IGN: ''We have failed two of our female employees'''


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The fuck does that even mean?

they failed to impregnate them despite many attempts

Apparently another female just accused an IGN employee of sexual harassment.

good. let them all burn and turn on each other. that's what you get for hiring for diversity

you failed this city

Nice videogame

No wonder IGN is a barren wasteland.

thats all these soy boys know how to do

IGN needs to disband! its a company built on misogyny! if you really believe in women, then you have to disband the company. do it like you mean it.

I would shoot up IGN to Marilyn Manson.

Lmao this shit seems like out of a fantasy rpg where they failed to save the princess and the queen from getting raped by orcs.

Let’s stop pretending like “hey, nice tits lady” is traumatic or painful.
inappropriate, rude, and disgusting? Yes. Traumatic and life altering? Kill yourself

Accusation alone is enough to ruins someone's career; true or not.

Dangerous times we live in.

ITT: AIDS loving faggots spread their cancer about fucking non-video game related bullshit.

its happening within 5 years men will be slaves

>sexually harrassed the fat one
nu-males suck at this. Even Alanah is fair game.

Why is this happening so much now? Did all these women time this out to come out at the same exact time? How planned was all of this? Why is every single person being accused guilty and admitting to their guilt? It's so weird.

This is the new future now, piss off a woman and she'll cry rape


>never hire women
problem solved

They were the ones who wanted this timeline to exist, now they get to suffer for making it exist.

Its more welcoming environment now for victims to come out. Began with the #MeToo campaign and continues to balloon up. Its a good cleansing
this desu

For those not in-the-know.


Bitches crave attention and are now making mountains out of molehills to get some.

so far almost all the accusations have turned out to be true, though. And they probably should have their careers ruined for it. C'mon, Sup Forums, dont be so typically cynical about this.

all videogame journalist are soyboy male feminists so who gives a shit

It's the future Left-Liberals chose, a pit they dug for themselves.
>mfw a Republicunt candidate is accused of worse and Reps just went "innocent until proven guilty" and he seems to be winning the election

>Sup Forums
this has been Sup Forums for years now, time to give up on this board's culture.

It's far worse than that. Alleged WMDs in Iraq sent the world (mostly US) into 10s of billions of dollars of debt along with taking millions of lives and forever changing the demographics of Western Europe. Just recently the US president got accused of watching prostitutes pee and without any evidence became continually attacked for it to this day. "Science" itself is in a sorry state of affairs due to scientist fearful of becoming bigots for studying the wrong subject or using the scientific and medical terms for male and female.

Times are changing, and so we have to as well.

if you don't know why, kys again

Wow those bitches must've got raped to get an article like that.

I didn't know the nerds at IGN were such sexual predators.

Yeah, but women sjw cuck virtue signaling soy boy cultural marxism nu-male.

IGN is the only company bitch enough to issue a statement for an internal sexual harassment claim.

I'm confused, what did these two women do or not do?

Why the fuck are they making a public statement about this? This should be an internal memo! This wreaks of pr shit.


>he wasn't in-the-know

I am glad all this is happening, maybe men will smarten up and distance themselves from women, fucking idiots.

C-can y-y-you p-post evidence to s-support that claim user-kun?

>editor gets to be a perv
>shit HR enforcement
>gamers get the brunt of the force
bitch please

Despite all of this hysteria and people getting destroyed left and right no one is stopping to appreciate the dangerous and hysterical environment they've all created, truly listen and believe shit.

That Nick Robinson shit was absurd and i don't even like the guy, mutually flirting with a woman is enough to get you destroyed.

It's you
>muh /vee/ culture
fags who kept taking screenshots and posting it everywhere causing R*ddit to come and displace us. Now Sup Forums is filled to the brim with people who don't care about console specs or exclusives and just want to pretend postmodern-ironically that they hate things that exist and swap sides to attack-defend an argument poorly..

Hire them but put them all into another building and do video conferencing and email, or tell them to work from home.

All the Hollywood ones have turned out to be true because Hollywood is a shithole full of arrogant assholes who think they own the world. I'm skeptical about this new wave of "me too" shit going around now.

Don't let us step foot outside of the household

yeah, the accusation about sombody saying words and touching her arm.

>read one of the harassment claims
>it's literally just a guy who's saying she's not fat in response to her complaining about not being skinny and other friendly conversations

This shit is getting out of control and it's the women that should be suspect at this point.

#BelieveWomen #DestroyIGN

pls someone come out about Daemon Hatfield. pls daddy Kek pls

Why can women ruin entire lives just by saying they got "raped" when it was actually just excessive flirting?

It's incredible how many of these people being accused of this sorta shit are known leftists or leftist organisations.

Correct thinking. They're happier there anyway, no matter what they'll tell you.

>Women were kept in check in society for millennia
>suddenly a uprising in the western world
>everything goes to shit
Really makes you think

So what's the solution?

is this thread full of gays or something?

>All of us have been wounded deeply by this
Fuck off and die in a hole IGN.

>he didnt say hi to me first
>time to accuse him of sexual harassement

This is all basically true. I don't like leaving the house anyway.

See, if they were in the kitchen then they wouldn't have been sexually harassed by Vince.

kill all men

that last sentence in the screencap
i dont know if i should shed a tear from laughing or if i should clench my asshole

Story time from the future

>go shopping
>walk down an isle where some woman is currently in
>get accused of rape
>lose job
>face life in prison
>sentenced to public castration

How'd you feel if women at work wondered about your dick size aloud and tried to pull your pants down? Would you think it's just "excessive flirting"?


>Women wanting to see your dick
The only person that wouldn't like this is that one faggot that had to cover his eyes while playing yakuza.

>yfw these women doing this to all these major players are redpilled as fuck using the tools these beta fuckolds setup for them so now everything awful about the left can be dismantled, because right wing and conservatives just own their mistakes instead of blubbering, see: Trump got elected despite the pussy grabbing, because he doubled down on it

Inb5 Stephen Colbert hit with sexual misconduct charges :3

>Both the women said that the guy didn't actually touch them in any way
And who cares, you utter faggot? It's just some words.

I would welcome it.

But the middle east is a giant shithole too

This isn't about actual harassment receiving the proper punishment (it is), it's about claims of harassment being taken at face value. Guilty until proven innocent. Those are dangerous things.

I'll pay all the bills if you make sure dinner's ready and draw my bath.

so is the opposite, dude, and that is why so many rapes go unreported.

Sandniggers were a mistake in the first place so who gives a fuck

Would you just start showing your dick right there in the workplace in front of your boss?

Because leftist people when they "chase the female" do it in really seedy underhanded ways.

Leftists are the guys who sit on the friends ladder, and then when a chick passes out they sneak in and feel them up.

A macho "chauvinist" guy will just blatantly out in the open, coupled with his looks to match his ego, grab a chick that he's getting the vibe from and run with it.

He will double down, the chick can't use it to hurt him, because it can't possibly. His tactics were just.

It's the wierdos jerking infront of people, getting in showers with them unannounced, spiking their drinks....these people are beta leftists 99% of the time.

True doesn't equal not bullshit. some are doing it over petty stuff and it's obviously for attention.

When are all the homosexual exploitation/abuse accusations going to start coming out? Because that is just as common if not more so than females being "casting couched".

i will still hire women as maids in my future castle
who cares about rape accusations when you're an independent game dev?

I had girls do that to me in middle school, they told me to grow up and be a fucking man.

I'd probably wave it in front of her face as well.

An unreported rape unjustly destroys someone's life, but it can always be reported later to get said justice.

A false claim of rape unjustly destroys a life the same way, but it is infinitely harder to disprove and you will always be branded. There is also much less of a punishment for the false accusation.

If these companies don't hire women then they will bitch and complain about "equality" and how they're sexist. we just can't win.

The first part actually was true though. There's more to the "wmd" debacle than you know. You'd be surprised if you knew how I know this. And no I can't give any more details.

Not him, but the opposite of what? You mean innocent until proven guilty? Because that's the way the system was designed.

Also, while it may be true that rape is under reported, so is every other crime. This is a problem across the board in criminal justice, and there has been no credible proof that rape is disproportionate. Instead the movement seeks to do things such as shift the burden of proof in proving consent to the accused; an idea so shockingly against the public policy that has guided our legal system since its inception.

>many rapes go unreported

that's a lie unless you're talking about prison rape

>Roy Moore signed some random chicks yearbook and put down that he's the DA

Yeah, about as believable as this. John McCain raped my boipucci 2 years ago. He must be impeached now because I accused him. All accusers MUST be believed.

It's not so much a lie as it is misleading. It's an accepted truth in criminal justice that many crimes go unreported. It's just the nature of the system. However, when people use that line they are attempting to delineate rape under reporting from the general phenomenon to create the implication that it is disproportionate. This remains to be proven.

So the justice system is the blame and we should go back to the ways of salem witch trials?

Unless they fucking raped her, it’s not worth losing their career over.

Maxine Waters called me a white devil and raped me repeatedly for years.

yea, because they dont have a balance.
you NEED woman, let them wear whorish clothes, and gosip, let them have some freedom.
then you have the perfect utopia. you need a balance to make the perfect utopia. the u.s. are going to all the way to the other direction than iran, irak etcetc.

Dairy negatively affects your hormone levels more than soy. Stop the soyboy meme.

I'd rather do my own cooking.

Nobody is going to wanna hire women because they're too afraid of sexual harassment accusations.

I'm trying to wrap my head around what constitutes the destruction of someone's career. You have an entire team walking out because of what exactly? Someone said something happened an immediately only one side is put on this offensive on how to respond. Looking at the guy's twitter, it seems like something he did or said made someone uncomfortable, to which he reached out afterwards and apologized. But that's the thing...what? Was it a joke, was he too close? An advance? I don't know but what's scaring me at this point is what will come of all this in general because it seems that only one side is extremely subjected, severity or none.

Could this be the plan? Women are realizing that they are actually miserable when they work like men and would prefer to go back to the kitchen?

because "social justice" is literally just tactics invented by ugly virgins who can't get PUA techniques to work to try to get laid

it's literally all about manipulating females through deception and exploitation of emotional hysteria, and it just so happens that the current most common form of emotional hysteria is triggered (in a literal non-meme sense) by politics

so they just present themselves as "political saviors to females" and "living solutions to the political issues that females are distraught over" in attempt to make themselves seem like a viable option for females to find comfort in during moments of emotional distress based on their then-irrational impulse-based emotional-affected decision making

it's a very sophisticated, but almost invariably ineffective, form of manipulation and exploitation, which since it almost never works the only other option they have is physical force, which is why so many of them rape

The exact opposite. Nobody is going to hire men.