Now hang on just a minute!

Now hang on just a minute!

I wish Ruby was my girlfriend. I just want to throw her onto the kitchen table and just ram her.

Just post the porn and let the thread die

I liked jlullaby's comic of her.

Will she have a Japanese voice in CTB?

Who's best girl and why is it Yang Xiao Long?

yang confirmed

Punching shit and getting angry are the best traits in any character

big berry

RWBY is _an anime


Best girls / ship.
Yang's fucking cool and sexy but not best.

After she's done getting a train run on her

Yes, dual audio for Rwby. Probably not for anyone else though.


Hey now. That's not canon.

Will /ourdad/ be playable just to astral the girls Sup Forums?


Nah if a puppeteer makes it in Carl is more likely. Fuck Carl though

I wish I could learn more about the character but it's already been ruined for me by a certified autist who spammed her almost everyday they could after the announcement in the new Blazblue game. And the thread the spam was taking place in was little better, it was actually worse, I'm pretty sure the one posting Ruby is one of the regular posters there. It's not like I couldn't see it so I swear they go out of their way to ruin stuff for me before a game comes out by tastelessly spamming it.

>5 pages, starting in July
God what a pathetic piece of shit. What puts someone in this position that they have nothing better to do than the post every night the same thing with a bunch of other miserable people?

Check out the general on Sup Forums, there are people really crazy about this mediocre show.
Just don't stay too long or you'll lured in by the top tier numerous waifus.

Where else are people going to talk about RWBY? Sup Forumsmbler. Dude, Sup Forums is the best place for talking about shit that would devolve into trash generals on any other board. Fire Emblem threads are half as cancerous as the General on /vg/