Am I too forgiving to Resident Evil?
Comfy Resident Evil thread
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Both RE4 and REmake are "thank you God it's fucking perfect"
RE2 and CVX are "our God is an awesome God".
I would knock CV and 7 down a tier and move up Rev1 up a rank. Imo of course.
>RE3 and REmake as the best
CVX needs to be lower, RE0 higher and RE5 lower though.
shit taste kys
I play games for the gameplay.
I suppose this is true based soley on fun
Fantastic. Thank you, user.
Why are you even in this thread?
3 > 2?
Yeah I don't have an emotional attachment to Resident Evil so I really liked Resident Evil 6 for its gameplay/coop/survival mode and stuff. I actually have 94 hours on it. I actually own Revelations I just haven't got around to it yet. Because I like video games?
There's an argument to be made.
REmake is still the best Re game, in my opinion. It's easily one of my favorite games, and might be the all time best survival horror game from a pure mechanical standpoint alone.
Holy shit nigger, if you play games for the gameplay you played the wrong games in this series, aside from RE4.
>playing CVX which has by far the worst gameplay in the series
>playing RE1 and RE2 which have aged badly in comparison to other classic era RE in terms of gameplay
You want fun RE games for the gameplay? I will give you the holy trinity of RE gameplay games.
Outbreak (both of them actually)
Play all three right now, you wont be disappointed.
RE2, CVX and the like are gayshit for storyfags.
I like you very very much.
The "i'm an old nigger who doesn't even play video games anymore" starter pack
>comfy re thread
Thank you for calling me with your words and images
There's nothing wrong with having fun.
I'd drop RE2 a bit and raise RE1 up. Or put 3 at the same level as 2 and 1 a level below.
Also, why the hate for CV? Everything else is right though
Deadly Silence was pretty good, wasn't it.
Jesus christ these are some high tier opinions. They rarely get more correct than this. I'd say the only flaw is that Outbreak is way too low. Aside from this, AAA opinions mate.
I only put Outbreak low because of long loading times. If it get a rerelease with online support and proper single player, it'll probably be put up a bit from what I've heard
>tfw REmake for PC never got 4K assets and can't even run at 4K
good taste
Too lazy to do it atm. But from my favorite to least. This isn't a best to worst btw.
2 > REmake > 4 > 3 > CV > 1 > REv2 > 0 > 6=7 > 5
Convince me why I should buy REmake