria for one) and I've been able to see a little bit of good in each one. With FF12 It was a horrible experience from start to finish.

Only games that lead into another game that I know is good. Xenosaga 2 was ass but I wanted to play Xenosaga 3 so I trudged through it.

Yes. Sometimes I'll force myself to complete a game. I don't want to get 70% through a game I don't like and then quit. A year or so later I'll think I should really finish that game to completion.

>antagonist that disappeared for 95% of the game
at the end i was literally who is this guy and how is this epic?
i actually enjoyed x2 more then 1. I remember my friend played me2 at the same time and i was playing that shit

Yep. Nier Automata. Suffered through the second and most of the third route, then it got better during the finale. Then I realized I'd paid 55 bucks for this train wreck and all the side quests were tedious makework but for a few days I was determined to do them. Oh how naive I was.

I did with Mighty No 9. I got 2 stages in and uninstalled the game, and then reinstalled it saying "fuck it, I have to see it through"

Thoroughly hated it.

Every fucking game made by Compile Heart. The HDN games are fucking BORING but I kept playing to see if I was just missing something. I will never get that time back. So sad

RE 5, which my best friend forced me to marathon through with her in one night. At least there was beer and pizza.


Is Fairy Fencer any better? Kinda want to play that since it has a great soundtrack, but if it's just another eighty hours of Neptunia except with a less shrill cast, I won't bother.

You don't even know what that means except from what you've learned from other idiots who parrot it.

Baby's first buzzword.

I'm actually the one who cucked her boyfriend

Yakuza 4. Maybe i would've liked the game more if i played the previous ones but even then i doubt it.


Bravely Default. I put off finishing it for a year and a half before forcing myself through it. I actually started to really like it after that and it's one of my favourite games now.

I have to finish every game I buy. I know most people don't really give a shit anymore and just buy tons of games without playing them.

Off the top of my head that Deadpool game and The Force Unleashed 2.

There are a few other games that I only played through because I played it with a friend or a group of friends like Lost Planet and the Resident Evil games that had coop. It's not that I didn't like playing though them with mates but I doubt I would have done it by myself because I would have lost interest.

I powered through P5. By like November I was at 80 something hours I think and just wanted the fucking thing to end already

but what if user pirated the game and still has the same obligation? Is that just autism?

Holy shit this. I always laugh myself silly looking at the percentage of people who don't have the "I started playing the fucking game" achievement/trophy.

The only game lately I cannot for the life of me bring myself to finish is Final Fantasy Type-0 because it's a dreary sob-fest with shit gameplay.


Uncharted 1.

I started on Uncharted 3, loved it so much I wanted to go through the whole series from the start. Started the first one and immediately hated the game from start to finish. The aiming was a nightmare, on top of the bullet hungry enemies. I was constantly low on ammo, and the platforming was just boring as fuck. I honestly cant believe a franchise started out from that game. Uncharted 2 (my favourite in the series) was light years ahead of the first one. I should have just read a wiki or some shit.

no user, sometimes i cant even force myself into finishing the games I actually like