The graphics in this game are so fucking beautiful holy shit.
The graphics in this game are so fucking beautiful holy shit
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Too bad the game's shit and it's microtransaction hell.
>not pictured: fun
The game isn't shit, it's fun.
And the microtransactions don't bother me because I make a ton of money at my job.
>EA has deposited 0.50 cents into your account
Too bad they have to ruin it with predatory practices
The game is absolutely shit, it's another terrible DICE game where you feel zero impact no matter what you do, all the guns look the same and have no punch to them, the maps are uninspired and crap, and it's just TERRIBLE.
Also I make more than enough money as a programmer and I do not want to give a money scheming piece of trash company like EA a cent of my money for this game. Fuck you and anyone else who uses the "HURR I HAVE MONEY" excuse for defending the disgrace that is the microtransaction shit that is in these games.
They're really fucking average. People are far too easily impressed.
Nobody who makes a ton of money is retarded enough to spend real money on in-game items. That’s poorfag shit just like playing the lottery
It really is and your pc doesnt have to be that good to run it 60+fps
Fuck off shill cuck faggot
Truth. Never dropping below 60fps on my 3 year old pc on 1440p rez max settings
>Gets mugged and raped.
>"I make lots of money so it's fine"
I miss the years when I was a kid and could enjoy shit games
Woah, definitely buying this game now! Thanks OP. Might even spend a bit extra on some lootboxes for me and my wife :)
Yeah it does look great. It's a fucking shame it's gonna be garbage.
They are but your pic doesn't really illustrate that
It's pretty but plays like shit in comparison of the old games made by pandemic. EA is so fucking terrible.
I thought this game doesn’t come out until tomorrow?
Origin Access gives you 10 free hours
>40 hours to unlock vader
Yet somehow I still got him in the 10 hour free trial
Stop listening to fake reddit news
Post proofs of that you lying shill faggot
what a fucking mess of a UI this is ubisoft levels of shit
I...literally just did?
pretty hard to see how it looks without it being in motion.
Pretty textures and impressive shaders can still look like shit in game.
The lighting on the character models looks pretty werid though.
*grinds for 40 hours just to play darth vader*
*says its fine*
*gets downvoted 400k+ times on reddit*
>Gamestop buys $100 worth of Lootboxes
>still gets less credits than what you need to unlock Vader and Luke
Even if you make a ton of money, you're still getting A B S O L U T E L Y raped.
Are you implying that the image that doesn't even hold up to a google image search (and is used as a generic picture for battlefront 2), with no timestamp or any indication that you even have the hero is proof?
Kill yourself, you're either a troll or a shill and I don't know which is worse at this point
If it's anything like Battlefield gfx it's all static lit meaning any lightsource like an explosion, flashlights, tracers or in this case lasers don't do shit.
Dice really do make shitty games. They are completely unengaging and lack character
Also frostbite is a terrible engine.
"Free" even though you pay for Origin Access
i cant see shit
It does, and the beta was fun.
But the unfinished campaign and needing to unlock heroes with credits is absolute shit that killed the game for me. Not gonna buy.
EA should just make movies
thank you
Not even arguing, but what games currently look better? Would like to see
>these are the faggots that games appeal to now days
You are everything wrong with the world
Horizon Zero Dawn looks better IMO
I know it's kind of a meme to say this kind of thing here but
Literally kill yourself faggot
DICE is hands down one of the worst dev teams out there
Look at their list of games
Up until Battlefield, all they did was shitty niche games for kids and now they've been remaking the same fucking game for 15 goddamn years yet somehow making it progressively worse
They did make Mirror's Edge, which is a pretty good game, if one that falls apart at many points, and up until Bad Company 2, I loved the battlefield series. But as they are now, DICE is easily THE most overrated dev studio out there.
yeah it sure is, good thing EA provided a giant fucking UI so you couldn't see any of it
truly based
HZD looks pretty until you started to move around and the water and shadows aren't there.
Even the "beta" was boring dogshit. The only things this one has going for it are clones, graphics, and loot boxes for the addicts to waste money on.
Is grinding for heroes the only 'sense of progress' that these games have? It looks like all you do is spawn in and throw yourself into a meat grinder, over and over again. They could have at least tried to innovate beyond what PlanetSide could do. How many times can people actually buy and play this game?
Get the fuck out, EA.
HZD has some incredible dynamic lighting in the form of the dinosaurs, compare that shit to the bland awful lighting that BF2 has to offer, complete with the signature frostbite "sparks", and it's quite easy to tell which one's superior. I won't lie and say that HZD has the prettiest, most vibrant world and lighting as a whole, but it beats BF2 in just about every regard.
Thank you, Roman from Oman.
>Pay $60 for game
>Pay another $20 for hero to use in game
> Pay another $15 in a few months for new maps
>Pay $10 for new weapons.
What happened to getting a full game for a single price. Things are spiraling out of control and the new game releases this year have proven it.
Well I just checked it out and I have to say while some aspects might be less impressive in a vacuum, BF just looks better as a whole.
And just to be clear I have no intention of playing either.
Literally hasn't been a thing since the early 2000's user.
Why anyone would play videogames if they have money is beyond me.
>Pay $60 for game
Well there's your problem
Yea I've been paying $70+ for ten years. Australian pricing can fuck off.
ea shills out in full force today
>durr da graphix purty
>me no curr about loobox me got a jerb
I thought they said the maps and weapons are you going to be free?