Name 1 good EA game from the last 7 years that wasnt a yearly rehash

Name 1 good EA game from the last 7 years that wasnt a yearly rehash.

EA pulled support from SEGA helping to kill the Dreamcast.

In 2017 nobody with a brain gives a shit about EA.

Nintendo console. Only games that matter are Nintendo games and maybe some sort of Square Enix exclusive RPG.


>How do you feel that EA will never ever support Nintendo again?
As a Nintendo fan? Glad.

Pretty much this i haven't bought an EA game since Battlefield 3 which was shit mind you. You switch owners aren't missing out on anything.

Yeah because Nintendo sure needed EA with the DS and the Wii. It doesn't matter anyway, they'll come crawling back with their shitty sports game ports when the Switch keeps selling.

>ITT nintenbros pretend they hate EA

Good. Fuck EA.

embarrassing. everything about it.

>How do you feel that EA will never ever support Nintendo again?
EA are literally the worst publisher out there and have openly admitted they don't care about making gaming experiences, they just want to make 'services' - i.e. a carefully contstructed cynical product designed solely to fleece consumers using microtransactions, loot boxes or whatever other devious shit they can get away with.

I don't want them any where fucking near a Nintendo console.

Does EA have a single good franchise anymore? Even Ubisoft makes a few good games every now and then.

Holy fucking shit, they bombed imgur with EA shit, check the main page of the site

>nintenbros will never experience large scale battles that battlefield offers



This is like christmas

So EA is outright letting EVERY OTHER COMPANY take their place? Well this will be interesting, especially if activison jumps on board.

are people really sucking EA's dick just to shit on Nintendo?

Nintendo is a far worse company than EA you stupid cuck.


Welcome to Sup Forums

>ITT Sonybros pretend anybody likes EA

nintendo blocking third parties from adding microstransactions to games on their system is welcome

>horrible gutted port
>sells anyway
>decides NOT to make anything else for it

I thought EA liked free money.

>No more EA

Good, I don't want their lootcrate bullshit spreading to the Switch.

Name some good EA games.

Indifferent. I don't buy EA games, regardless if it's for my Switch, PC, or PS4.

i guess nintendo is not ready for full frontal microtransaction/lootboxing of their games so EA is not interested to publish on their hardware.

not that nintendo is not looking into it, they are just too slow for the greed machine that is EA.

>Nintendo console doesn't have to deal with lootbox simulators shitting up it's library

Yet another reason Switch is the best console

>neat hybrid system that can coexist with PS4/Sony
>outselling Microsoft soon
>no EA support
Whats the issue here?