Which do you pick, Sup Forums?
They have the same mana cost and cooldown time, by the way
Which do you pick, Sup Forums?
regen, always
>200 health now
>or 200 health later
Now obviously, why would I pick anything else?
Depends on the situation in all honesty. Regen is by far the better choice for resource management, but can fall behind if DPS > Regen. I'm a regen-man myself, but I won't neglect, "Cure," as an option.
Without knowing the cooldown time the only choice is cure.
I was wondering this, but there are advantages to the regen. For instance, if you aren't already 200 hp down, the cure is wasted. Imagine entering a fight and being able to proc the regen early to begin the 10 seconds of heal. It makes sense if there's some sort of silence/anti-casting effect that the enemy is going to cast on you after the fight has already started.
Given that they heal the same amount and cost the same mana, I can’t think of a single hypothetical scenario where regen would be better.
It doesn’t cost you any more than the regen would, as stated in the OP.
Cure, if they have a cooldown smaller than 10 seconds.
Regen otherwise.
regen is worse in most circumstances
>fall below 200 HP
>cast cure, get healed
>cast regen, have to make a concentrated effort to keep avoiding damage since one bad hit (or crit) could send you into the negatives
>cast regen when you only take 100 dmg, have to take 100 more dmg or it's wasted mana
In this case a regular cure, 10 seconds isn't really a lot of time to make use of regen, unless the enemy attacks many times within only 10 seconds.
Cure. My desire to constantly play overly offensive destruction mages tends to leave me very little HP to regen. I appreciate the use of regen.
You cast it preemptively when you know you will take damage do you don't have to stand still while wounded. Also can be used at max hp to negate small unavoidable damage like poison.
Instant heal is best when the damage over time surpasses the healing over time.
Regen only makes sense in a case where you are taking constant chip damage and want to keep your life as topped off as possible for any possible situation between big hits. I'd choose cure because it is much less situational.
Having a low HP pool is exactly why you would want to have Regen over Cure. If you only have 80 health, why would you want to heal 200hp instead of healing 20hp/s?
You have a chance to get full value out of the regen because you can take more damage over the course of 10 seconds. If you aren't already at the MOMENT of casting Cure at least 200 in the hole, then it is "wasted". I understand what you're saying, I just feel like there are a lot of situations that regen is at least worth considering in.
Cure for toe to toe fighters, Regen for when behind 100 skeletons.
Because instead of being fully healed after a few seconds you would be fully healed instantly, retard
Regen would give you a health buffer, idiot.
if you have low HP to begin with a buffer won't help much at all, you'd want a shield/overheal, not a HoT when you could get 2shot.
Assuming that Cure doesn't overheal, it would be useless
more useful than a HoT unless you get 2shot for ~50%, that's the only time the HoT is useful.
>lose 70%
>get fully healed
is far bettter than
>lose 70%
>heal to 50%
>still die anyways
regen on tanks
cure on damage
>have 2 health
>big monster that does 40 damage coming