What's the obvious way to handle this situation?

What's the obvious way to handle this situation?

the non-racist one

the racist one

the racist one.

Not playing it on consoles

Kill everyone involved and let God sort them out

Throw it at the couple. You're there to blend in. Not make a social standing. Get the girl and get out. Even though neither matters. The right answer is the couple.

Throw at the couple, but avoid hitting the white one.

Play a better game.

Doesn't matter because you get stopped before the throw anyways
Also wasn't racism like this fairly standard in the 20s? What made Columbia's racism so much worse?

Throw and miss.

What would have been a lot less fucking stupid is if they showed you this happening and did not make it obvious that you could intervene. If you do nothing, the game could still hamfist its race message at you. If you chose to do something maybe you get a little item like some ammo or whatever bullshit they give out in that game, I didn't play for very long.

Throw the ball with your left hand, it doesn't even matters if you suck. Also cover the fucking mark ffs.



>throw chair instead
>walk away as riot breaks out

Throw it at the couple, because you're not retarded and dont want to attract attention in the middle of a crowd of racist bigots while youre in a mission.

This is objectively fact, but fuck if anyone involved in the game is smart enough to know that

>I hate this game because they didn't once say the word "nigger"

Not our guy.

I look forward to his Super Mario Odyssey review in 2019.

ignore and actually try to have fun but then realize there isn't any fun to be had so you refund it

Roll your fucking sleeves down if you have the word CUNT tattooed onto your wrist

Shit was so out of place. It was obviously remnants of when it was a different game that actually had choices that impacted things. God I will never not be mad thinking back to those old trailers.

>he thinks people were actually tying blacks up on stage and pelting them with baseballs
>during the height of the Jazz era

What game? It looks like AAA shit.

XD throw it at them LOL fuck freedom except the freedom to say nigger.

Smart game for smart gamers.

it doesn't matter what you do, the outcome is the same

fucking bioshock infinite, what an absolute fucking trashheap

What the fuck is this and why doesn't his hat go on his head properly?

they really fucked this game by doing the sjw bait and switch.
The previews had the angry mob acting extremely hostile which made you think something was going on more than them being "bigots".
Final thing the civilians were no where near as crazy.

I had a hell of a time trying to figure out the correct way to do this. The game should have put up a hint card or something. Not everyone is a genius and can figure this out by themselves.

Remember all the articles creaming themselves saying this was revolution in videogame storytelling?

What innocent times those were.

Racism in the 1900's has been massively overplayed. Even when Jim Crow laws were actively being enforced (by democrats, ironically enough,) a lot of people didn't give a shit and were decent. They didn't comically string people up on stage and pelt them with shit.

Despite being an autistic weeaboo he wasn't wrong on this one. Toning down the racism defeats the atmosphere that Ken was going for.

Actually, it is a legitimate criticism. As pointed out, the racism in BI is so hyperbolic compared to what racism was actually like during that time period that it is odd that evil crackers would shy from the word nigger.

I've tried ringing the third bell four times but it didn't work. I want my 60$ back

throw at the white dude on the left

Agreed, it was all in good fun, just a prank bro

Those ones deserved it though.

>No option to just not throw the ball

Throw really hard at that cardboard cutout head. They'll mistake it for a really enthusiastic legitimate attempt to hit them and it will break their set which will require repairs. You hit them in the only place it matters while maintaining your cover.

You just wait.

Kill everyone with bare hands.

There is an option for that, you do nothing and wait for the timer to run out.

How do you throw a (one) [single] tomato at "a couple?"

That's a 7-10 split right there


It just turned it into some Saturday morning cartoon version of racism that only existed to give the burgeoning SJW types some vapid white savior porn.

"Oh boy, it sure does feel good to be morally superior to these over the top caricatures of racist colonials! Good thing I don't have to get a bad case of the feels by hearing icky words though."

There is. You're on a fairly short timer, just take no action and you don't try to throw the ball. The story procees in the exact same way but the throwing animation does not play.


Ask for 2 more balls and hit everyone.

It's liberalism.

try to hit them both at the same time

Why does Booker look at a sign that basically says "If you see a man with this brand on their hand, kill him on sight," yet Booker does nothing to hide his easily concealable brand on his hand?

Blacks? No
Multiracial couples? Yes, that shit would legally give you the electric chair in some places

FUCK race traitors

>Bioshock Infinite's idea of deep philosophical quandary is "Do you want to be Adolf Hitler or Abraham Lincoln?"

Ken Levine is the biggest hack on the planet


The developers could have made a good game by allowing this.

B-but muh deep time travel plot

Lincoln wanted to ship em all back before he got killed

I threw it at them because I was on a job and my goal was to not draw attention to myself. The fact that nothing I did mattered anyway was a big dick in my ass that I never got over.

Shit game.

Maybe he didn't have anything to hide it with. He could have torn up his shirt, but maybe that would be even more conspicuous.

Not deep enough

Yeah, this is one of the myriad of shitty things about this game- you choice doesn't matter because the game progresses the same either way. Not only that, but they dumb down the scenario so much by having massive prompts on the screen telling you your options.

After being given the baseball, it should simply tell you which button is used to throw and let you aim wherever you want to. So, you could aim at the couple, or aim at the announcer, or throw it and miss. Or not throw it at all. Whatever choice you make would cause the situation to play out a little differently.

But the key part here is that you weren't told to make that choice. The characters in-game told you to pelt the couple, but you would have to come up with the idea yourself of hitting the announcer.

It's little decisions like this that make games mind-numbingly dull.

But then it'd just be an even more blatant ripoff of that Half-Life 2 bit

Is this supposed to be progressive? When the white guy looks normal and the black chick looks like the cutout?

>your choice doesn't matter because the game progresses the same either way

He could have put his hands in his pockets or bought gloves, or rolled down his sleeves or covered it with his other hand or folded his arms or approximately a billion other ways of concealing the "SHOOT ME" sign on his hand.

Poles are based, why did the nazis hate them?

Literally nothing wrong with race mixing.

t. schlomo goldbergstein

Is that Kevin Spacey? Throw stuff at him, he did thing to 14 year old.

No, I'm mixed myself and I turned out fine. I'm tall decent looking and fairly well adjusted.

I mean, humans have been race-mixing for thousands of years, is kind of silly to get buttblasted about it.

>No, I'm mixed myself and I turned out fine.
So you do subconciously understand that race mixing is bad, you had to point out that you turned out fine after all.

People like to really love/ really hate Matthewmatosis a lot here, but him talking about how making you throw the ball in first person with no prompt would've been a much better way to handle it because you'd somewhat be in Booker's shoes and stand out in the crowd. Maybe you could aim for the monkeys in the back, or go for the monkey's top hat, or give it over to some kid, ANYTHING besides X and Y.

That was my thought.

The only people that actually think this are basic roasties and non-whites

No, I was preempting your argument with my top tier mixed brain.

>preempting your argument
>by cofirming that results often may vary

So basically the only people that care are incels.

The odds of anyone turning out ok aren't great. All the meth heads in my home town are genuine 100% white. Why didn't their noble heritage save them?

>No, I was preempting your argument with my top tier mixed brain.

Truly a terrifying time

I thought you guys were memeing me but when i got to this part i really got stuck and had to alt-ctrl-w my game to look it up, ended up getting distracted and never played it again.

That's an entirely different factor, don't you think?

walking the fuck away

why would you want to see that kind of shit anyway?

What happens if you throw it at the couple? Do you get stoped?

I like to imagine these guys were thieves or something, i might be racist but i do not like the idea of killing a random person because their etnicity alone, humans are so much more complex than just that.

You don't get some free ammo later in the game.
Literally the only change.

>What happens if you throw it at the couple?
Game uninstalls itself.

Easy. You were warned about the number you got. Also warned about the tattoo on his hand. Yet he did fuck all about either. The game is retarded. It's a pile of shit from the start.

fuck the chick in front of her bf

What's the context here?

>humans are so much more complex than just that
Only someone who is extremely sheltered believes this.

Why would you need any more reason to kill someone?

>humans are so much more complex than just that
Umm sweetie but that's wrong, cmon dude. Humans are very basic.

No. How do you isolate it? They're white and turned out shit I'm mixed and turned out fine.

>I like to imagine there was a real reason for killing/maiming random people, there's no way someone could be taught to be psychotically violent towards another person just because of skin color!
>I want to be comfortable in my prejudice!

You're probably the type that thinks colleges teach everyone to hate whitey too, lol.

They do.

>humans are so much more complex than just that
Yeah, user, simple violent prejudices are just a myth. That's why humans don't get into fights over inane stuff and we talk civilly on the internet, right?

>my racism is ok but theirs isn't


>They're white and turned out shit
Because of meth, an entirely different factor.
There are external factors that can fuck you up, like your daddy beating the living shit out of you, but skin color has nothing to do with it.

That's the lefty and non-white stance, not mine. All racism is okay.