Everybody tell me to get a small SSD because bigger ones aren't worth it

>everybody tell me to get a small SSD because bigger ones aren't worth it
>decide to get a 250GB one
>install 3 games on it
>+ Windows installation it only leaves 30GB left

thanks Sup Forums

>not having a HDD for all the other crap

>not just uploading all your personal crap to the cloud to save space for your gaymes

>to the cloud


You're supposed to put data in a HDD retard, that's why they tell you to buy a smaller SSD just for the OS and a few things.

You do know everyone just loads their OS and daily programs, like AV and web browsers on their SSDs, and dumps all the other shit on multi-terabyte HDDs?

In general, SSDs are a fucking meme.

You put the OS and a few other basics that are constantly running in the background onto your SSD.

Then you have a regular HDD for everything else.

This means that your HDD only has to look for the game that's running, rather than constantly trying to juggle the OS, the game, and all the other bullshit at once.

SSD is only for windows/esencial programs/your main everyday game

You buy a 1 or 2tb HDD for everything else faggot

It must suck going through life with this low of an IQ. I'm sorry user, good luck.

why would you do that? ssds dont makes go faster they only makes l o a d faster. you only put 'important' games one them where you really wanna load fast.

500GB SSD with 2TB HDD masterrace reporting in

My pc only has a 250GB SSD and I get along just fine. I just uninstall the game after I finish it and install the next one.

>everybody tell me to get a small SSD because bigger ones aren't worth it
That's bullshit, 250GB models have usually way better prices than lower ones unless you're buying chinese crap

500 is the smallest you should go you fucking goddamn retard why would anyone even have to tell you not to get 250gb in this day and age

holy shit this place is full of morons

>Not having 2tb of ssd.
>having a hhd in your pc

Kids this days.

>not 1tb SSD with a 2tb SSHD and 4tb HDD

>the cloud
>giving your data to the jew

If all you're going to put in it is the OS and a few apps there's no reason to go beyond that, hell even a 120GB one would be enough since Windows 10 only takes like 14GB.

>having SSD at all
I got 8TB worth of HDDs, most of them full.

It isn't about the size, SSDs make your entire system snappier.

sounds like you're a storagelet

you get a small SSD and install operating system(s) on it

you get a large HDD and install software on it

fucking moron

>Coffee Lake
>980 Ti

>mfw i bought an ssd when i built my computer but i don't even know if i'm using it

i'm like 90% sure that local disk C is my fucking disk drive and D is my hard drive. if it turns out i'm a total fucking sperg how do i turn on my ssd

>implying the jew doesn't already have all the data he needs about you

It's a meme. I got one and feel ripped off.

right click the C drive and select properties and click the hardware tab, really people who don't know basic shit like this shouldn't be doing PC gaming.

getting 1080ti on black frigay

holy shit you absolute retard just look at the sizes. C is definitely your ssd

There won't be any sales on 1080Ti's. At most it will be like $10-$20 off. The only card that will get a sale is 1050Ti

I was going to do exactly this for a future PC build. How is it?

Are you retarded? You only put an OS on an SSD and everything else on an External.

Right click on "This PC", Manage / Disk Management.
If you see a SSD in black, right click and initiate it.

>every hardware thread
why is Sup Forums so fucking stupid when it comes to PCs? it's like a bunch of grannies here

We all know this is a pre-built. Nobody includes a fucking dvd drive when they build

The SSD is for your operating system and faster boot times. Don't put games on your SSD. You won't notice a loading speed for many games anyway. SSDs are better at loading small files quickly, not large files.

could have sworn it came with more storage than that

Wow, everyone in this thread is doing it wrong!

>why would you do that; actually I do that.

>I want to break my SSD by constantly writing to it

check your calendar pajeet, 250 GB isnt big any more

>no room for personal dox, store them on another man's computer

you guys make me sad.

Are you retarded? Open world and multiplayer games benefit from being on your SSD

>he forgot to enable depuplication and compression

ssds are not faster than a hdd with a rotational velicodensity factor of 2.3311.

Please don't insult my IQ level, it reaches the peak of the Bell Curve

>putting games on the SSD

I only keep tf2 on there and its like 8GB at most. You keeping games like GTAV or Nioh on there?

>256GB SSD
>320GB 8 year old WD HDD that still doesn't have any issues
>500 GB Seagate I yanked out of an old DVR

>Windows on SSD
>Documents and User Folder on 320
>Games on 1TB drive
>Downloads on 500GB
>Set up libraries so all my downloaded Music, Pictures, Anime, Movies, and etc are shared across all 3 hard disks

Then I use Link Shell Extension (gotta shill this thing, its great) to create symlinks between one of the HDDs and my SSD if my old i7 920 gets any stuttering when I'm playing a game.

>writing to ssd kills it

Nice meme.

You are too though

only put your "main" games there, when you start playing other games more just rotate the files to your bigger HDD.

the 980ti went on sale for $100 off on black friday at this point in its life cycle (2 years ago) so it's not unreasonable to think the 1080ti will

Open world garbage like GTAV actually benefit a lot from SSDs. You won't get that microstutter you get on an HDD.

Anyone who says SSD's don't improve load times are stone fuck retarded. Yes they cost more but unless you like waiting 30 seconds every load screen then they're essential kit.
HHD's are for storage, everything else should be on a SSD with about 20% overhead space.

Perfectly usable if you can into storage management.

nuh-uh I ain't

Not true, you want all the programs that you consistently use that have a high memory footprint to be on your SSD. Shit like Photoshop, Steam, your browser. Having a program's assets load fast cuts down on 90% of Window's hitching.

The real big-brain solution is if a game has lots of prerendered cutscenes, move them to another drive and symlink them.

>525gb cruicial SSD

Muh nigga

Crucial Solid State Drives? More like it's Crucial you get a Samsung before your data dies!

I mean, you don't buy them to improve game load times, you buy them so that programs don't hitch up half a second due to the biggest bottleneck on a modern computer.

Half the time people end up buying a new laptop because their laptop drive is fragmented, filled with errors, and low-RPM to begin with. THEN on top of that you have standard Windows crud + User stupidity.

have you seen some assists on games? Alot of them come in small little parts. unless you are look at textures.
wire meshes of assist in most cases are only a few KB its rare that a game would have all the wire meshes in one big container file

Faм, get a 1TB SSD. So hard.

I'm not going to bother reading the thread to see if this has already been posted, but:

1) Personal folders like images/music/downloads/movies, relocate them to an HDD
2) Have steam use your HDD as the primary drive, and your SSD as a secondary installation directory. You can move games between them.
3) Use Windows 10. It is significantly smaller than Windows 7.
4) Periodically clean out your temporary folders and empty your recycling bin. Tools like ccleaner can help you if you don't know what you're doing.

I've been doing all of the above for 5 years with a 120 gb ssd and still haven't run out of room.

i bought mine two weeks after i got the parts because i didnt know i'd need it for windows

Official budget master race is 250GB SSD/1TB HDD.

Although, for any fellow bongs in the thread, there's currently a really good 7200RPM 3TB Toshiba drive on Amazon for £70. £23/GB is bloody incredible.

modern games all use container files, even indie games

you don't, you can install windows using a usb flash drive

1. SSD for OS and software
2. HDD for gaymes, music and videos
3. HDD for carefully selected JAV collection

fun fun story time

>built my computer, didn't know why it didn't turn on
>i had windows 10 on a disk but I had no idea the case didn't come with a dvd drive
>wait 2 weeks for a dvd drive using my old pc
>dvd drive comes in, build computer, install windows, hallelujah
> i have no wifi card because i didn't know that's where a computer got the wifi, i thought it was inherent
>wait 2 more weeks for a wifi card
>pc is finally done, huzzah

then my pc was finally done. i did a really shitty job with the wires too, pic related is my pc

isnt a terabyte the norm

I know but i didn't know that at the time

>pc on the carpet

This really, my raid 0 hardware raid does better for games than ssd meme-ers. Am kinda jelly of their windows startup time cause mine is shit but eh.

>not just buying a 1tb ssd and never ussing an hdd again and if I do need more space I'll just get m.2 for maximum speed

nigga clean your shit, holy fuck

why is that bad? i dont want it on my desk for risk of falling, i've always kept it below the desk

>having regular ssd's and not a m.2

Plebs these days.

>windows 10

it's just a cap and label from a water bottle lol, my dog loves to tear them up

unless you mean the dust which comes every day

SSDs are too small and an expensive meme

Because of dust and dirt

The only downside is that dust and bugs will make it through in the end

Yeah nah man, most games use big clunky compacted files. It's why my raid 0 setup works better then the ssd folks for games, even though my startup time is shit.

How much "personal" data do you fuckin' have?

>430 gigs on C:


dust is unavoidable, i just give it low pressure air so as not to hurt anything delicate every 2 weeks or so, and clean the vents ofc


nigga I don't live in a barn, doubt anything could slip through the vents except the tiniest of spiders

uhhhh I got a couple hundred gigs of "personal data" that I've been collecting since I was 13. I'm 28 now.

You don't need to install games on a SSD. It only improves loading times, but if they are that bad it's probably a shit game anyway.

In all fairness most PC ports are shit.
I think the only last two PC games that worked on launch were max max and the tombraider remake

>I want to break my SSD by constantly writing to it

I wish I could break you by replying to this shitty post you god damn moron

>couple hundred gigs
>"personal data"
Oh so porn? even then
>couple hundred gigs
Do you go without internet often?

I had to start installing games there since I ran out of space on D, just need to get another SSD on black friday

get a small ssd for your os and software
get a bigger ssd for videa gaym's
get a fuckhuge hdd for downloads

you fucking faggot

>installing windows on the ssd

That "couple hundred gigs" is tempered by videos. New JAVs, ripped off the DVD, are an 8 gig download.
I think the longest I've been without internet since I was a baby was a month tops, my dad was a manchild geek so we had dial-up and then DSL as soon as it was available.

>have nothing but 120GB SSD and 500GB HDD
>have over a dozen games installed on SSD (not counting emulated console games), far more than anyone would want to play at the same time
>store game installers, music and porn collection, all my documents, etc. on hard drive with a couple hundred GBs to spare

maybe you just play shitty games OP

most new game releases consume 30-60gb each so a handful of games consume a whole drive

Video games are software

Every surface inside of your home is covered in insects too small for humans to see. This includes you.

you know what I mean, faggotto

>250GB drive

>implying we should give in to the botnet

If cockroaches can enter a ps4, then all types of bugs can enter your computer.