Which FF is your favorite?

Which FF is your favorite?

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IX, VII, VIII and XVin that order.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Main series: V
Spinoff: Tactics

7, 8, 15.

Never played 15. 6 was cool but I never finished until like 2 years ago. Finished Chrono Trigger tho.

Beat me. War of the Lions specifically.

The good ones

11, or 8.

I can sort of tell if someone is actually into games as games if they like 8.


gameplay wise, 5
experience wise, 7

Probably X tbqh

IX and XI are my favorites.

Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy for the PSP(Playstation Portable)

True FFT2 Ivalice 1800s when?

IX, V and VI are my top 3, I still love Zidane as a protagonist more than any other FF character

Favorite in a style over substance, linear, story-heavy masturbatory series made by frustrated storytellers who couldn't get their pet project made into a medium actually made to tell stories such as movies or TV?


IV, V, or VI. I just love the SNES era.

Mystic Quest and Tactics

All very similar
Unique transition between old and new
Golden age
Unique transition to clusterfuck we have now
Y...you guys like MMO's right?
>XIII etc
Oh god
MMO's guys. You guys like Marlboro's right. Look, its a thing you recognize.
Oh god

best ff
best game

IX and V, so close I can't quite make an opinion on which of the two I like best

Do rom hacks count? ff6 bnw.

They've already made a few movies which weren't that great. Actually, they've also had a couple anime series now that I think about it. Even had an direct to VHS miniseries that was a sequel to FFV. What a strange anime that was with a dominatrix pirate and crystals going up a girl's butt.

Only because they first sold videogames to idiot kids who want to watch a barely interactive story.

>tfw you aren't the type of contrarian faggot to make a post like this


He's not too far off with more than half of the games fitting the description. Still, it wouldn't have fans if not for the games having some redeemable qualities, like FFV's job system or FFVII's materia.

FF8 is my favourite game of all time. I could probably tell you at least the first few hours' dialogue of the game off by heart.


5,7,8 and Tactics are my favorites. Which of those four is the best depends on my mood.

You are my african american

each have good aspects and bad ones.
all great overall.



VI because Terra is best Final Fantasy girl.

VIII but IV holds a special place in my heart because it was my first.

Really unsure, I do not think I have an out-and-out favourite now that I think about it.

6, 7, 9

8 was pretty alright

I hope you've at least played it in the original language if you're that enthusiastic about it. The PS1 games are the only games that haven't actually received proper translations yet.


No, because I'm not a petty fucking weeaboo.

neo shinryu was a bitch in V


Yeah the superbosses that came in the gba version are a quite overkill if your not cheesing them.Getting to fighting Enuo was cool though.

The Spin Offs from the Crystal Chronicles Games
I've never honestly finished a Mainline FF game because I get board Half way through.
Though i did enjoy 10 a lot.

Been thinking of starting one. which should I start with?

personally, i like IX and the GBA port of I&II but that's just me

IV is a great introduction to the older style FF games

cause im a normie who's never played any of the turn based ones

>style over substance


5 it has my second favorite job system behind X-2 but X-2 has the terrible story and shit going on only being saved by fun combat and a great job system. The story is nothing special but the game doesn't take itself too seriously and is pretty lighthearted especially compared to 4 and 6. Bartz is also the most bro tier protag with his harem and avoids a lot of the tropes many other FF protags fall into. He mostly avoids all the "muh trouble past" emo bullshit even when bringing up his parents death which is very little. All the party members are pretty likable Lenna tends to fall into the typical kind princess archetype though.

What games do I add here?
I mean to add the TCG. I already really love it though.

You should user!

The first Final Fantasy XIII story is great in my opinion, but the gameplay is absolute trash. If you want to just to go through the story use cheats on stats and gear.

Hard to call between 1 and 4. 9 has my favourite story though.

Pretty normalfag answer here but I'm going to have to go with VII.

I didnt completely finish 7-12 not bc i did not want but bc time and stuff didnt let me enjoy the games properly.

All of them have their own charm, i fucking love IV,V and VI.

VI is dark as fuck so it is safistying as fuck as well when you defeat kefka...

Tactis, Tactics advance are wonderful and deep games themselves.

VI and III (nostalgia's a bitch)
right below them XII the zodiac age
X, X-2
Never played XI

LRXIII. Even its flaws just amuse me instead.

VI, IX and golden era XI

Hard to pick a favorite, but I really liked


They're unconnected (until you really get into the lore), so you can play them in any order. You can't really go wrong per se, if you start with one of the following: IV-VII + X. If you've sworn to play every FF no matter what, start from I and continue in order. If you've sworn to play only one FF in your entire life, make it IX.

Beyond that, do you want:
Gameplay? III, IV and V. Later VI, VII, X, X-2, Lightning Returns, Dissidia Duodecim and World of Final Fantasy.
Story? VI, VII and X. Later II, IV, V, IX and XIII-2.
Combination of the above two? VI and VII. Later IV, V, IX and X.
More western style? XII. Later XV and Type-0.
Medieval? I, II, IV and V. Later III, VI, IX and XII.
Renaissance/Steampunk? VI and IX. Later XII.
Dieselpunk? VII.
Modern/Futuristic? VIII, XIII, XIII-2 and XV. Later VII, Before Crisis (if you could play it), Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core and Type-0.
Atmosphere? II, V, VI, VII and IX. Later III, X, X-2 and Lightning Returns.
Good graphics? III, VI, IX, X, XIII, XIII-2, XV and World of Final Fantasy.
Music? VI. Later super majority of the rest.
Characters? V, VI and VII. Later IV, IX and XIII-2.
Strong themes? IV, VI, VII, IX and X. Later II and VIII.
Humor? V, VI and VII. Later III, X-2 and World of Final Fantasy.
Seriousness? II, IV, VIII, IX, X and XII Later VI, VII, XIII and Before Crisis.
Weirdness? VIII.
Completeness? VI and IX.


5, 6, and 9 too

Dissidia Duodecim

6, 9, 14

Special mentions to 7 and 10

There's nothing wrong with that 7 is the most well rounded game in the series.

Damn nigga
That's some good ass taste

This works too

Personally 5, 7, tactics, 11, Dissidia 012, and Crystal Chronicles.

I'd give that to 6

You could argue it either way.


Greatest OST.


I think I like 5 the most...

How is 12? I thought it was an MMO but apparently I was wrong. Now I kinda wanna get it.

Fuckin terrible

I don't like it. On the FF games I don't like list I put it above 13, but below 8.


>ywn ride the wind with Barbariccia
Why even fucking live

Anybody else really enjoyed 3?

I mean it's not my top favorite in the series, but I just finished it two nights ago and it was pretty damn fun. It wasn't the shitty broken FF5 beta that a few people had warned it was going to be, though maybe it is the case with the NES version, which I have yet to try.

I remember playing basketball for a short while because I wanted to jump like Kain.

NES version is still good, it's honestly surprising how great it is when you compare it to its contemporaries. I think it's far and away the best RPG on the NES.

don't know yet, i'm still marathoning through them.

I enjoyed 3 on the NES a lot. i consider it the first true FF

i would say best game on the NES

Honestly they are so similar you could give it to either.

Game bugged out on me 4 times to the point it broke.

No thank you.

VII and X are the only ones that I can just replay forever. V is also good. Everything else is too flawed to be one of my favorite games.

nine, IX and nueve. best story in the franchise

Inb4 im a soyboy

Will we ever have another IX? another homage to old final fantasy? A numbered big budget old school FF

blue menu
world map

Putting aside the fact that Square is probably outright incapable of making a game like that anymore, IX was the perfect send-off for the old style of the franchise. Personally I don't feel like we really need another like it, not because I don't like the things it did, but because attempting to make a high profile game that paid respects to the old days of the franchise after already having done it once would feel rather cheap.

Now if you're talking purely about bringing back the gameplay structute of the SNES and PS1 era, I'm all in favor of it.

If you switch 12 you could also use this to rate the final fantasy logos.

Most likely not those things are move to being in side games only.

7 > Tactics >>>>> 8 > Type-0 > Heavensward / Stormblood > X = X-2 > XII >> 9 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 3

havent played XV yet

>ff7 babby
>type 0 that high
i ain't taking this bait, goodnight

XV=close 2nd

>walking down hallway alone
>Suddenly hear youtube.com/watch?v=jSAjNWypykQ

What do you do?

I think the Braverly games were there attempt at capturing the old school charm. The brave/default gameplay system is brilliant, but each game manages to narrative and pacing flaws. I'm still enjoyed them quite a bit and if you haven't played them I would recommend them.

the second one went in completely the wrong direction character wise. nothing classic about those stupid goth loli shit

Versus XIII