Say something nice about Crysis.
Crysis 10th Anniversary
Incoming webms.
it looks shit
Ayyliums done right, at least in the first game
How dare you
>jumping on a moving vehicle without dying instantly from goofy collision damage
nsn either does like 50 takes before publishing or plays with 500% hp.
Just played some Warhead not 2 minutes ago
They shouldn't have catered to consoles in the second and third one, biggest mistake ever.
yay mods
but crysis 2 has better gunplay, AI, and objectively better map design. crysis 1's open maps were only a novelty since it was just pointless jungle in between villiages.
i feel like people have on some pretty thick nostalgia googles when they compare crysis 1 to crysis 2.
It looks good and it's fun to play.
2 and 3 are shit
Warhead is the best one
Modded Crysis looks and runs better than a PS4/Xbone title
Fuck your own face crysis 2 is a faggy stealth game with nerfed powers, and shit gunplay. Crysis 2 is to crysis was fear2 is to fear
It's pretty boring, desu. There isn't even an EXP system to unlock new gadgets, weapons, or abilities. They're all just given to you straight away, takes away the fun of unlocking everything.
And the fact that there aren't any cosmetics, you can't customize the look of your nanosuit other than changing the voice. Not even a female player toon. The game just looks dull that way.
Also why are the enemies only speaking Korean on that bullshit difficulty, way to diminish the experience for us gamers that don't want to spend hours on some bullshit challenge. I heard this game is mod-friendly, though. Is there a mod to enable Korean language for lower difficulties?
>not even a tweet about it from Crytek
Fuck that shitty co-op game they're working on
Very wrong opinions user. Cryssi 2 doesn't even have proper suit modes.
do you have any examples or are you just going to bark at me because i said an unpopular opinion?
Literally not a single person that worked on crysis works at crytek right now
Crysis 1 and warhead were the only good crysis games
How about the Yerli brothers
>Cryssi 2 doesn't even have proper suit modes.
why is that such a bad thing? juggling between str, armor and speed mode in crysis 1 was tedious as fuck.
Pretty pet.
>H-he's fast!
I said work not "draw boxart for AMD graphics cards"
>that part where you're on an aircraft carrier and you have to defeat some big ass alien who keeps stunlocking you with a freeze ray
aliens were a mistake
the whole game should have just been you killing gooks
Bollock bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks bollocks
t. person with inferior taste
>Crysis 1
>Maximum speed
>Running faster than a lambo
>Maximum strength
>Punch a tank into orbit
>Maximum stealth
>Crysis 2
>Maximum speed
>Run slightly faster than CoD guy
>Maximum strength
>Will kill a guy I guess
>Maximum stealth
>"You guys see that?"
Go ahead and say you liked crysis 2. It's not a bad game, it's just not as cool as playing as superman with a gun
I literally played both warhead and 2 today so don't start with such giant bullshit
Crysis 2 has shitty in your face guns and even if you change that the weapon distance keeps resetting over random things like using cover, the 6 reload animations were sweet though
the A.I. actually exists in 1, in 2 they are just straight up psychic, constantly shooting through walls, more than 180 degree situational awareness, 0 seconds reaction time, no concept of distance, engage you from 5000 meters like you're in front of them, act wonky and retarded and the only reason they ever get you is because they cheat and stick on you like glue, they have no cue reading, ignore their environment and simply track you whatever you do, if you played it more or weren't such a blind brainlet such things would have been obvious to you. in 1 the a.i. actually looks for you where they last saw you.
OH, and they do not infinitely respawn, even witnessed the gunship drop a squad off with rope once when I didn't show myself.
>map design
>open space in a shitty small sandbox
crysis 2 has disgusting map design that only works because your stealth lasts like 5 minutes. And you will often be engaged even through solid LOS breakers.
>novelty, nostalgia, pointless jungle
t. played through all of them once and thinks his opinion matters
Can you drown an enemy in the water?
The alien sequence was fucking fantastic. It was done perfectly and one of the most refreshing surprises I've ever had in a game
not if you used c+1,2,3,4 noob
>the most entertaining thing about the game was tedious as fuck
consolelets everyone
Is Crysis/Warhead multi still alive?
Great game. Only plebs think it was just a benchmark
But managing my powerups is too hard, just make me punch hard and Sprint fast daddy!
10 years later and it still looks good.
>Crysis 1
>Maximum speed
>Running faster than a lambo
for 2 seconds
>Maximum strength
>Punch a tank into orbit
things that didn't happen outside of a 1-time bug
>Maximum stealth
except where helicopters and speedboat gunners bird-dogged the fuck out of you
crysis 1's ai is universally laughed at for being garbage. sure they do the whole 'search where we last saw him' thing but when they arent' doing that they're bumping into eachother and dying or just colliding with walls, then dying.
I never had any issues with crysis 2's ai being cheap, at least not to the extent you're mentioning.
Oh, and one more thing about the 'map design' in 2
They were more worried about creating a replica of the real life places where it takes place than creating an interesting environment to play in, so they had to scatter all these random military things like containers so you don't just have one open empty space. Even the jungle in 1 felt more alive than the shitty linear corridors of 2
Crysis got one of the best shotguns. It's sad I don't see it mentioned in "your favourite shotgun" threads.
alright i've never played crysis but this thread is making me want to play, should i play vanilla first? if not, which mods should i get?
that window glare made me dizzy
Genuinely a fun, slick game. The first half was definitely better than the second, but the alien part really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Honestly any game where you can tell the devs actually cared I like. 90% of games just feel so soulless.
I've never played modded crysis. Play 1 and warhead
Crysis 1s ai was goofy because it exists. Crysis 2 is literally just men walking in a pattern being alerted to your location and shooting at [PLAYERLOCATION] it's not ai at all, the enemies in crysis 2 may as well be turrets
>posts a video of someone else playing to prove his point
NSN is an autistic man who spent hundreds of hours mastering the controls of the game, i'd say maybe 10% of the people who played crysis 1 utilized the abilities to their fullest extent and i'll bet money you are not a part of that 10%. you just spout the 'muh consolization' meme to feel special because you played crysis 1 and are therefore entitled to feeling superior.
Man, Crysis Wars was some awesome MP.
The giant maps and the ability to buy vehicles with the credits you earn was awesome, never seen a game play quite like it did.
Messing with the North Koreans is too much fun.
user, that clip isn't particularly impressive...the real gold is super speed to super strength jump to shooting dudes midair coming down to punch one in the face. That's just a nigga with a grenade launcher
experimental ai is not always better than run-of-the-mill ai. just because it does some things better doesn't mean the ai is better. you can't go 10 minutes in crysis 1 without the ai doing something completely bonkers. at least in crysis 2 the enemies act like normal videogame enemies instead of a bunch of clowns in fatigues.
>Genuinely a fun, slick game
No. It had good graphics but as you can see from the samey webms always posted in these threads, there wasn't shit you could do with the suit powers.
In crysis 1 it is possible to play stealthily without cloak, in 2 they will see you through the smallest cracks from 100 meters away, and foliage/concealment doesn't even exist as a concept in it.
>crysis 1's ai is universally laughed at for being garbage
>crysis 1
>flank last known position
>scatter around target then slowly re-approach
they only fail because it is an open environment and they were made to work in any scenario, if you play without cloak they stop being so funny
>crysis 2
>no tactics at all
>always come straight at you or just camp behind cover/come at you with a delay
>always know where you are
>track your exact current position in real time with faux patrols
>often spawn mere meters away from you, sometimes you can even catch it
basically, the AI in 1 is laughed at because brainlets can't actually see how it operates,
in 2 they are all show no substance, if you never noticed they always track you or have no concept of range/awareness, then this discussion is over.
>uncloak in open field
>sniper takes a few seconds to acquire you and shoot
>sometimes misses the first shot
>uncloak barely peeking behind cover 90 degrees to the right of the sniper some 30 meters away
>shoots you 0.4 seconds after decloak before his turning animation even plays fully
Crytek had one of the most amazing and competent development teams but they wasted it on fucking console gaming.
Now a good chunk of their staff joined RSI for Star Citizen.
Imagine what Crytek would have been if they just stuck to the things they were originally trying to achieve with Crysis.
Don't ever reply to one of my posts again shithead.
but its still nanosuit ninja and not you. my point is that when people talk about how cool the powers are in crysis 1 they always point to nsn but never actually show any footage of THEMSELVES playing.
If you use the shortcuts like c(for radial menu) + 1,2,3,4 it becomes super easy and is very fun to switch quickly on keyboard
That one guy with Gauss rifle n perfect aim
If crysis 2 was just crysis 1+1 in a city environment with multiplayer, I would have countless hours in it.
Not an argument. Powerswitching is as easy as the press of a button. Anyone that can learn the hadoulen can learn powerswitching easily
too bad it was rampant with hackers day fucking one. it really is a shame cause it was basically a spiritual successor to C&C Renegade.
Oh sorry man I didn't mean it like that :), how will I know which are yours though? >.
>tfw buying a spawn VTOL and always placing it in some obscure location before it got C4'd just a few minutes later
>tfw buying a helicopter and immediately crashing it within seconds because of how fucking sensitive it was to just the slighest mouse movement
good fucking times
Watch it asshole. Stop ruining this thread or you'll be in a world of hurt my friend.
The real tragedy is that crysis is still $20 on steam
and that I can't find a torrent with seeders.
got all the games except 3 for 11 euros, just wait for a discounted bundle
Pirate Bay has it, just search crysis and sort by seeders
>honeypot bay
it doesnt even run on windows 10 anymore without massive amounts of fucking with it
and the steam version still doesn't fucking include the 64 bit version
crysis 2 for some reason defaults to 1920x1080 24Hz on my monitor and can only be fixed via custom resolution same for 3 one of the reasons i cant wait to ditch these things and get dual 1440p monitors
and crysis 3 just sucks
so a triple decker of shit doesnt deserve something nice said about it
Shit I haven't used PB in so long I hadn't even considered it
>Crytek can't be bothered to fucking celebrate their games 10 year anniversary
>Thinking they'd report jack shit
Just don't seed retard or use a VPN if you're so worried about it.
No, I have to respond to retarded Crysis 1 dicksucking.
its literally me retard, i recorded and made the webm myself
that isnt nanosuit ninja
it isnt particularly difficult to get used to switching the your suit powers quickly either
>implying anyone cares about pirating a ten year old game
torrenting is only dangerous if you're pirating movies.
>Massive amounts of fucking with it
>Running as administrator in Windows 7 compatibility mode
Yeah dude, real fuckin difficult
then why is this grand post left with no answer coward?
crysis warhead is the best game in the series cause it fixes all the pacing issues the first game had
why is that even needed? why doesnt it include the 64 bit binary? why does 2 have any state where it thinks 24hz is a good idea and why is 3 so plain fucking boring?
warhead has no mods though, so it can only be replayed once every few years
This, Also psycho is the greatest character in the whole series.the intro and all the briefing semicutscenes really fuck things up, it sure does like to pretend you are playing a game that isn't balls to the wall gook genocide simulator
pcgames-download dot com
you're replying to a different person I haven't replied to your big post because i don't care enough to respond to everything. you're clearly very passionate about videogame AI but to the average player the shit you're saying goes unnoticed. at a glance the AI in crysis 1 is very silly and to the average player they're going to write it off as shit AI. in crysis 2 the AI is pretty stock-standard and they don't do anything particularly silly. though i never really had the issues you did with crysis 2 AI being omnipotent.
Why does Crysis 1 still look great 10 years later? I always thought that it will eventually age badly because its graphics will be outdated but if you compare it to a lot of modern triple A titles it still offers high-resolution textures, an environment that dynamically reacts to the action and good lighting. Honestly, if I had absolutely no knowledge on Crysis and someone would give me the game I probably couldn't tell that it wasn't released in 2017 purely from playing it.
One of the biggest wasted opportunities in the past decade in gaming. Amazing engine, graphics ahead of its time, great sandbox (first few levels anyway) and rather than working on furthering the good stuff in the sequels they just turned it into utter shit casual corridor shit so they could get it on consoles.
>you will never have a crysis sequel with large open maps and expanded fps/stealth mechanics, ever.
Can't wait for Crytek to die for good.
This game is honestly in my top 5 games of all times.
The replayability is just infinite.
The only reason why I don't have it installed right now is because I have the original DVD version which forcefully installs SecuROM, which most of Sup Forums have never heard of but it's literally worse than DENUVO in every way.
This SecuROM thing made me blacklist EA ever since. I've literally never bought an other EA game since then.
thanks user I'll trust you this day.
I'm surprised at how poorly crysis aged since I last played it a few years ago. Games with comparable graphics are pretty standard now, and there are super flat textures everywhere.
He took collision damage
Why would I respond to it. What does it have to do with what I said.
Holy shit
Still looks great, but it is finally starting to show its age around the edges. Goes to show how much work they put into the game's graphical engine.
Am I the only one who misses crysis multiplayer?
I never could get rid of all the junk files that SecuROM left behind. Fuck that piece of garbage.
Art style. If you play GameCube games on dolphin the assets are actually in a much higher resolution than the system plays them in so you scale them up and Mario sunshine looks gorgeous. Crysis 1 has an excellent artstyle behind it and it doesn't compromise it's lighting and graphics for systems, remember crysis 1 for almost 4 years after it's release was still considered THE BENCHMARK because not only was it pretty and high resolution, but because you could actually play it rather than other benchmarks that just spawn a bunch of shit and particle effects and wait for the fps to dip.
Tldr the lighting and shadows are gorgeous, built for high end systems and not console shitters with laptop graphics and the design philosophy behind the game is extremely cohesive