>Sup Forums is too new to remember Five Nights at Freddys threads
Which was your favorite?
>Sup Forums is too new to remember Five Nights at Freddys threads
Which was your favorite?
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Early fnaf threads were so fucking cozy.
I remember when the first game had just come out and the popular theory was that the animatronics were being controlled by a rogue AI in a post apocalyptic future. Honestly I liked that more than what we ended up getting.
I remember people trying to say the "bite of 87" was actually in reference to the year 2087
I don't think I've ever seen Sup Forums go from loving a game to hating it so fast. it was like what, three or four days?
classic example of an e-celeb killing a game
depends what you consider the start of the loving to the start of the hating. Its mostly grey area but I'd say it was a month of good threads at the VERY most
This It was about a month for the first one. If I remember right it came out in October and was a small game until some tertiary YouTubers picked it up and it exploded and the memes got too shitty to be worthwhile
It was fun while it lasted
the whole series has an amazing aesthetic. I stick around and play each installment just for the visuals alone
>five night at freddys
fuck off kids
Fucking kids fuck off.
>Being so new that you weren't even around during 2014
>FNAF came out in 2014
I remember seeing the trailer for the first game about two days before it came out. I had no idea the gameplay was just restricted to a static screen that required clicking a few buttons to avoid a loud jump scare.
I was pretty hyped over it. That prerendered 3d graphic vibe was nostalgic and horrifying at the same time.
The other trailers haven't come close.
I really like big mashups of a bunch of characters in something fun, like smash bros. That made me one of the few people to actually like fnaf world even though now it's just a joke
It was good, then popularity killed it.
The Sister Location trailer literally blows it out of the water.
In fact, Sister Location in general blows much of the franchise out of the water
>Caring about any of this tripe
Its fun though. The OP was right, fnaf speculation threads were some of the best I had been part of on Sup Forums, Admitedly though that image is probably from after Sup Forums started to hate fnaf
>t. it was like what, three or four days?
Fun and full of theory craft and figuring ways to sleep at night after playing the game. Shit like /vg/ general existing and the fandom that came from the Lets Play brought that to a hate in a few mere days.
>he thinks being a 12 year old posting about literal childrens game from 2014 makes him an oldfag
Springtrap is legit the scariest animatronic in the series.
Like fuck.
>Newfags shitting on other newfags acting like oldfags who call newfags newfags
I summed up half the thread for you.
shut the fuck up newfag
Sister Location was great in its own way.
Like, Scott tried to make it very AAA-like with the handholding and it is entertaining.
Post >YFW you first saw Foxy run down that hallway
I think so too. Especially when we know who it is and the fact it follows children's laughter.
The only good ones are 1 and 4, with 1 being the favorite just because of how genius the design is and how original it was.
The other games are just shit gameplay-wise and are tainted by over the top tryhard designs and lore that just gets dumber and less believable the more is explained. They come off as unrestrained fangames that try way too hard to do better than the original.
Even 4 explains too much with the minigames but it's actually exciting to play unlike 2 and 3 so I can tolerate them.
Didn't bother with 5.
I want to fucking strangle you over the internet. Seriously fucking stop breathing and do the world a service.
>Hey wanna see my face come off?
and then SL came out...
I closed the door on accident before checking the hall, best mistake I ever made.
>less over the top and tryhard than 2, 3, or SL
I liked the first one
2nd was ok, but really irritating
Too scared to play the 4th one
Didn't touch 2 or 5
Sister Location is pretty good imo.
and undertale came out in 2015
Pretty hypocritical to say I like them, but the designs in 4 worked considering they were literal nightmares
they got turned into being real figments of the child's imagination because it's implied that 4 is an experiment
>it's implied that 4 is an experiment
Oh man you are so far behind. That shit was debunked forever ago.
I hate to shill Matpatt, but his most recent 2 videos actually stitch the timeline together really well. I suggest watching them
The series had a promising start but dived down faster than any horror franchise has in recent memory
It all started with Scott turning the animatronics into good guys.
>Early fnaf threads were so fucking cozy.
It went to shit in 1 day and 90% of it was furry porn. Shut up.
Matpatt usually talks out of his ass but this last one it actually feels logical it was an actually good video 2300 calle i think he got help from Scott, just to throw a bone to people
All he really got right was that William is Springtrap (which is an objectively correct decision from a narrative perspective, the only question about it was whether Scott was ) and that there were two Bites. Everything else was unconfirmed and/or retarded.
The idea that Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith were supposed to be an autistic Australian serial killer's zombie skinwalker son all along is retarded. And so is the idea of a character with zero lines and story relevance being the main bad guy's wife.
So what the fuck is Scott doing nowadays? Managing the movie shit? Planning on retiring due to all the bank he made on FNAF? Polishing the gameplay of a Desolate Hope sequel?
So now that the creator said that GT got it mostly right will he finally stop obsessing over it?
Also if Pewdie ever asked the FnaF dude should totally suck his dick he owes him big.
Early FNAF threads were filled exclusively with newfags with fucking awful taste. You didn't belong then, and your sure as hell don't belong here now, no matter how you try to twist your faggotry as le oldfag board culture.
He updated his website, so a new fnaf is probably gonna happen.
Except Weaver. Once that faggots in the fanbase, everyone want to suck his dick
How much time was it between the initial threads and Markiplier's Let's Play?
Because let's be honest, it would have stayed an obscure, quirky one-off game had he not gotten his grubby hands all over it.
Never played them, but im heavy into the Lore.
Scott is starting to fuck everything up though, thats what happens when you wont stop making installments in something.
Alien franchise
star wars
Vampire Chronicles
Literally everything
The story's been fucked since FNAF 2. The dude loves Prometheus, so the whole "retarded backstory that makes you wish they kept things mysterious and creepy" thing probably comes from that.
Alien Covenant is the FNAF 4 of the series.
Im with everthing threw 3, I fucking love Springtrap
>game ends up being the most unfair and unbalanced entry in the series
>all because he couldn't be bothered to playtest Night 4 and Private Room
Bravo, Cawthon
>early steam greenlight threads
>furry porn
Your and idot.
What's up with all these fnaf threads suddenly? Can the shilling be any more obvious
>it's something i don't like and its having a spike in discussion. must be a shill
Keep tellin yourself that kiddo just trying to keep the board clean from filth like you
I'm just glad because of all the new robot porn. Transformers is boring.
stop liking what i don't like reee
>implying Scott would want to get Sup Forums's attention
He's focused on appeasing the children on reddit first and foremost.
>its something no one likes except furries and children and hasn't had any new news in months. must be a shill
For any lorefags, Scott confirmed GT's latest theory correct.
But that involves watching GT.
>Scott confirmed
>it's not 100%
Just like my relationship with my dad
He just confirms purple guy is purple and that Matt got the date right. Nothing more.
People are really overselling MatPat's video. All it really did was get 2bites lmao correct (which was obvious) and Springtrap, which boiled down to whether or not Scott would turn him into Michael.
The rest of it, with
>Michael being Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith from FNAF 1 and 2
>Michael being the older brother
>Ballora being Afton's wife
Among other things, is in nebulous territory at best.
Just fuck off.
It's sad because there's almost nowhere to have normal discussion about 5NaF anymore.
90% of the times you try to start a post on Sup Forums, you either get called a Scott shill, or called newfag to oblivion because it's apparently against board morals to talk about any game made after 2010 unless you're shitting on some new release.
You can't talk about it on /vg/ because...well, just go see for yourself. There's a /FNaFG/ there, but...I honestly have no idea what they're even talking about anymore. It's like they ended up making so much fan shit that all they can talk about about is their weird OC. I tried having a legitimate discussion there once and they just kept replying with references to random bullcrap OC that I felt like I was talking with aliens or something that didn't even understand English.
And every other forum on the internet is populated with literal children.
Autism mutates differently in people it's sad.
>desolate hope sequel
Did you see the ending man? It's called "desolate hope" for a reason. There's no sequeling that shit.
/5N@F/'s become incensed against the actual series since they believe that the games became increasingly focused on plot twists and fanservice, to the point that it's barely a horror game anymore.
It's like the /cfog/ merge with /fog/.
Spiritual sequel, I meant. He did once say he wanted to make one called The Desolate Abandon but that fell through. Just give me more seizure-inducing rapid fire robot battles, please.
Posting superior metal animal horror
>Sup Forums is so new it likes the most autistic game to come out in almost a decade
>FNAF threads came right during Japan Time 2.0, Lankyposting and Gamergate
2014 was a great year for Sup Forums.
Frankenstein's Army is the direction Scott should've taken the series in with FNAF 4 and up.
The last three main characters are heavily implied to be canonically autistic, funny enough.
I want to fuck ballora
I want to fug foxy.
>when somebody posted the first rule 34 picture and threads were never the same
I'm pretty interested, but I'm not watching those fucking videos. I hate the way this dude talks, I hate his humor, and I hate his editing. His videos make me cringe.
fnaf was the final nail in the coffin for gt
undertale was just miles deeper