

shouldn't have lost

This is Sup Forums in a nutshell

chad vs virgin

You mean there are people who don't know this rule? It's basic arcade etiquette.

why home consoles are better the comic

that's literally how coin queues work

Cuntbag, the player has until the continue countdown and can choose if wants to go again from the start or not.

Then it's up to the player to get lost or not with the knowledge someone else is waiting in line.

fuck your etiquette what if that machine is the only game i like in the arcade?

I'd shove his fucking ass back out of the way and tell him to fuck off until I'm done. If you let someone do this shit to you, especially a stranger, then you're a little bitch.

I thought you put your token on the machine and not in the slot to signal you're in line.

If it's the only one one you like, you should beat the game and make that fucker wait for like an hour.

>tfw never had an arcade near me
I probably would have been confused like Ronnie if I was in that situation

It seems like a bad system to me but I guess I can imagine how it would come to be when arcades were popular

>Playing pool at local bar with a group of about 10 of us shooting the shit and taking turns
>Group of like three dudes walk up and put a single coin down
>We respond by putting twenty coins on the opposite side of the table
>They ask what that's about
>Explain that we're gonna be here all night, they may as well take the coin away

Why the fuck would putting a coin down mean they can just jump in if we're not done? Fuck that.

>All these underage retards who weren't even alive when arcades were a big thing.
Maybe try getting good if you didn't want to give up the machine.

one time i paid with a 10 dollar bill for 9.24 worth of groceries and there was a girl cashier. she didn't hand me any change back and i stood in front of her for five seconds waiting for change but she didn't acknowledge me and started helping the next customer behind me, so i walked away. it's always bothered me that i didn't ask her for my change and this was 5 years ago.

Learn to deal with confrontation, faggot.

This is why you're a social outcast.

>Empty arcade
Nah that's bullshit, go play a different machine. If there's only one of that machine take it up with the arcade owner.

Quarters are for fighting games.

he did put his quarter/token on the machine and not in the slot. The slots are generally knee/shin level

thats a pretty dick move unless there were 2+ other tables user


tfw too fat to be pushed out of the way :) :(

otherwise you'd have some faggot with 20 bucks hogging a machine

I play at arcades and never got this "I got next" shit happen to me.

prove it

Who the fuck buys $9 worth of groceries?

I thank him for the free continue

no im a social outcast cause i never shower and listen to music i like rather than what everyone says i should


At my local you have to deposit 10$ for cues since drunks steal everything, go with a bunch of mates and we always get the a drunk dude putting a coin down and try to tell us he has next game

>were usually nice and play them for a game or 2 if they are keen on playing for drinks but if they want the table we tell them to fuck off and just knock the coin off the table

That's because you're the only person at the arcade.

Imagine being at a waterpark, and one person just wants to continually slide down one slide, except instead of waiting in line, he cuts to the front and says, "Oh, sorry, I wanted to keep sliding."
That shit don't fly.

Sounds like you guys are real dickbags

I steal the quarter and shove it up my ass, but not before taking my finger and pulling out a shit nugget and placing it on the machine to signal that I'll be back later probably sometime and I shitpost on Sup Forums the rest of the day.

Tough shit. So long as the guy is actively playing the game he deserves to be playing it just as much as you do. Coin queues are great if there are multiple people in line, but the person playing the game at the current moment always has priority to keep playing until they beat it or give up.

This thread is a perfect example why Arcades are dead. You cant be a selfish dick head and expect to be part of a community.

It's clearly not a full load

I saw the kids do this in Wreck it Ralph and it was literally the first time I ever saw it happen.

Is it a millenial thing?

>press the coin release
>hand him back his quarter
He's not a child he can wait his turn, and if he is a child. Good life lesson.

I know the "ritual" from Street Fighter where people would put down their quarters to signal they want to challenge the winning player next.

For other games people would just get in line and then want to be up when your lifes run out. You don't get to hug the arcade for as long as you want.

You could then of course not be a sperg about it, talk it out instead of having a shocked look on your face, scramming away and making a comic on the internet about it, you can just ask the guy what's up


is Sup Forums a community?

This rule only developed during the DDR days and it only applied to DDR.

Anyone using it on another game or today at all needs to be shot.

I'm american so I would have assumed he was tipping me for my good plays and put the quarter in my pocket

It’s a ddr thing

Sup Forums

That's what she said

coin release only works in case of a jam. If there is no jam the coin will go all the way through adding however many credits the machine counts one coin as and end up in the bucket

did arcades even really exist with much popularity outside of america and japan?

>tfw reflecting on the fact that I could have bought the arcade cabinet with all the quarters I wasted playing the same games over and over

I would put the quarter in played, I'd just assum he gave me a quarter to play again because he's a cool guy.

that is the rudest "rule" for an arcade, never understood it. Even worse when someone directly puts his coins in the machine. Only social awkward shitheads do that.

It is like if someone in a put put their drink on your table saying it is theirs once you've finished drinking.

So what is it? I bet it's Game of Thrones.

Well in that case I'd just hand him another quarter and thank him for paying my next credit.

>Not just grabbing the quarter and using it to continue

>dad took me to arcade once
>older teen did this to me and pushed me
>dad punched him out

Naw, newfags here don't even like things any more.

*in a pub

>playing a fighting game by myself, trying to learn how to play it
>guy, without asking, goes on player two
>completely destroys me
>waste of 50 cents

This is literally how arcade etiquette has always been, and the fact Sup Forums doesn't know this just reveals how underage they are

This should only apply to competitive games. If I'm playing Metal Slug with a pocket full of change, your quarter means nothing to me!

git gud bro

didn't arcade cabinets cost $2,000-$3,000? That's a lot of quarters.


That's child abuse and endangerment and your father should have been thrown in jail for this.

uh, this is pretty constant for fighters


It was a different time.

Arcades fucking suck, such a waste of money.

I do remember seeing these things attached to fighting game cabs, to line up people waiting

>defending the arcade equivalent of breadlines
goddamn is communism ingrained in you modern kids?

Went out for dinner with my gf and her married friends. They admitted to watching anime, some decent ones and really casually said they watch all of it dubbed.



I'm pretty sure you don't just get to force the person in front of out of a line, the quarter thing was mostly just a "hey I'm next in line" kind of thing

I remember when Sup Forums tried, not like now that is just Sup Forums shitposting

How do you keep track of who put which coin?


I hate this. Teenagers are some of the biggest cunts and act like the biggest cunts to people, yet when they get treated like the adult they want to be treated as it's suddenly "B-BUT I'M A MINOR!"

I mean, at least at seventeen they should be allowed to get hit when they talk shit.

>the absolute state of modern society
No wonder we are living in the worst timeline.

Honor system.
People not being complete faggots.

Its not hard to understand.
If someone puts down a quarter and calls next and you die and dont continue, move the fuck over. If you wanna keep that current game going you still can as long as you make that countdown.

Because generally you sit there watching the person playing and you know where your coin is, plus you see the other people who put their coins up so you know what they look like too.

That isn't even remotely true. This one done in most games.

If only Metal Slug allowed two people to play at once

You do if the person on the arcade doesn't understand what having next means.

This comparison breaks down once you realize that other people can use the slide while that OG shitter is climbing back up the stairs to the top.

And what compels me to do so? Do you make rules for the arcade? Fuck off with your quarter and if you try to make move I'll brick ya mate.

Sup Forums never tried, you stupid fucking faggot. Stop crying Sup Forums whenever somebody makes you offended.

*stabs you in the ass*
Who's the lil bitch now, faggot?

It was a thing for fighting games long before DDR hit the arcades.

>waiting at hotel reception, in a queue.
>go up to the guy talking to the receptionist and push him out the way

you wait for him to be done on his own time and jump on when he leaves
pushy faggot are the fucking worst, ruin the experience.

Arcades are a minicommunity, people being faggots were not tolerated.

You remembered your place and if there was conflict, the group of people would vouch for who was in position to go next.

>Shitbag takes his slide
>Runs back to the top, and by the time he makes it back to the top, maybe 3 other people have gone.
>Cuts fucking everybody and slides down again
>Same people who went before him also run back as soon as they slide.
>Effectively a small group of about 5 people are now sliding until they want to stop


>You do if the person on the arcade doesn't understand what having next means.

>he doesn't live next to a comfy bar which has a Neo-Geo with 700+ free games
>all you gotta do is press a red button when the game asks for a coin
This place is as cool beans as it gets

>Is it a millenial thing?
Nope, existed before millenials were old enough for arcades

t. kid punched in face

thats a known rule of arcades, it also works like that if you want to play someone VS
you never ask for permission to VS someone, you just walk up at the machine and put the coin in


Sometimes you gotta be with drunks, fyi us being cunts is after they start on us trying to kick us off were pretty friendly if they are aswell, also were not pros so we still lose now and again for drinks to so were not easily taking money

>family wanted to play so played a few rounds of doubles, there kids wanted to have a game so for incentive to play well i put 20$ up just for them if they win

>treated like the adult
getting decked in the head for shoving someone isn't you getting treated like an adult. Pretty sure every time people say they're treating someone "like an adult" it's only another excuse for their actions or as a method to get their way.

>Sup Forums in charge of analogies
