When are we getting the remaster? I'd even take Starhawk at this rate

When are we getting the remaster? I'd even take Starhawk at this rate...

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Never user. Game was too fun. Those kind of games are illegal now.

Fucking hell, I've never played a multiplayer game so well balanced

Shame the sequel made the maps barren for the build a battle feature and made both teams really ugly

Not too long ago I checked online videos of the game and surprisingly people are still playing it.

There's no official or dedicated servers anymore so you can't level up and get new outfits, sadly

PS3 had the best online games
Shame they gave up this gen

What even happened to the dev team anyway?

Last gen online games were more comfy and unique. This gen they are all the same.

They were moved to a company called light box who made starhawk and died immediately after
Incognito had something to do with David Jaffe I think

Shit man, this was my fucking GAME. Fucking huge levels, versatility in how you could play.

The fucking binoculars. You know you got an achievement for killing a plane with that thing?

And the fucking situation with snipers at the top of the two buildings in the sky city level. I'd sneak in with a jet from behind in hover mode, jump out and shank that motherfucker only for the same thing to happen to me in another man. GodDAMN was the last gen fucking perfect for these kinds of games. It was the right place at the right time for it.

I really miss the music from Starhawk. I'm not the sort of person who usually cares about video game music, but I loved that game's soundtrack.

MAG was actually pretty fun and well made to me, loved it just like warhawk. Both games are amazing and we will never see games like that amazing again

The online games this gen are so shit compared to last gen.

My man, valor best team.

RIP, mag was fun as shit, up untill every second dude went light armor HGM and it turned into a crapshoot

SVER domination!

>Capture the flag
>Server settings allow you to be able to fly with the flag

I was a SVER man myself.

SVER and their bullshit never failed to amaze me.

You jelly?

This game was great. Is it even playable at all anymore like if you have a ps3?


Why was it so Arab sounding?

Fuck SVER and their goddamn OP Russian guns

Was that the generic American army? I played as them

Valor were army dudes
Scifi sweeds were Valor
SVER was best team

Yes, unlike MAG. Plus, you can lan/system link.

Would love a sequel, but it'd wind up having loot boxes.

Scifi sweeds were Raven, i fucked it up

SVER was best. They seemed the most ghetto

I'm still holding out hope we're gonna be able to set up servers in RPCS3 since the game had support for setting up your own LAN server

We'll host a Sup Forums server and the fun will never end

>Buy official Sony PS3 Bluetooth headset solely for this game
>Most of the time in voice chat was just two dudes arguing who should be squad leader and me just listening and playing while giving some offhand comments to my squad mates and looking for a better squad to join
Besides that this game was the bomb, It could have been better if playing with friends was similar to Bad company 2, that one did playing with friends really well, probably the only PS3 game were voice chat was used profusely.

Had a friend in high school who claimed he was ranked 6th in the world.

>go to his house
>shit he wasn't lying

How hard was this game?

When we get a remaster of the original.

>How hard was this game?

Wasn't too hard to pick up and play, but the pro hawk pilots were capable of fucking annihilating everyone. It's absurd how good they are and what they can do

>Most of the time in voice chat was just two dudes arguing
Yes, but sometimes it could be amazing. Once, i had a Russian CO and his mate was the squad leader, and i swear they were in Spetznas or something. We utterly raped the round under their leadership. Tried to emulate it once with a thick Ruski accent and it worked okay.
Another time, the absolute blackest nigga on PSN was the company commander, and he was almost as good. Helped out everyone he could, and seemed to be everywhere on that battlefield. Lots of "Ey, muh nigga user, getchyo ass to Point B and hold out from them muthfuckas while Squad A take the other point and come flank for you."
Felt like that "STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON" comic on here.

God i miss that. I considered myself pretty good against most, but occasionally there'd be an enemy team made up of the RAF aces doing shit i didn't think possible.

>Fire tank shell into the air
>It his a hawk


So was my friend being ranked 6th in the world the kind of pro hawk players you're describing? I remember playing for a little and he was like ok let me take over and he just raped up the opponents

Starhawk wasn't that bad, wasn't as good but not bad at all, better than 99% of the crap being released now. It just didn't last long enough to be balanced or for them to add stuff to the base game

Probably. The kinds of guys who never took a hit, and managed to wipe out the entire team in one pass, using every weapon at just the right time.

Was that a trophy? I remember doing it a few times on idiot pilots who would just hover and try to machine gun people.

I fucking loved warhawk hands down best MP experience on PS3 or that entire generation. Flew around so much I got good at dodging missiles. Was in a college dorm and a friend challenged me because he didn't think I was good.
Now, this kid had... never really played the game. Enough to learn the controls.
Score was 50 to -1. I am the best pilot.

I miss millions 2s weighty multiplayer a lot. Disguising myself as an enemy and pretending to help the opposing team with their flag before betraying them was awesome.

Starhawk had two big problems. The first being the custom base building, which players would never organize well and just resulted in a huge clusterfuck around your spawn points. The second being the inability to switch which shoulder you were looking over.

Build-n-battle just didn't fucking work. It was a cool idea, but making your own bases just wasn't fun and people just dropped random buildings in the middle of nowhere to get weapons

>that feel when you are on the ground and finish off a plane with your pistol

Guessing you mean Killzone 2. And yes, it was just as good as MAG and Warhawk. KZ3 was good too, but not in the same way. The mission stuff was gold.
Man, when i become a brazillionaire, totally buying servers off Sony for those few games so they'll always be functional. Or just fund ports.

I wanna play Warhawk so bad I'd Patreon a server.

Holy shit those motherfuckers. I consider myself pretty good, played it a fuck tonne but RAF was a completely different goddamn level.

This game was actually pretty cool and had a surprisingly functional 256 player game mode.

Though iirc Valor was the most popular faction by far

Ah ok. Wonder if I'm still high on the leader board. Only online game I actually got a good ranking in. Was one of the top deathmatch players.

You can just have a PS3 hosting a game. There are actually still a few up and running. I almost expected a resurgence since PS3s are so cheap now, that someone would just buy a few to have servers running.

Fuck. Thanks, phone.

But yeah, If I still had a ps3 I could definitely go to playing those again

I literally bought a PS3 for this game. It was the only reason I didn't experience games like halo or gears of war.

>The mission stuff was gold
Damm right, the little cutscenes that show your character if you were top player on either team was great, I was hoping the new mode in Cod:WW2 would have that but it doesn't, can't see my avatar head butt the opposite loser team's top player

Because we need more fucking 3rd person cinematic shit. Does anyome actually care about garbage like God of war and uncharted? Sony dropped the ball hard. They need to invest in making actual game, resistance 3 was a fucking great step in the right direction but then they pulled the plug on the series right when it actually started to get good. Killzone has a great universe but they can't manage to get anybody to give a shit about it. Sony got too cocky this gen and the pro was a rushed piece of shit that got btfo a year later by ms.

>Damm right, the little cutscenes that show your character if you were top player on either team was great,
KZ SF has the same thing, but the whole mp system is just... lessened.

>resistance 3 was a fucking great step in the right direction but then they pulled the plug on the series right when it actually started to get good.

I'd bet anything we can blame Resistance 2 for that. Resistance 3 sold like shit, and probably from how fucking generic they made Resistance 2. I'm still fucking mad about the bland guns (only good new gun was the magnum), two weapon hold limit and regenerating health

Yup. Resistance 2 was a bad halo clone

I even paid $80 for the collector's edition because I figured a sequel to Fall of Man would be awesome and wanted to play the beta and get that figure. Fuck that game

It would probably be casual as shit with current Sony.

Also if I were them I would scrap every ip they've made this gen with the exception of horizon. Cut back the fat and cut these garbage studios they have under them, too much mediocrity for too many years now. Invest in some Japanese studios and up and coming ones in the West. Start being very selective and maintain a higher degree of quality control. I think Sony gives their studios a little too much freedom.

I don't blame you. Resistance 1 was a nice little fps that went under the radar, it wasn't great but it was fun and had some cool looking aliens. 2 was ass then 3 showed what the series could really be going forward. 3 was very underrated

2 had great MP and co-op though.

I honestly can't wait to be able to emulate 3. It'll also be nice that maybe we'll be able to have more discussion about it here since everyone with a good PC will be able to play it

>A positive thread about Warhawk that also mentions MAG positively

Are you all me?
If they remastered just one of these two games, I'd be elated

>Are you all me?

Sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you have multiple personality disorder. Luckily every single one has great fucking taste in vidya