What Star Wars games will you be playing over the next few months to distract you from the shitheap trashfire that's going on surrounding EA Battlefront II?
What Star Wars games will you be playing over the next few months to distract you from the shitheap trashfire that's...
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KOTOR2, there is nothing else interesting or that I haven't played.
Thrawn's Revenge.
None because it just makes me sad how far vidya and Star Wars has fallen.
No good vidya will ever come out of this franchise again. Especially with EA in charge.
i tried playing The Old Republic once but holy hell it had nothing to do with Star Wars other than dropping the terms sith and jedi around and occasionally swinging a lightsaber
also KOTOR is fucking boring beyond belief I dont know why anyone plays it ever
>space jesus
Space Gunslinger Jesus to be specific.
Jedi Jesus is the worst face
you are the worst face
Better than Jedi Jesus
at least he's not a nigger
Go back to sleep, Sion.
Go away Sup Forums we're trying to talk about video games
I think games will be better once a few things happen:
>AAA games continue to slow the fuck down and start to not be profitable on a yearly basis
>price for AA developement goes even further down
We're already seeing Japan come back after being away for a generation with the boom of 2007. I think the newcomers to gaming in 2007 are have begun to branch out into more diverse genres. Hopefully we see less "lol fuck weebshit" on this board too.
In general hopefully the early access shit will stabilize, Japanese devs will realize how profitable the west and especially PC is.
Honestly, I want the industry to re-learn how to balance mass market appeal with niche releases targeting specific demographics, kinda like how some japanese devs do. This can be helped by leveraging word of mouth instead of mass marketing.
>there will never be a star wars game featuring Jaina Solo
>he never made it past Telos 4 or Taris
I don't understand why Kreia hasn't been drudged up as a canon strong female character yet. She's literally perfect for it.
>Scrap whatever plans disney has for star wars TV series
>Adapt KOTOR 2 into a 13 part series with Sarah Kestelman reprising her role as Kreia. She's old enough
>Merge Bao Durr's soft spoken PTSD into the Exile
>Instead of exploring Kotor 1 events which would be INCREDIBLY CLICHE in a market where Disney's Star Wars is already cliche, center the series around The Exile coming to terms with their actions in the war, using flashbacks to show how they "fell"
>"You Were Afraid" scene is just Sarah Kestelman ranting at any politician or detatched moralizer that judges veterans based on their actions in a warzone, how today's polititians are so attached to their backers and the ideology they espouse that they can't view a regretful human unders any other lense.
Yeah, the gameplay connection between the force bonds and leveling up would need to be written around, but goddamn, I want more people to know about Kreia in at least some form.
I don't trust modern SW writers to handle portraying her as the same kind of villain she was in the games. They'd probably just write her into being 'dark jedi puppy-kicker' evil instead of 'everyone is just a pawn, being good is a waste of time' evil.
I don't trust them either, but a man can dream.
"Step away! She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. You will not harm her ever again."
I was thinking about getting this. I played a long time ago but the disc was too scratched( I was borrowing it) and never was able to finish.
I generally remember it being pretty good.
Does it feel too dated now?
No, the most you'd need would be the content restoration pack. But overall the game's fine.
I call it the Battlefront2-shitposting game
It's one of the finest western RPG experiences available. Only VTMB is as good.
I'll have to pick it up. I wish obsidian would just say fuck Star Wars and make a KOTOR esque sci-fi or fantasy game. It would be soooooo good.
because her philosophy encourages the notion of grey jedi and that is not lucas/disneys vision for jedi
Male exile or bust
Grey jedi is exactly what it looks like Disney has in mind for Jedi...
I clapped when I saw Darth Vader!
Battlefront II
the good one
Star Wars Rebellion. You know, the tabletop game? Way better than any Star Wars related product in a long, long time.
Male Exile is not canon and will never be.
If Disney brings back the Exile into the new canon, she will be female. :)
Jolee Bindo was the real O.G. Grey Jedi, Kreia was just a stuck-up crone.
KOTOR 3 developed by Obsidian with Frostbite engine when...
Sadly there's no SW game I'd like to play right now. I already played most of them.
The Star Wars mount and blade mod was pretty fun
This is the new The Old Republic to shitpost about, isn't it? TORtanic 2.0?
Jedi Jesus is the best option for the Exile. This is a simple fact. Also, being female involves the possibility of worst characters Atton and Bao-Dur hitting on you.
Is it true you can play through all the tOR "campaigns" without paying a dime? What are the most interesting campaigns? Can I play as a goody two shoes Sith?
I'll be playing through Jedi Outcast & Academy for the first time
I've owned them for about a decade now but never got around to playing them somehow but I think my butthole is dilated enough to give them a try
>worst characters Atton and Bao-Dur
Whatever happens in life I'll never be as retarded as you.
Daily reminder that KotOR 1 & 2 are completely non-canon for no good reason whatsoever.
>worst characters Atton and Bao-Dur
Sure, they're not as good as the girls but they're still great characters, and leagues better than the walking carpet or the retarded hoverdroid.
Also, aren't you forgetting Disciple?
>giving a shit about canon
This is literal autism. Why would you care at all?
Alright, I'll give you that one. Mical is definitely worse.
I want to cancel my preorder of NuBattlefront but honestly I need a new Star Wars game so bad, I can't fucking help it, and there are no other good new games for me to play instead
>get mod that fixes this mistake by allowing lesbian romances as god intended
>problem solved
FemExile x Handmaiden or FemExile x Visas are true love
We need our nameless namefag to come in here and expound on it but according to him Kreia wasn't advocating for the same kind of Grey Jedi most people think.
Kreia mostly wants you to be true to yourself and not be a hypocrit like the jedi. That if you lose the force you don't loose yourself, that you don't have to detach yourself from humanity and your passions to avoid the dark side.
Even at the very end, Kreia thanks you for your attempt to redeem her because you show that you can be good natured while not being afraid to act.
Someone like Jolee, while being much more amiable than Kreia, just resigned himself to being unable to change the order.
>You will never tease and bully Atris
>FemExile x Handmaiden or FemExile x Visas are true love
Best taste.
I could play KOTOR2 again since I fucked up making some of my party members into jedis last time.
Yeah, 1-50 is F2P, which is the main campaign for each class. 51-70 though you need to pay for one month of a sub and then you unlock it and the expansions forever.
Yeah, the game has it's dialogue options for light side and dark side, a la paragon and renegade in Mass Effect.
Also iirc the most well like campaigns are the Imperial Agent and the Jedi Knight, the rest being alright to shit.
Why exist?
You really should, teaching some characters is better than others but they all have at least something interesting. ~Listen.~
Who did you miss last time?
Playing this at the moment. Afterwards, I'm gonna get to work on Jedi Academy.
>never gonna get Atris so sexually frustrated she takes it out on her submissive handmaidens in an erotic BDSM orgy
Atton, Bao Dur and Mira
Technically, you can play all the original base stories yes. I would recommend subbing for a single month to make the game bareably to play however. Simple shit like hotbars are locked behind that paywall, and you'll get access to the rest of the stories even after your sub lapses.
They're all interesting, Mira is one of my favourite characters to turn into a Jedi.
A hint - most of Bao-Dur's Influence comes from events while exploring (mostly on Nar Shaddaa), and if you want to get the most out of Mira's dialogue you'll need to be able to pass Awareness checks of 15 or so, which is also the best way to get enough Influence with her after you already have some from other sources.
Good luck, user!
Was thinking of installing JA for Movie Battles 2.
Just for old times' sake.
I miss the Tyrone cashmoney streams ;_;
>Also, being female involves the possibility of worst characters Atton and Bao-Dur hitting on you.
>Bao-Dur hitting on you
Nigga what? You meant Disciple right?
I just wish KOTOR had more of an option for a gunslinging Jedi. There's basically no advantage whatsoever to having your character use a blaster instead of the lightsaber.
I wanna be a Kyle Katarn dammit
same as always, Empire at War with alternating mods.
"Because Jedi lie. And they manipulate. And every act of charity or kindness they do, you can drag it out squirming into the light and see it for what it is. The galaxy doesn't need Jedi arrogance or Jedi hypocrisy anymore."
Exile: "What do you mean?"
Atton: "At least the Sith are honest about what they're killing for. The Jedi are pacifists... except in times of war. They're teachers... except when it comes to telling their students the truth. And when they save you, it's only so you can suffer more."
Disney will never discuss the Sith and Jedi they way Kotor 2 did in pic related
>There's basically no advantage whatsoever to having your character use a blaster instead of the lightsaber.
You can hit people from far away
>tfw no single player game where I can become a powerful sith and lure cute pure female padawans to the dark side
oh I'm not the only one
Just play KOTOR2 where blasters are the superior option.
Did a jedi touched him as a child or what?
Empire at War forever makes me mad because it could have expanded on Galactic Battlegrounds and had full base-building and ground combat like a normal RTS and shit and all but instead they borked it
I cannot for the fucking life of me get into this game.
>space missions are fun as fuck
>basebuilding is fun as fuck
>ground combat is goddamn AIDS
Every single time, all that happens is I build up, get an army, then the enemy AI sends a single fucking vehicle careening through my soldiers Dukes of Hazard style, and I lose entire infantry squads to a single suicidal rover. And if I try to pull that shit with the enemy, somehow they always shoot it down before it gets to them or only sends soldiers one at a time at me.
He used to be a soldier in the Sith army, and found that he was very good at killing force users. One day, a Jedi got into his mind, and if I remember correctly, made him feel the pain of what he'd done. It scared the shit out of him and he killed her. He never managed to get over it.
A Jedi mindfucked him a bit while he was torturing her to death. Essentially she flooded him with love and sunshine and it really fucked him up. A big moment in his arc is convincing him whether it was genuine emotion said Jedi was letting him feel so he can let go of his past, or convincing him it was a douchy Jedi mind trick toying with his emotions in order to get him back on the Dark Side.
Fairly sure it was the opposite, the Jedi showed him her feelings and how she was at peace and forgave him, and that fucked him up good and proper.
Battlefront 2 (classic, 2005)
Here it is.
"He defected to Revan's side when the Jedi Knight became the Dark Lord of the Sith. While under Revan, he was put through intense combat training to make him an effective Jedi hunter, assigned the task of capturing Jedi so that Revan and his acolytes could attempt to convert them into loyal Sith. However, when a female Jedi prisoner revealed that he was Force-sensitive and that he would likely be subjected to such treatment himself, he went into hiding on Nar Shaddaa, the moon of the planet Nal Hutta."
>people already turning on the new trilogy
>people saying Rogue One is shit without having even seen it because le diversity is for le cucks XD
>every forum on the internet discussing star wars is full of doom and gloom and can't get over the fact that Disney owns the franchise now
I blame Red Letter Media for all of this. Ever since that stupid nitpicky 3 hour "review" of TPM every internet yokel and their dog is trash talking the franchise like they know the greater finesses of film and are outraged that their not in a fucking space opera with laser swords.
I just want to enjoy Star Wars again
Imperial agent and sith warrior we're so awesome.
Never played a pub storylines because I'm not republic scum
Yes you can play the main storylines for free
Yeah, you're right. Couldn't remember off the top of my head.
The only ones worth playing are Knight, Agent, and Warrior. Bounty Hunter sucks after the first chapeter. All the rest are boring.
you play EaW for the space battles you spergs.
just cheese the ground combat or auto resolve with huge death stacks.
If you rush vehicles, it gets easier
I want to enjoy Star Wars again too, dick, but a prerequisite of that is it actually being enjoyable.
People are shitting on 7 because it was a garbage film. Not because it was 'new' or nostalgia or wanting the old series, but because by its own merits, it was just a bad goddamn movie.
As for Rogue One, I'll agree with you; it wasn't anywhere near as shitty as Episode 7. It wasn't great, but it was by far by far one of the best 'star wars' things to be made in years, so I personally gave it a pass and enjoyed it for what it was and what it was trying to do.
KOTOR2 if Sup Forums tells me how to build Kreia, HK47 and HanHar
Lucas was autistic and spased out whenever someone suggested Jedi could have questionable morals.
Disney is ok with the idea grey jedi.
I want to lewd Mission
Haven't played Sins of a Galactic Empire in a while.
I recently replayed this, forgot how good it was, I also realized that the game is piss easy if you actually know how the mechanics work.
>Fuck yeah I can
God damnit these always get me.
I can see Mission's cameltoe!
This reminds me, i need to finish my thrawns revenge campaign.
new movie sucked. I went in expecting le forced diversity memmie, but Finn, the one i was worried about, was not a bad character, just useless. Rogue one was bad, not episode 7 bad, not bad.
also disney is cancer and ruins everything it touches.
also (You)
>Massively iconic Star Wars series
>Two entire games bursting with character and fantastic relateable companions
>Even a mediocre MMO with some decent side characters and writing
>Less than fucking 150 entries on Paheal
Why are we still here...
I don't blame them for disliking Rogue One, I blame them for disliking Rogue One and giving The Force Awakens a complete pass