WoW Classic

Post your builds, boys.
Hard mode: No cookie cutters.

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>druids are ba-

God damn it still makes me mad they all but eliminated the talent system to pander to casuals

Still useless

Haven't played vanilla Warrior in a long time, but I believe this is the build I used until certain stat caps.

>no cookie cutters
>in a solved game where objective best specs exist
Was it autism?

>More than 1pt in Imp Shield Block
>0 points in Toughness
>Improved Sunder
>Unbridled Wrath
>Cruelty but no Impale

Huh, so this is what it means to go full retard? Its... quite something...

do you really think they will release vanilla 1:1 trees?
they will retouch every aspect of the game, it wont be 1:1 vanilla, not by a longshot
its nu blizzard user, they like to break what doesnt need to be fixed

Haha, time to buff

>God damn it still makes me mad they all but eliminated the talent system to pander to casuals

Honestly, having been though far too many of these WoW classic threads, I can't blame them. Looking at the buids people are proposing really adds tol Blizzards argument that they were too complicated for many people and had too many noobtrap talents.

Almost all the specs people are posting are infuruatingly stupid, often going into a tree and ignoring the 11/21pt talents that are the entire reason for taking them.

I literally don't think I've seen a single correct Warrior build yet. I've seen a few okay ones, but many are the idiocy of that earlier poster.

Ultimately, most people who play WoW are barely qualified to breathe, much less design talent trees.

Will this work?

>its nu blizz
so they wont just release something with the least amount of work possible to drain money from midless blizzdrones?

I could see it go either way, sadly too expensive for my blood
Ill stick to my private austim, thank you especially if its literally the same thing all the vanilla servers are running anyway

>"Correct" builds
>Doesn't even know what kind of content anons are doing

Plus by the time wrath was around talent trees were a god damn giant nightmare. They were too god damn big. And it would only get worse over time.

Like I said, I think it was what I used.
>dumping that much into arms
Cruelty is there to generate more aggro from Shield Slam crits. You are right about Sunder and Imp Shield Block though.

Yeah it was hard to go on elitist jerks to look up your best build.

Nigga why you gonna need Benediction more than BoK?

Maximum comfy feral leveling with the #1 QoL class

I can't wait for the princess to invite us over for a picnic, GAY WARRIOR

>No cookie cutter

You fucking retard, do you really think vanilla WoW had any depth with the talent system? 90% of the talents are fucking useless, there is ALWAYS a most optimal build. Why do you think blizz got rid of them? Because it's an improvement you fucking retarded nostalgiafag.

who light's hope here?

Will the graphics be old school?
Will all the bugs and exploits in Vanilla exist once again?
Will GM Island be accessible?
Will there be no Heirlooms?
Will it be a separate client in the Blizzard launcher?

No idea, I never played Pally and kind of want to try it when Classic hits.

forgot pic

>reeee people aren't minmaxing the way they should

stfu retard

will i make friends

Your build is useless.

Your build is bad, though not as bad as You do know you can only use one blessing at a time? And that BoSanct is horrible.


>Paladin tank

>Deep Wounds
>Warrior applying a debuff that isn't sunder

>Not going resto

God damn, its like none of you have even played vanilla before.

>three extra points in arms is bad when you are getting unbridled wrath
But this build skips several critical talents for dungeons and raiding despite having 31 points in protection so who knows what it's supposed to do.

>still not using the fire/frost spec our Lord and Saviour Saerdna gave us

Why would i level as a resto drood?

I can't wait for faggots to log in and forget they are not in highschool anymore and don't have free time to deal with shit like 15 min rlight time, everything slowing and dismounting you, quests on averages giving you 30 silver at Max levels no dailies and such.

>posting some scrub who isn't Vurtne

Apologies, I didn't see the attached post to it
Nevermind then, level as feral.

>Implying literally any Paladin talent aside from Illumination and Blessing of Kings matters

This was my "immortal tank" build to fuck up rogues back in the day

Almost half of thread are pallies
How am i gonna stand out with my pallyboy?

Almost none of the builds are that flexible. If your build is for something specific say so, but chances are you're just justifying poor play.

Blizzard can design content around assuming you don't take worthless talents, in which case special snowflakes like you drag everyone else down.

Or they can design it around assuming people take dumb shit, in which case people with decent talents destroy it.

>being a vurtne fanboy

You won't
You're gonna stand there and cast Blessing of Salvation with the rest of us like a good little cuck

Make a shitpost build, or wait for blizzard to inevitable fuck up numbers and have something stupid happen because of it.

If its truly release, abuse the old SoCr bug whilst leveling.

Warrior 17/3/31

Imp Conc aura for caster group.

You guys must all have some extra chromosomes. Arguing over builds when the most optimal ones have already been figured out. Fucking tards. Vanilla talents are shallow and broken.

What's worse, posting fun builds or being the fagget who spams WoW threads RRREEEEE that cookie cutters are the only builds anyone should ever use?
protip:you're a faggot

Worse than that, they intentionally -- as per Blizzard's own word -- had trap talents that were completely and totally useless. I doubt the post even exists where Kaigan(or was it Tigole?) said it.

Haven't played since original vanilla so not sure if this is right

>Sacc Imp
>Ultimate fire damage
I wonder if this could work, I'm 100% certain it would do more damage than a Fire mage.

The arms portion is right, but you've messed up Prot, hard.

* Drop Iron will, you don't need it.
* Holy fuck, TAKE DEFIANCE, it's the best talent in the entire tree.
* Drop Imp Revenge, worthless
* Only put one point in Imp Shield Block, more than that does nothing
* Max 1h Wep Spec
* Leftover points in Cruelty

Impale is marginal, but it scales directly with SS, Defiance and Cruelty and it's better than any other option available, especially UW.


>Molten Core
>Fire damage


Actually never played vanilla before, but have no interest in raiding honestly, as I don't have near the time for committments like that.

How's this for a general PvE build? Especially if I feel like getting into blacksmithing for some nice gear to make and sell?

You better fucking take Imp Conc Aura

>No chain heal


What's the fucking point of using "fun" builds when someone who is using the optimal one will just shit all over you? Are you really going to raid with your shitty "fun" build? It's why I'm not gonna slurp up the "classic" shitfest when it gets released. You fags are in for a wakeup call when you realize there's no depth to vanilla and you only liked it back then because you were young and stupid.


Arms wasn't viable until Naxx40.


I'd like Cataclysm talents without the restrictions honestly, or at least vanilla talents that weren't so weird.

Should I play WoW? Got WC3 on the original release date; never cared for MMOs though . . . Did play free runescape for a couple years though

>this kills the melee

You're a warrior, you're tanking.

Unless you meant PvP, but who the fuck cares about PvP?

A build that's worthless before AQ40 and painful to do anything but raid on...

Shame, it actually looks interesting. Don't know if you're beating a Fire Mage though, especially considering you'll be at risk of pulling threat.

Hope you're playing Alliance

Are you kidding? Arcanite reaper was obtainable without raiding and it was THE Arms warrior weapon.

surprisingly. You can tank with that build if it's pure vanilla, half of Prot was bugged.

I fcking care about pvp!!!!!!

I didnt get lieutenant commander shtcunt for nothing!!!!!!!

There is no chain heal on there

Jesus Christ what the actual fuck are you doing.
It's like you just stuck your hand in a box of talent points and threw them at the screen.

I... Excuse me? A bleed Fury build? Tanking?

t. casual who can't outplay a guy with "better" talents

Unnecessary. Ice barbed spear was just almost as good as a reaper.

Yes. And? You're a warrior. You're tanking, unless you're PvPing

I got GM within 2 weeks before they introduced battlegrounds.

Everything about that build is terrible. Warriors don't have a single viable build that ignores 31pt talents.

Tell me what you're trying to do (DPS? 2h?) and I can help you out with some suggestions.

Blacksmithing is a pointless money sink. Take Eng if you PvP, otherwise save your money and just give a blacksmith mats +tip. 3g is much cheaper than leveling a profession.

>to pander to casuals

They removed them because literally anyone with a brain would use the same thing. There's no real reason to deviate from the objective cookie cutter best build. With the current talent system you at least have the ability to pick things based on specific encounters.

Quit making shit up u cuck

>special snowflake talents
Buff them, it's that simple.

Before the attack power normalisation, sure. After, it was an incredibly expensive average weapon.

Just get Ice Barbed Spear, then Unstoppable Force.

Arcanite Reaper was probably almost 1000g of mats at release.

I have made nothing up. You've offered no counter argument. Typical of someone who didn't play vanilla.


Like I said. Half of the Protection tree was bugged during vanilla. All you could do for tanking was get the right kind of armor, a shield, and stack sunder armor on the boss. At best you get what you needed for Last Stand and everything else into fury or arms. Likely arms.

I seem to recall running something like this. But Fury wasn't useful until after AQ Gear.

I regularly swapped my talents as a hunter to a weird ass survival/beast based build because it allowed me to solo dungeon bosses. There is one very good reason to deviate from the cookie cutter and its called 'fun'.

Vanilla was fun.


Okay, now some are better than other talents and are part of the cookie cutter build and others aren't and stay useless. The build changes, nothing else does.

There's still always an optimum.

You could get a fear off and soul firein Pvp. I just don't know how big of crits you could do and if it would be similar to mages PoM pyro builds(of course not instant cast though)

BC Talent.

Could, actually. Rank system was introduced before it.

Remember when everyone used that barman shanker dagger before the attack speed norm? Vanilla wow was silly at times

>Fury wasn't useful until after AQ Gear
lmao classic is gonna be so great with retards like you running around


Fury was great in BWL gear.

Also, is that a 2h Fury build? Or why have you not taken DW Spec? And why no Imp Execute? Why Blood Craze?

>There's still always an optimum
Make it so that there are more than one objective in the game, so that different builds excel at different things. PvE builds should NEVER be good in PvP, perhaps even make world PvE significantly different in type of difficulty from raids and dungeons.

That worked wonderfully on Ragnarok and it's what every developer should aim for their games.

I will be your friend.


I can't wait for your version of the game to be overshadowed in mediocrity, like it deserves.

No bully pls

I was thinking of dool wheel and using bleeds to help deal with constant misses, but I'm also realizing I'm forgetting how shit my options for 1H weapons are. Also didn't realizing smithing wasn't worth it. That's kind of depressing.



Maybe you're too young to remember, but some of us actually raided then.