Does anyone have any extra shiny Silvally codes from gamestop? I completely forgot and missed the end of the offer...

Does anyone have any extra shiny Silvally codes from gamestop? I completely forgot and missed the end of the offer. (It ends today and I can't make it to a store in time)

Why not just hack your 3DS and PkHex an identical one?

Are you underaged?

If you tell the truth i'll give you a code.

sent ;)

Walk behind your Gamestop tomorrow and take a peak in the dumpster.

just gen it in, nerd

sent ;)



Silvally is god awful anyway, don't know why people are hyped for this shit.

Go in and ask anyway. I've gotten tons of cards the day or two after.

>Slap a eviolite on a Type:Null
>Get better results
Wtf gamefreak

It's a Shiny, an alternate color, that, in-game, though I've never caught, has an incredibly-rare chance of appearing which is only boosted with an item obtained by completing the Pokedex (usually National Dex)

Unrelated but how was the I choose you movie?

just ask tomorrow they'll still have it

Just injekt faggot

There were some giveaway threads on /vp/ earlier
If you want it that badly, just go in tomorrow and ask if they still have any left

>Gift pokemons are always level 100
>Unbreedable and god awful IVs
>Unusable for a majority of the game until you get all badges
Literally what is the point

>>Unbreedable and god awful IVs

Sivally has 3 perfect I.V's and if it comes at level 100 so it can be immidately hyper trained.

silvally is unusable anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Very fair point

No I'm not underaged. I just don't drive. And Gamestop is a 45 minute drive away. I walk wherever I need to go, groceries and what not. Gamestop I have to hitch a ride and none of my friends are available.

I have a horrible phobia of driving. I just freeze up behind the wheel. I lost a friend in highschool and a friend in college and two uncles in car accidents.

Please anyone who is willing to send me a code, e-mail it to me... Likely someone faster than me will take it if you just post it here.

Silvally is one of my favorites alongside Gyarados, and Mimikyu.

I wouldn't care if it was say a shiny Zapdos. I just want it because I love Silvally.

Here's my e-mail.

[email protected]

Please someone send me a code instead of posting it here. I will forever be grateful.

gotta catch them all gotta chatch them all

put up a level 5 slowpoke asking for a level 100 silvally on GTS

Just go to /vp/ and learn to inject it there

I want a silvally too...

Anyone got an extra

E-mail me if so,

[email protected]

Most event Pokemon have at least 3 good IVs now


Friend gave me an extra

Code already used... can you someone send one to my e-mail

[email protected]

[email protected]

create a throw away e-mail if you like. People beat me to the punch on the ones poster here.


Posting again in hope for an extra.

[email protected]

Do you guys think Gen 8 will be Alola again, Kanto again, or completely new Dex?

Alola most likely. To be frank Kanto is kind of a boring region.

Hate to be an ass but did you type it in right? I don't see it...

[email protected]

Between Lillie and the new movie, I'd say Kanto again, because they want people to be as comfortable as possible while they change up the gameplay/transition to the Switch instead of being on portables.

I hate shit like this, its one of the main reasons I no longer play pokemon outside of older ones on emulators


sent ;)

I'll trade everybody who wants a shiny Silvally one right now. Just hop on USUM and trade with me.

I work right next door to a Shitstop so you can take one of the extras I got. First come first serve because fuck you fag