Who didn't see that coming a fucking mile away.
Who didn't see that coming a fucking mile away.
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lmao the game is cheesy from the start. How would you even buy it if you have taste?
They just couldn't do a pure Imperial story,eh?
Bummer. Oh well.
It's an odd choice, especially considering OG Battlefront 2 went full "Ride or Die" with being an Imperial.
Probably worried people would complain about "MUH SPACE NAZIS!"
I mean, let's face it, Stormtrooper aesthetic shits on the Rebel one.
Oh for sure.
I've never been one to get political about Star Wars like some folks, but the Imperials are much better from an aesthetic standpoint in my view.
Oh for fucks sake it's Force Unleashed all over again.
I am so sick of fucking rebels. BF2 original was so cool because you actually got to play as true believing Imperials.
Cuter with messy hair :3
I dont get why they couldnt just have her leave the Empire and not join the Rebellion as a grey morals person.
Stand Dooown
The rebels gave her that option but nooooo
can't we get a story about faceless storm troopers for once
Dumb. Could've been original. Sometimes she'd side with the Empire, sometimes with the Rebels, or just her own way.
Instead it's the contrived predictable story we've seen dozens of times.
Lol, I remember everyone on Sup Forums calling this since the trailer came out.
It screams #PunchAnImperial
>Fascists are upset a videogame character chose not to be a fascist
>literally defects after 4 missions
>this thing is the writer
Really gets the noggin joggin'
It's a dude with a hormone disorder. Now poses as a lesbian.
Colour me surprised.
>It's another female lead driven star wars story
Is this what Star Wars is now? Every main character is now a woman?
>Sup Forums tries to start a controversy over whether darth vader was bad
you know unlike what you think is happening, society isn't becoming more neonazi to the point where that sort of shit fits in because of your previous failed memes, you just stick out like a sore thumb
Will somebody please get this man some red meat
I honestly can't tell if that's a man that became a butch dyke, or a butch dyke that's barely transforming into a """male"""
Name one single thing that Darth Vader did wrong. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
Just fucking nuke Leafland already whats stopping us?
He was the writer behind spec ops the line, figure he would have had the balls to forgoe the cliche 'defection' twist. EA/Disney probably had their hands all over the script.
>PoC defects to rebels
In what universe wasn't this called out immediately the second the character was shown off?
He didn't have the high ground.
>expecfing anything good from the Nu-trilogy
Star Wars died once George sold it off to Disney as thr final fuck you to the autistic manchildren that shit on him to no end over the prequels.
>Porg tattoos
I think you mean TRIGGERED
poor wittle fella
>play as an elite squad of the Emperor's finest fighting against the Rebellion
>except you don't do that
This makes me unreasonably angry for reasons I can't even quite point out. Haven't we had this kind of plot enough times already?
Same goes for Nazis and liberals
>Reddit organizing boycotts
>Organizing outreach to upper management at Disney
>Serves every public posting developer at dice and EA
>Meanwhile, Sup Forums, once the vanguard of consumer protections, playing a shitty fan-fiction written by a mentally ill tranny
How the mighty have fallen
Didn't this guy used to do reviews for IGN?
The people in that rebel ship would have died on impact.
>and OTniggers were complaining about gungans and Jar Jar
Holy fuck hope your all happy with your force penguins and A FUCKING TREE STUMP.
I remember watching that and being stunned at how it's a complete ripoff of that scene where Han tricks two destroyers into flying into one another, but the direction and editing is so poor it looks way slower and way shittier than the original which used a few cheap models.
Rogue One is leagues below TFA in terms of quality though.
Even numales have better fashion sense than Cletus and skinheads.
>Who didn't see this coming
No one. Because from the fucking announcement trailer they said it was about a group of imperial soldiers who realize they're fighting for the wrong side.
You stupid fuck.
>OG battlefront
DICE doesn't give a fuck about the real battlefront.
Do you even need to ask? I’m honestly surprised they didn’t retcon Luke to be a black man.
It never says that, their pr and all interviews makes it seem like it's an empire campaign
Literally opening dialog she says the empire is going to fall.
You'd have to be a fucking moron to not see that coming, but then again this is Sup Forums
>He was the writer behind spec ops the line
Do you feel like a woman yet?
>you stick out like a sore thumb
t. neoredditor
>WWII Nazi uniforms
>anything other than stylish as fuck
that thing is the embodiment of soy
Er no he wasn't.
you mean the guy that doesn't give you any choice at all and scream at you "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID"
Nazis were playing Fashion souls, modern militaries are just try hards.
Why she so unattractive?
They can't touch Luke until we lose Hamill.
Then it's open season.
>dat coat on the security service chief
We aren't allowed to have the same opinion as reddit.
Inertia dampeners prevent them from turning into cosmic dust every jump to lightspeed so it should be fine
Fancy leather looks good but can it survive the Russian winter?
>someone actually cares about this piece of shit pay to win kike game
whoa didnt see that coming
>Everybody calls them out on doing exactly this the second the campaign is revealed
>N-no it's a-all about the E-Empire we SWEAR
>Literally exactly what everybody knew it was from the start
>Haha aren't we le ebin bamboozlers :^)
I'm not even mad that it's a cookie cutter defection story, I'm more upset that they think it was some epic twist worth keeping secret.
The stuff we were told in the beginning really made it seem like it was going to be an Empire campaign. They kept talking about how fiercely loyal she was
Oh well, I wasn't going to get the game anyway after we found out EA was fucking it up
I can't even begin to describe how retarded you are.
Exactly. If they outright said it, it would be a disappointment, but no one would be mad like they are now.
Exactly. That's false advertising. Should get refunds for that.
>I waited 30 years for this
>I still remember my last orders. When the real war began
It was fucking deliberate.
i just want to be a /fa/ imperial killing rebel fucking shits
No but
Aesthetics > function
Every time
any more stuff showing the bait and switch?
Was Christie Golden helping with the story? I know she did the prequel book and Dark Disciple was pretty good.
So wait, can you not be imperial at all?
Because if so that's really fucking stupid. The imperial campaign in the old SWBF was awesome. That entire cutscene where the guy is like
>she told us we were the bravest soldiers she'd ever fought with
>thank god we had helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the face
What a good cutscene, what a good campaign. Fuck, I have to play that game again now.
I don't give a fuck about SW as a franchise, but this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
>What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight back to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word.
Is this in 1 or 2?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>This excellent, contemplative, and hard to stomach writing is completely fucked sideways by the shitty Clone Wars cartoon's THE CLONES WAS GOOD GUYS ALL ALONG A BIOCHIP IN THEIR BRAINS MADE THEM DO IT.
Watch the first intro bit then skip to 7:55 if you dont want to see the gameplay.
You get three Imperial missions and then it's all Rebel. It's still so fucking dumb. If not for EA's hero controversy, then this would have been a massive uproar.
>Tortanic of all fucking things does the Empire better than a fucking Battlefront game
This is a strange timeline
I actually liked the oldschool rebel woodcamo design. Imperial design is great too, though.
>expecting a woman to be pro establishment or conservative
All playable women, no exceptions, have to be rebellious, care free spirits who fight for what is right and will defy the evil The Man with her courage and inner power.
Isn't that the guy who had a part in spec ops the line? What the fuck happened?
w-what if she's a double agent? twist of the century, y-you'll see!
>He was the writer behind spec ops the line
I mean, that game wasn't particularly well written either. All the good stuff in Spec Ops comes from the weird visual stuff you rarely catch until a second playthrough.
This, can you imagine if we'd been denied this because some stupid writer decided it wasn't 'appropriate' to play as the bad guys? Star Wars has been dead for years so I'm not that broken up over it but goddamn Disney really drained even the littlest bit of ambiguity and potential for anything interesting.
And people still UNIRONICALLY believe that Ray is going to turn into a villain
Seriously, how fucking stupid and naive do you have to believe that they have the stones to pull something like that?!
who cares about Ray?
For real?
I dont want it to be true.
I need the cutscene where it happens. Does she kill her comrades too?
>watching nuWars
Fuck, prequels were more enjoyable than SW: The Feminising
EA wanted him to make a generic popcorn film of a game, and he complied, because not doing so would make him lose his job.
user, this is the series where eliminating the Sith is literally considered bringing balance in canon, and not equalizing the amount of Sith and Jedi.
>Caring about Rey
>alternative, novel interpretation of a character
learn to read, then read some books, bud.
being a manchild has destroyed you
>Oh for fucks sake it's Force Unleashed all over again.
Dark forces did it too.
Tortanic does empire better than anything else that isn't TIE FIGHTER.
What an ugly fucking mongrel. Who in their right mind would want the future to look like this? What is wrong with white people today? We've lost our edge.
The Spec Ops writer is Walt Williams.
Way to go Benedict Arnold
You won in this timeline
American "whites" already look like that
The future of the world is Brazil, like it or not