So what you guys;

Post screenshots of characters.

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Playing EVE and a cataclysm private WoW server. Wormhole living and null griefing in the former, trying to pick a warlock specc in the latter

waiting for muh classic WoW

Playing Lotro after few years break. The servers are still crap.

What server you playing on?
I currently play it on a regular basis alongside ESO and have played it for near 9 years now. Unfortunetly with the change in publisher the company has started to turn P2W at end game level which sucks.

Currently grinding all my jobs to 50 in ffxiv in case they fix command squadron missions in the future

What game is that?

Stopped playing eso because animation canceling/weaving cancer. I had whole rotation on a macro, even basic attacks. Not fun at all, without macros it was rhythm mini game. Single player part of the game was better than in any other mmo.


playing eso casually til wow classic

thinking about levelling a NIN while I wait for my buddy to catch up in the MSQ. Seems fun, and I have SAM at 70, might as well go full weeb.

Is his warhammer online?

>50 shades of dunmer

>is this warhammer online

i should probably do this

Elder Scrolls Online
PvP is pretty fucking stellar albeit easy.

back to /eog/ with you tsmoov

Man, I loved the shit out of TERA for so long. They kept on adding new classes that did so much more than the older classes, with half of the necessary skills; it kind of ruined it eventually for me. Reaper most of all.

How is it now? I played Archer, along with my friends who were a really good Serker and Sorc; but the punishment for a mistake felt so much heavier on an old class than a newer one.

Also how's CS? I left after they made that huge adjustment which made no one die.

>not posting best mmo
Most of your mmo are dead compare to this masterpiece

I want bless to come out for the cute cats. The game itself doesn't look that revolutionary but I really like these cats. The game looks alright I guess.

EVE is fun though..

ARPG in space.

ESO all the way.

CP 400/30 real life days total play time and I've barely scratched the game.

Yeah my champion rank is rising so hard but i've only done Vet Dungeons, PvP and normal dungeons as well as pledges and the main story / fights guild questline.
That's literally it and i don't know where to go next.

>best mmo
Hello Mike

>not liking best mount

I wanna get into an MMO with PVP. No P2W bullshit. I don't mind if there's a sub fee but I'd rather not spend 50 euros on a copy or something. Any suggestions?

There's literally a bazillion questlines you can choose to follow in ESO. Quests are EVERYWHERE as soon as you start walking out of a shrine if you've never been to that area before. Just ride around down the path and you should stumble upon a quest or five.


wasting your time in that game user

>Albion online
>it's like runescape fancy like
>can't get into it

I like the idea of MMOs, but i absolutely hate subscription models.

What's a good "one time purchase" MMO?

I mean outside of quests (which i love doing ESO is the only game where i enjoy questing and crafting which is really strange for me since i'm end-game pvp / raid player).

I'm struggling on what to do now i'm nearing cr 260. I can do all Veteran (most dlc ones too) on my toons but i'm not sure if raiding is worth it for trials.

>not playing the renowed Golden age of Dofus and having a shit ton of fun

Plus it's one of the cheapest mmo's out there, the paywall is literally just to keep underages away enough, and it has years of content for long term play.

I have it. Is it fun to play alone?

ESO, there's an entire map for PVP called Cyrodil.

Both of these are ESO.
Hate to jump on the bandwagon for it but once you buy the game it's F2P (except DLCs).

If you pay the 'sub amount a month' you get all DLC content (except Morrowind) free of charge and gain xp boosts (for leveling) and an endless crafting bags and points for the in-game store (which from what i've seen isn't P2W at all).

I tend to mainly solo but my advice is if you're fresh to read up on some guilds and builds. Alot of times (like in most open PvP MMOs) you'll have a group of people that form a pug raid to take keeps and you'll have the 'trains' of people soloing but moving together.

Plenty of dueling and 1v1 fights that take place both in and out of PvP and you can survive and jump people as well by waiting in stealth if that's your thing for soloing.

>All the best-looking MMOs are PvP focused
>I just want a game with raids that have fun mechanics and challenges like Destiny

Pic related, a friend got me to try BDO but it's all PvP and literal farming. Not fun farming, but selling corn and lettuce and shit.

Ha Ha! hey that's a cool lookin mount skin! I think I'll buy it!
>spends 400 gems ($5 USD)
Nope didnt get it
>spends another 400 gems
Lol maybe the next one
>spends another 400 gems
Woh not in this one either
>spends another 400 gems
Aw man
>spends another 400 gems
>spends another 400 gems
oh well better luck next time!
>spends another 400 gems
Aw shucks
>spends another 400 gems
cmon lady luck!
>spends another 400 gems
wow today just aint my lucky day
>spends another 400 gems
aw poop!
>spends another 400 gems
guess not

and so on...

ES freaking O.

It barely cost me anything, it's been in Humble Monthly before and it's truly a great MMO worth the one time cost. Gold Edition gives me all the DLC I need in terms of mechanics.

I bought Morrowind for half price.

For around $30 for base game, dlcs (gold edition) and morrowind (another $30) , I've been playing it for a year now.

Can't justify WoW and the outdated sub model it has now.

Does ESO get better if you play it people? I played it till around level 10 a couple of weeks ago and it felt pretty boring. I joined /tesog/'s guild but everyone in there is at level cap and I'm a lonely NEET with no friends.

Is there any chance of enjoyment here?

There's only one major dlc, right? I'm fine with just buying the Morrowind+Tamriel package?

>being this poor to buy mounts

I'm also a NEET with no money or friends.
Perhaps i can help.

Is there decent private servers for this shit or is it f2p yet?

It feels boring because you're in the tutorial zone. Just like with every other game.
If you type in /zone chat and ask for a guild invite for an active CASUAL friendly guild, you should have a much better time.

I've actually been playing it as a single player game so far and greatly enjoy it just for the questing.
World/mini bosses that are in the open give me the socialisation aspect that I need.

I think that's why I enjoy mmos so much, they have aspects of single player/multi player and have a mechanic out there for everyone to enjoy whether it's trading, running a guild, soloing, leader boards, etc, etc.

>If you pay the 'sub amount a month' you get all DLC content (except Morrowind) free of charge
There is a sale for the "The Elder Scrolls Online - Morrowind Standard Edition" on DLgamer for $20. It says it comes with Tamriel Unlimited, is that pretty much everything? I might buy it if that is all the xpacks and shit needed to play.

One Expansion - Morrowind. If you buy Morrowind, you get the base game included without the DLCs. If you pick it up on g2A, it's half price.

But I highly recommend buying the story DLCs (Dark Brotherhood, Thieve's Guild and Orsinium) because they're super fun and give a tonne of extra content. DB and TG also unlock better NPC killing/thieving mechanics.

I was playing Wafku but I'm retarded and can't complete that mission.

I only got steam wallet funds because all those other online stores won't accept my currency so i depend on big sales.

Tamerial Ulimited is the base game, yep. You don't get the DLC zones though. You can either buy the DLC zones through the online cash shop or buy the monthly sub (but you don't get morrowind in the sub).
I just recommend buying the Gold Edition to unlock all the major DLC.

It's f2p, yes, but while you can explore any zone in the base game, they charge you TP for the quests in some of the zones outside of the starter ones. You can get TP with in-game achievements, but it'd be a grind

>over 1000 hours in LOTRO
>still not level 50
Jesus fucking Christ I need to pull my thumb out

Wait so the Gold edition has
>Base game
>4 dlc zones
>$41 ($27 on g2a)
While that Morrowind Standard edition has
>Base game
>morrowind expansion
Wouldn't I still have to buy Morrowind for like $20 if I got the gold edition?

What the fuck have you been doing?
You don't start proper end game content till lvl 50 and that's outdated and not scaled.

Alright I need an MMO after getting bored of XIV. What are some generally considered fun classes in TESO?

Yep. But it's worth it desu because Morrowind comes with a lot of extra stuff which is why it's called an Expansion and not a DLC. Although I think that if you're just dipping your toes into the game, just get the base game to see if you like the mechanics. If you even remotely like the game past 15 hours, buy the DLCs. It's not a question of if, but when.

When I take a break from a game, I feel uncomfortable starting from a previous save, so I start again, even if the break was only a couple of weeks long
That and roleplaying

What even are the zones? Honestly I'd be buying it for the PVP, so would I just get morrowind standard? Would I be missing out on like certain battleground/arena type shit?

I'm a fan of Sorc because DPS and daedric pets. One of the very best things about eso is that you can be any class and use any weapon in the game. Classes have three unique skill lines but weapon, world and guild skill lines are unlockable for all.
It won't be optimal, if you're a Sorc running a One Head and Shield but you can.

holy shit i actually get to share this

Depends what you're after.

Dragonknight is great for Tanking/DPS and survivability. Pretty much a one man army. Also heavy on DoTs.
Templars are all round but excel in healing.
Nightblades are burst dps (think Rouge from WoW) and DoTs
Sorceres are all rounded and can do all 3 jobs as well. Also they have pets.
Warden is the most OP (since it's the newest) but i havne't played it.

I can go into more detail but there are plenty of guides.

Fair play. As someone who has and still plays LOTRO i find the questing to be tedious since it's the same areas over and over again. Despite that it is comfy as hell so if you're an RP player i can understand why you like it.


Black desert online, its $10 for the game.

If you're doing PVP, I'd recommend starting off with Imperial City DLC because that one is the most important DLC for doing group PVP.

>have to buy DLC to have fun in pvp


this reminds me of rift

i'll pass.


fuck me so i'm going to have to get gold then buy morrowind?

Black desert online, probably the best in the market currently, especially for the price.

Is there anything fun like Kritika and Vindictus but not boring and has a good playerbase and not p2w?

PVP: You should buy Imperial DLC.
PVE: Base game is okay. Base games gives you hundreds of hours, with dlcs and expac, a thousand.

But to be honest, you need the dlcs and new zones to be competitive at the toppest tiers but that's with every mmo. Every new expac/dlc brings new character points, new craftable sets, etc etc. Like with WoW, GW2, FF.

I'm not the same user but ignore that guy, he's thinking of an 'end game 100+ hour perspective'.
When you start normal PvP is the biggest set, imperial city DLC is for the hardcore PvP, which you won't get into until much later. I think what he meant was once you've gotten good at the game that's the first DLC you'll want to get. Bear in mind it's free with a subscription too.


>probably the best in the market currently

ESO would unironically be one of the best themepark MMOs in a long time if it actually had an endgame.

why do you have to go and lie to people senpai

Kama part 2 tommorow, get hyped.

That horrid, over zealous UI.
This just looks horrible. The simpler you can make it the better.

Black Desert would be good if it wasn't for the Korean skinner box Jew shit. One of the worst MMOs on the market due to it's F2P elements. They also treat the western fanbase like ass and exclude events and EXP promos.

>BDO is only 10 dollars

dont fall for this meme

Probably the biggest disappointment I've ever had. It's a korean grinder that masqurades as a sandbox. Shit's shameless.

Finally farmed this set, one of the few really good ranged sets that also fit MCH and Elezen pretty well.

This, regards bdo veteran.
One should treat bdo like a korean f2p.



>TEST Keepstar

BDO sucks fucking ass and even shit like WoW or FFXIV is miles and miles ahead.

Just because you don't have self-control doesn't mean anything.

>miles and miles ahead
>tab target

Jokes on you I click target

Playing Runescape atm. The good one, not the nostalgiafag hipster bait.

Even the koreans abandoned BDO within weeks, you're pathetic.

Because they couldn't pay to win hard enough.
They seriously have issues over there.

Finishing up leveling my gatherers in ffxiv

I've never played it but it's a shame what happened to the /vg/ threads.

I wish :(

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one from Sup Forums playing Spiral Knights.

thats old as fuck

I played it to get the hat in tf2 like 8 years ago and logged off.

It's also fun as fuck. Some of the best combat in an MMO I've ever played.

Why can't FF14 just have a pay once thing? I hate monthly subs

You are, it's a ded game

Pretty sure you're the only one playing Spiral Knights.

Whats the closest MMO to Tera right now.


>Waiting for
Anything new