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Look at this shit



As much as I hate Kotaku, I'd believe this because IGN is shit.

I love how it's always the fags talking up womens issues and shit that get exposed as perverts and predators

Any male who calls himself a feminist should set off their rapist alarm bells

>always believe the woman!
>except the ones that accused Bill Clinton

Just about to ask, how long until is discovered to being a closet pedophile?

Didn't even make it

>bevelling hear say from 2 people regardless of gender

This thread isnt even about video games at all

>studied psychology

Yet she’s fucking insane.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Are we witnessing the downfall of western civilization?

woah, 2 whole people, there's no way anyone could collude to bring someone down on that scale, lock him up

>fuck your burden of proof

>"Shut up and listen!"
>"The burden of proof lie within the men"
>"There's no need for proof"

Why are so many 20 something females obsessed with being "artists?" I'm a 27 year old professional artist (concept design) and almost every single female I've worked with has been batshit crazy. Also a lot of nonartists calling themselves that. What the fuck is the with the arts and batshit women. I rarely see men this cucked

Holy shit yes, this is amazing.
I hope every major gaming "journalism" site gets destroyed by women.

He knew full-well what that skeezy fucker Evilore was up to for years before he got called out and never said anything; guy's a jagoff. Doubly so since he's married with a little girl.

Neither is plenty of other shit on the board and yet reporting those threads does nothing so I can only assume they're okay with it.

>there a de you
What did she mean by this?

Funny how the "disgusting misogynist perverts" seem to have a healthier view of actual women than these guys.

It’s about IGN

>male allies getting devoured by their own creation

Why didn't this board get shut down years ago is something I will never understand.

yes a political thread on Sup Forums! and one with a kotaku screenshot in OP! my fav threads !!

Rule #4 is so good.


>Jason Schreir

I'm honestly just happy to see those people destroy themselves. And as others have said, it's always the more outspoken 'heroes' that end up being the biggest "villains".


This. Normally I try to make a point about how 90% of rape/sexual-assault allegations are total bullshit. But these are the SAME PEOPLE who have been pushing the idea that you should always believe accusations. So they're being killed by the thing they helped create. good riddance.

here's the problem

Imagine going through life with the name "gina tingus". Thats probably the ugliest name ive ever heard


>Guy gets his life ruined from rape accusation
>"why aren't people manning up and marry?"

The guy admitted it straight up. He did it to two girls.
He's also a sad bastard SJW not worth defending just because you and he both have a penis.
The IGN fuckheads walked out because it turned out the guy at HR that handled the issue between the staff was a kekmaster who made one of the women sign a piece of paper that said if she agreed it was her fault only then would they stop the guy bothering her.
She's a typical neurotic game journo and so got PTSD or some shit so quit anyway a few months later.
The guy got let go some months after that.
It's the HR department at IGN that's the actual waste of space here, the guy and the girl are both faggoty losers not worth arguing over.


Imagine being a woman. Imagine how easy your life would be. You have an ATM between your legs and can ruin anyone's life you want and the only thing required of you is to not get (too) fat.

Women are a mistake

It's either two scenarios
>Former Employee did horrible shit
>Former Employee think of a plan to get back at the company with a group of friends still in the company
>Former Employee can try to get their friends into a new company away from IGN
>Former Employee says they were sexually harassed out of the blue
>News put IGN into an even worse spotlight


>Super SJW and progressive employer actually did something to Former Employee
>Everyone walks out after being woke


Don’t have to work, everyone is just automatically nice to you, can have kids and ruin a guys life, don’t have to do anything for yourself ever.

That’s women.

Women have been lying whores since the first humans started evolving from apes 3 million years ago. Not believable then, certainly not believable now.

>psychology major
Belongs in the trash

what kind of name is "Gina Tingus"

There are women who hate other women for those reasons. I still remember the fall out from when cons started doing away with booth babes. Many took to social media and personally thanked their fellow women for taking an easy, great paying job from them, just because they weren't adequate enough for it themselves.

Men let that happen because they were trying to be nice.

Men and Jew money are the reason feminism exists. Women alone couldn't have gotten this much power, they're the niggers of gender.

Good job us guys can all hang out together here and talk about how much we fucking hate women and aren't responsible for any sexist behavior at all and how great dicks are are you circumscised user? God I hate women, fucking whores.

Wowzers. Jason took his sweet time with the Evilore/Neogaf story but sure was fast to report on this!

No wonder fat Vince left IGN.

This "listen and believe" shit probably was the cause that caused black males in the early 20th century to be lynched (literally) for accused rape. For as much as these people denounce racism, they'll never address that fact.

I'll be more likely to believe women when they claim something when they are required to register for selective service, stop gold digging and stop getting preferential treatment in the legal system

>loving life and everyone* in it.
>*all men not included

why are women such posers?

Literally sounds like he was being a friend. Wow

Guys don’t be nice to women ever.

wow, what a horrible mosnter, literally hitler, ugh.


Help! Sup Forums has been sexually harassing me for years! Someone pay attention to me!

more important question: why aren't we weaponizing this shit?

Todd Howard sexually assaulted me two years ago

Someone want to sexually harass Kotaku in hopes that they walk out as well?

If the crime you are being accused of is against a woman your are guilty until proven innocent.


You asked for it. Now take our your cock.

can't find this comment

>I love life and everyone in it XD!

SJWs: not even once

wtf I love IGN now?!

While this is clearly nothing worth being a drama queen over, it's clearly not friendly talk

No! Leave me alone you beast!

>he admitted it
ok, did he?

That’s what this guys says to her here and she blows him off. She’s just another SJW bitch.

Booth babes aren't a thing anymore?

How far will things fall?

>flirting is now sexual harassment



>Studied Psychology

yeah, they're banned from most conventions now

I think its called word rape now. Just like a man looking at you is conceptual rape.

>"Oh man I want to fuck you like I fucked in college" is flirting
What the fuck

Fuck those fat Cucks. Their heads should grind on a tire.

We're in the peak of a moral panic. Similar to the satanic cult shit of the 90's. Instead of soccer moms it's the SJW. When everybody is going crazy like this the real harassment gets diluted by bullshit claims.

>defending harassers because they target SJW

Fuck off faggot. The left devours it’s own. Let Hollywood and the journalism world burn, they deserve it. Consider that not ONE (1) person accused since this witch hunt started was actually innocent.

Booth Babes haven't been a thing for like over 10 years dude.

I saw some at comiccon a couple years back. E3 isn't even a real expo anymore and hasn't been for years.

Yeah but if he was attractive.



This is the same bitch who wrote the "too much water" ORAS review

What is happening? All “pervs” are being sorted out and replaced in many different industries right now

Not for the good part of like 7 years. Women were in arms that they were just objects to show off other objects, at least those who couldn't get a job as a booth babe were upset about it. As I said, there was a fallout and many babes went to social media to express their 'gratitude' to their fellow women.

>10 years
Fucking time, stop a moment.


delete this post. thanks.


why do these Femfucks do that?
shit slinging never proves a point and only makes their cause look worse.

>be autistic video game enthusiast with communication issues
>try to hit on a girl and compliment her
>lose job and get jailed for rape
3D. Not even once.

Sometimes I believe in karma. This is one of those times.

This, seriously. It's a red flag. Whenever I start to befriend a female online and she tells me she's majoring in Psychology, I save myself the trouble and end the relationship.

I just know better by now. They're all emotionally unstable losers and train-wrecks with a thin veneer of friendliness and intelligence.

Pervs have the audacity required to run businesses well. Numales and 5th wave xeminists do not.

they would ban them in comiccon if they could, but the association with cosplaying is why it doesn't happen

And at which point did this women tell him to stop?

Is that a problem? Less niggers and kikes, the better. We should use this to our advantage.

>Guys don't like skinny girls. You're perfect.



When has that ever been the case as far the media was concerned? Are you fucking 12?
