Gamergurl Thread

And how they ruin everything.
Share your MMO stories here bros.

>join large gw2 guild
>guild has several women in it who use voice chat during raids or other team oriented events
>literally 0 drama since I've joined them about a year ago


>be female
>join guild
>everything is fine

If I had a dollar for every time a male gamer screwed me over I'd be a wealthy man.

If I had a dollar for every time a girl gamer screwed me over I'd have just enough for a value meal from McDonald's.


I want to Guinea that pig.

>tfw a dude
>I've caused more drama in my guilds than any woman



>Be me a gamergurl
>No one knows I'm actually a girl and thinks I'm just a guy with a girl character
>Friend is in guild
>Start talking about Irl things carelessly
>Friend blows my cover
>Get sent multiple messages all pretty much boiling down to "Lemme Smash"
>Goes to raid later
>Doesn't heal the fags who messaged me
>Sweet Sweet Revenge
Can confirm that all gamergurls are assholes

>FFXIV guild
>A faggot who cries how bitches ruin everything joins in
>Every fucking day we had to hear how evil women are and how they turn the guild into shit
>Kick him out since he keep spouting shit like a retard
>Have some girls join in later
>Nothing happened since most of the guild bros are functional adults that know how to behave

Wearing a dress doesn't make you a girl faggot

The most obnoxious, toxic people I meet online are female.



It's usually the orbiters that cause all the problems. You guys don't understand what's like having every desperate male in an MMO throw themselves at you as soon as soon as anyone finds out you're a girl.

t. 14

this fucking shit is the cause of all problems

>constantly hear "XIV is full of trannies" on here
>don't really believe it
>one day a "girl" playing an au ra joins the guild
>acts 'cutesy', lots of exclamation marks! and tildes~
>is very, weirdly insistent on being called a girl
>freaks out once when i call 'her' a dude
>never gets on voice
>obviously this is pinging my catfish/tranny sensor pretty hard
>let the rest of the guild know about it
>most of them agree that something's up
>everyone except the vice lead, of course
>gets mad that we're talking shit about her, tells her in discord, retarded fucking discord drama follows
>guild leak leaks the vice leader's ERP logs
>he'd been textfucking her for months
>of course
>he gets kicked, his friends leave, the tranny leaves, the guild gradually dies out

I hate discord so much


Sounds like you were a total faggot and caused the guilds demise due to your own hatred of trannies and are trying to turn it around as it being the trannies fault and not yours.

>unironically defending a tranny

not OP, but when someone joins a guild and ERPs/catfishes the vice leader, you expect anything good to come from that? Better to bring attention to it than to let it slowly kill the guild.

Get the shit over with.


>x people are bad
>listen to this story about how I fucked everything up which could have happened with a regular woman
>fucking x people

>like trannies
>call someone else a faggot for not liking trannies

Woah there faggot calm down.

Good year for videogames though.

>tfw it's no longer gaymur grills but """depressed""" trannies who fuck everything up
Take me back, i'd rather deal with a clueless bitch who's in it only for the attention than the mentally ill retard who's has a stick up his ass, in every sense of the word.


Fug how come I never thought of this, I quit my last MMO because of a thirsty spic wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.

Honestly this. I don't hate the attention whore girls, I hate the half-a-mans that enable them.


I hate both as long and the girl likes whats happening


This actually hurts my soul

this years was solid though.

But..... If its not plugged in... What The Fuck???

All the girls I know who play games are pretty chill and pretty decent at them. I don't know why you virgins have such a big issue with girls enjoying videogames. This is not your secret club, videogames are a mainstream hobby like movies or sports.

Chanology was a mistake.


Guinea pigs are dumb!

I think you have room in your heart to hate both.

>Sup Forums talks about women
>Super obvious /r9k/ thread

I get it women are bitches, but if you're going to view EVERY SINGLE WOMAN that ever was, is, and will be as just a stone cold manipulative bitch than of course you're going to be lonely virgins.

Chads hate women more than we do bud, they've experienced their bullshit first hand.


It's clearly about a small subset of women. Nobody likes posers.

>>When all the psyops started.

>lonely virgins
Why is this an issue?


>I can boil eggs
>hence I'm a chef

>later on
>"bwaa waa why am i a virgin?''