Rocket league

What a fucking horrible port.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like to see an actual picture however. Interested in how they ported it. My guess it that to maintain 60fps at all times they went with 720p instead. I approve.

Have played it for a couple of hours. Literally the exact same game with noticably lower resolution

I don't undestand. Is this a "90's retro filter" mod on the PC or something?
It looks like RoadRash

It's Rocket League on the switch.

great bait


oh.... OHHHh.. damn

I feel sorry for those little fellows. Paying for an overpriced piece of hardware (that will get a hardware revision in less than a couple of years anyway), then some more for a decent SD card, then again for an overpriced mediocre controller (that at least has a D-pad) only to get below-720p RocketLeague.

>handheld mode

It's not bait when it's literally a screenshot of the game do know not every switch owner wants to play rocket league on it, right?

Is this any fucking surprise? Indie cucks can’t optimize their bloated game enough

isn't this being ported by the same people that ported doom?

Not that they could, since it's such a shit version of it.

>it's the devs fault not the consoles
They're prioritizing 60fps so that's all the switch can fucking do desu, it's not the devs fault at all.

>Buying third party games on shitty Nintendo hardware

o shit nigga wat are you doing

>not using bilinear filtering to stretch the frame buffer

It's literally free on anything not called S3 Virge or ATI Rage 1

Mario kart runs at 1080p60fps. It's the devs fault on this one.

Holy fuck that's ghastly. The shit I took this morning looks better.

If a baby game like this ends up in this state on the switch, how can you guys not be worried about future game releases. At some point, huge AAA games won't even be ported to the switch. If they do, they'll be the "handheld" cut down versions like back when in the gba and psp days.
Nintendo can get away with it because their games aren't demanding at all which makes me wonder why they didn't just create a strong console in the first place. At least then they could advertise their games as native 4k 60fps and you know the masses would eat that shit up. First party titles could look much more detailed and perform well. Switch could've just been the successor to the 3ds later on.

Because far more powerful games are/have been ported and they look much better than this.

Like what, doom?

They'll probably patch it to fix things, like every Switch game seems to get. I swear, the talk about Capcom asking for 4GB of RAM in the Switch at the last minute makes me think that devs are making their games with 2GB in mind, and then patching them later to accommodate the extra RAM

>there are people on Sup Forums who would rather play at 15-20fps with 'muh graphics' than at a consistant 60fps on a fucking portable console.

And Rocket League will run 720p/60fps in docked mode.

Here's a real screenshot of the port in handheld mode. I'm pissed about this subpar performance, but let's not let the shitposting of old screenshots color the conversation


You're playing in docked mode.

"Rocket League runs at 1280×720 in Docked and uses a dynamic resolution scaler in Undocked (handheld) depending on the stadium being played. Generally speaking it hovers around 1024×576. Post launch we plan to continue working on optimizing the game."

Hopefully you'll get it to 720p in handheld mode eventually. (I've got the PC version so i don't care)


That's not how dynamic resolution works user.
Generally the game is rendered to a texture, and then this texture is stretched on the whole screen with a bilinear filter, then the GUI is rendered over it with a native resolution, so the final bitmap is the resolution of the screen.

...and it still looks sub par compared to PS4 and PC ports of the game.

I'm just saving the screenshots that someone had posted for comparison. I'm not sure how they save them, but a screencap of the Switch screen would be 720p because that's the resolution of the screen

no shit. are you surprised? The problem isn't that it looks worse, it is how much worse. Put some thought into your post instead of choosing to come across as an idiot

Yes, and they use 150 and 300 watts respectively.


This probably looks fine on a 6 inch screen desu

It don't matter for my post, because the developer is talking about the resolution of the actual 3D frame buffer, not the final frame buffer resolution.

God the Mario and Luigi cars look like some shit out of a game you'd get in a cereal box.

Either you hacked the switch version of the game and stole the models etc.. or you burned the OP to the ground.


Still looks like the anti-aliased, bilinear stretched picture that was posted, rather than the OP's unflattering pixel scaled picture.

Can someone remind me when graphics became more important than gameplay?

It's not, but it do help and OP is lying anyway.

People can get both gameplay and graphics on other consoles

It's amazing how shit they are when Sony got Sweet Tooth's truck put into the PS4 version and it looks way better

A. That screenshot in OP is a reverse bullshot
B. It's fucking Rocket League who cares if it doesn't look as good as the PS4 or PC versions

you are actually retarded

that is litterally a screencap i took of a video i just watched during the last shitposting thread.

all the search details are there, watch the video yourself

Then buy the game on those consoles.
What is the problem? Are they trying to shit on others to make their inferiority complex go away?
I'm so tired of this console war bullshit. Did they expect a tablet to have the same graphical capabilities as a big slab of plastic or a PC?

>switch is great because you can play games anywhere!
>handheld mode? doesn't count if it looks bad, I mean what did you expect??

>any low effort ports or shovelware that has shit performance will be defended by these people who hadwave it away as "It's weaker than the other consoles! you're not allowed to have standards"
fuck this idiocy. I love my Switch, and I don't expect it to perform up to the level of other consoles or even run most of their games. This is still bullshit though, quit making everything a binary like a child

It was, and it seems they're not the experts of Switch porting they claimed to be.

Except you know everyone's going to excuse any faults with it because MUH PORTABILITY, completely ignoring the fact it's a fucking online game and the chances of 6 people owning Switches getting together to play the game locally won't happen anywhere outside a college video game club or nerd convention

>Muh grafix
The reason they don't go for a stronger console to market 4k and 60fps is because they don't need to.

YFW over 3DS or DS game on a large screen docked

I was honestly looking forward to this port, is the performance so bad it affects the overall gameplay?

I think its solid 60fps still but its 720p docked, devs also said they would be doing optimization patches

Wait a day or two, when we'll likely get a DigitalFoundry breakdown of the port. It aims to be 60fps, but it might have drops (pretty much guaranteed for splitscreen). That said, the devs said they would continue to optimize it in the future with patches. I doubt we'll see any framerate issues for too long, so the performance shouldn't affect the gameplay. I just hope we can get a resolution bump for both docked and handheld at some point

Holy fuck don’t take the bait you fucking idiot

Game looks fine

It probably looks just fine in motion on the Switch's small screen. 3DS screenshots looked like shit too but they weren't indicative of actually playing 3DS games.

PC still has the best version of Rocket League, of course.

>Game looks fine
If either of those look fine for a game in 2017, you're out of your fucking mind.

So mad

>le current year faec
Piss off.

Will I be able to customize the colors of my Samus car?

If the docked version was what it looked like on handheld and the docked even got up to 900p, I would be perfectly happy. As it is, this is pretty annoying

>games that look like upscaled emulated DS games are completely fine in 2017

Does that run on Unity running on an emulator or something? Mario Kart 8 looks aeons better and runs 1080@60

Mario Kart is also a last gen port and you have ridiculous expectations if you think anyone outside Nintendo has the knowledge to utilize the hardware as well as they do.

The switch have a massive basic advantage over the older nintendo portables that is actually being able to anti alias.
The saw is finally (mostly) gone.

>parries now only guarantee a 5 damage riposte that counts as the first hit in any chain


How much of a jaded and desensitized asshole do you have to be to make such a ridiculous hyperbole to try to get your stupid point across?

You know what else is * 576px? My PS2 when playing a PAL game.

why can't these indie niggers just ask Nintendo to help them

>you have ridiculous expectations if you think anyone outside Nintendo has the knowledge to utilize the hardware as well as they do.

False, the hardware is standardized and well documented, as are it's APIs which one of them is Vulkan.

Physically based lighting, 1080@60fps very stable, significant improvement over WiiU release which was less than 720, but ran at 60fps, also improved shadows and draw distances.

I hope Fast Rmx was successful. Those devs really deserve it

That's just fucking incompetence on the devs part.

RL doesn't look that great and it's in a fairly small environment.

Uh, wrong thread?

Is the framerate steady?

btw #DooMillion on the twitters

>The switch have a massive basic advantage over the older nintendo portables that is actually being able to anti alias.
It hardly matters when the resolution is already so low. Proper AA solutions typically involved resolution increases in some way, the best your going to get is edge blur post process garbage like FXAA or TSA which Doom uses and it makes shit even blurrier than it already is.

>why can't these indie niggers just ask Nintendo to help them
>Nintendo going out of there way to help it's devs
Good joke

Damn I was excited for this. Lazy ass publishers need to stop outsourcing their ports to Panic Button.

Just wait. The game has been getting worse and worse performance-wise with each update.
Xbox One had serious fps issues. (Probably still does)

They did a great job with DOOM, why did they fuck up on a game that appears to be simpler? Maybe not entirely ID's fault, probably Rocket League was very poorly optimized to begin with.

This. I never understand why they don't just try to contract nintendo boys for the ports

>Nintendo going out of there way to help it's devs
>Capcom requests more ram for the Switch
>Nintendo obliges
>Releases jack shit for the system

>valuing visuals over framerate in a competitive game

I understand you could get the game plenty of other places and have it look better too, but if you really think it should have prioritized graphics over framerate for a portable version of the game, then there is a good chance that you are not actually very knowledgeable about games.

I think it did, I remember reading something about the developers already working on their next project, I know Neo sold well on WiiU, I kind of wish they'd just get a contract to make a new F-Zero, but I also remember reading that they have no interest in that. Fun fact, the game even uses the announce from F-Zero GX.

It's sloppily made, you know things are bad when Fifa was a better port.

I'm guessing something to do with Unreal 3, just the engine not being able to take advantage of the Switch's hardware, whereas Doom is already built to take advantage of modern hardware and already has a Vulkan port, undoubtedly if they put in the effort to rebuild the games specifically around the Switch's hardware they could get good performance out of them.

I'm pretty sure nintendo just helped the first few indie devs just to build a reputation for this gen, and stopped.

gears for breakfast, a hat in time devs requested a kit a long while back, and after being ignored, finally got the kit a week before official pc release.

Yeah, that was one of my suspicions, the engine doesn't simply work well, and it'd take too long to rebuild the game for the Switch since they're trying to push it out in time for the holidays.

The engine works fine, it just wouldn't support Switch's hardware, Unreal themselves probably provided no support for the Unreal 3 on the Switch, so the game itself would have had to be ported internally, whereas Doom already supports Vulkan, which the Switch itself supports, both are lazy ports, Fifa 18 of all fucking games shows a better quality of port, at least technically, there is an enormous leap between Fifa 18 and previous gen systems which shows basically what can be achieved with only a slight 2x power bump but on more advanced hardware.

>fuck you
>[insults you]
How many more posts are you gonna make before you've got an actual defense for a game that looks like this?

>bring your $300 bing bing wahoo machine over to your friend's house and put it on the table
>people have to use the baby-stix because real controllers go for $70
>the screen's too cluttered because of its abysmal size
>doesn't matter because the graphics are too jaggy to make out what's going on anyway
>decide to play online to free up screenspace but you didn't pay the fee to use your own internet
>suddenly it shuts off because you've been trying to get things working for an hour so the battery's already dead
>decide to plug it in to the TV and let it charge
>drops to 20FPS and still looks like utter shit

Quality console you got there

I mean panic button got doom running on the switch, I dont think rocket league looking like this is due to lack of skill

(You) forgot
>Airplane turbulence and Switch flies out the window

It's almost as if the whole fucking point is to have it on a handheld. Why you retards keep trying to compare the graphical fidelity of games on a handheld to those on a console is beyond me. I already own the game on PC and will be buying it in approximately 48 minutes on the Switch.

That happened to the fat nintenlard next to me on the plane, we hit turbulence and his switch flew out the window, I said good riddance and everyone burst out laughing and later cheered me.

>want to accidentally toss my Switch out the airplane window
>have to pay an extra $2,400/hr in accessories to do it

How does Nintendo keep getting away with it

Probably because it was advertised as a console.
Not sure why people didn't see that it was literally just a handheld that could be connected to a TV.

How long were they clapping for? Was there a toast afterwards?

Vita is getting a Rocket league port?
at last a good game for vitafans amrite?

>more powerful games