it's ogre
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their """reason"""
That has to be one of the most jewish tactics I've ever heard a company do in gaming.
>buying EA games in 2017
delete this right now
Pretty clever honestly
Sup Forums user
I mean...I guess that makes sense but you'd think that if they were going to be that strict about it, they'd just GIVE her to you.
Which means there's no mechanism for obtaining Heroes, no function coded into the game for it, outside of spending credits or the lootbox
Chad EA
wha-what happens next?
this way people cant spend 20k on on pay2win lootboxes. only 5k. smart move.
This. Now that reddit hates EA they are /ourguys/ based EA.
What happened to
>beat the game on easy to unlock this minor character
>beat the game on normal to unlock this major character
>beat the game on hard to unlock this main character
>beat the game on nightmare to unlock this easter egg character
What exactly is the Battlefront controversy, I'm hearing about everything except what it is
name 6 games that do this.
Look it up on reddit.
Casuals complained that they didn't want characters gated by difficulty. It hurt their feelings to be reminded of their lack of ability.
So I just won't buy the game.
Dunno why it's hard to be discontent with a product and not follow through. You've got children whining left and right how "evil" EA and lootboxes are, but they're the same hypocrites that'll stream $500 worth of virtual products being opened. If it's so bad then don't playit, fuck.
THPS did shit like this
You have to grind for EA funbucks to buy Star Wars heroes, which takes a really long time or you could buy lootboxes for funbucks
This is after DICE said they would support the game with free character and map dlc
>you can only complete 5 arcade challenges every 14 hours
pretty funny actually. based EA BTFOing retards who buy this trash and expect EA to bend to their demands
Most people who play these games would rather have the content locked behind RNG crates then behind something that might take the slightest bit of skill.
This is all pretty obviously just a test to see how shitty they can make their marketing practices and still get away with it thanks to retarded impulse-buy consumers.
Tony Hawk, Unreal Tournament, Payday 2, various Mario Karts. SoulCalibur 2, Metroid Prime, just to name a few, all had unlockable characters/weapons/whatever locked behind completing certain objectives in the game.
>shit the people win, lower the price by 75%
>decrease rewards by 75%
what did they mean by this
thanks for the reddit gold!
sounds like a mobile game
This whole situation has been absolutely hilarious. Seeing autists sperg over their star wars and EA not giving a single fuck. I look forward to it continuing and the autism army to attempt another "muh gamergate" and pretend they're making a difference.
How many times can you keep shooting yourself in the foot.
We like EA now that Reddit hates them
as long as you're having fun snarking at everyone and not really doing anything yourself either
>Implying I would buy anything from EA
blame reddit
it is reddits fault!
I fucking stoped buying EA games like 10 years ago lad, I love watching these retards get assfucked.
She gets fucked by the dog, doesn't she?
Do these suits think this will make them more money? I feel bad for the actual developers.
This seems to be literally and unironically true.
anyone have the new veddit comment about this? I wanna see it
When people are willing to pay for the chance to unlock something, why give it away for free?
Who or what?
Better luck next time goyim heheh
>tfw haven't bought an EA game since Road Rash
When will you westcucks learn
Oh you know what happens next and she does too.
Sup Forums, give it to me straight. All I want to do is play as some clones and mow down droids. Will this game satiate that need, or is it even lacking in that?
They reduce cost by 75% but reward by 75% also? So nothing changed? I don't get what the hubub is all about
jesus christ
I think that's the stronk independent female protagonist in the story mode.
The campaign reward was only to unlock one character.
Nothing to see here.
Hand over your shekels, goy.
EA broadcast that they reduced the cost, but left out they reduced the rewards. Then they let people make clickbait articles about EA doing good.
The real question is did EA think people wouldn't find out.
It's so that brainlets on Reddit will think that they've won. The only winning move in an EA game is to not buy the game in the first place.
Yes, because the game itself is functional. It's even kinda fun from what I played.
But these absolutely asinine microtransactions piss on any good aspects of the game.
>550k downboats
Holy shit that's more than 20x the number of the previous record holder.
don't fuck with gamers
I think the last game that I have ever play from EA was this one. And I prate it since the guys who made it went under and now make shitty sports games.
Oh that makes sense. No, they probably didn't think anyone would notice; companies that treat their customers as shittily as EA do tend to think that everyone they're lying to are complete idiots.
Pressure the devs to protest. They're just as guilty for sitting idly by
It is fun because everyone is on the same power level. When the game actually releases and the people who buy loot crates start raping your ass with level 1 cards, come back and tell me if it is still fun.
Reddit user
Holy fuck
This is great to see, but lets be real here. Despite all the shit EA is taking right now, the game will still sell a shit ton. It's a sad reality, but it's the truth.
>devs protest
>get fired
>probably get blacklisted from working elsewhere as well
Smart idea.
I wanted to play this game. I really did.
But not anymore. Unless EA disposes this manipulative and time wasting practice, I won't even bother.
I mean, I'd like to imagine our memes at least making a tiny dent in sales
I could get 5 million down votes and it wouldn't mean shit. Reddit will probably delete the post and any trace anyways after EA pressures them.
>reddit doesn't stand for greedy anti-consumer bullshit
>"Haha w-what retards!"-Sup Forums
game will still sell 10 million copies in 2 months and then 20 million by summer. However people will complain about the grind and mobile game powerups after they already bought it so EA automatically wins
Shut up, mEAg.
Isn't one of the main reason for the micro transactions is because they are going to have free dlc? I may be wrong but who gives a shit anymore
Nobody gives a shit about you nigger.
wtf i love EA now
It's because not enough gamers are redditors. We need to encourage more to browse that website in order to stay informed and vote with their wallets.
>Literal stamina system on a full priced game
The fucking mobile garbage i play on the shitter is more lenient and has more free stuff than this fucking game. What the fuck.
9/10. Would gladly click on this again next time I see it.
post more
>calling characters "heroes"
I will never associate that word (and other similar words like "legends", "champions", and others) with anything but assfaggots. I'm sure assfaggots did more to harm gaming than anything else.
Can this be the new Sup Forumseme for the month?
What is this?
Wont this increase the time needed to unlock characters
They have been called heroes way before assfaggots were famous.
>linking to plebbit
>posting pepe the frog
Neck yourself
Buying card packs in the sports games almost makes sense. But putting microtransactions in a star wars game is retarded and its really convoluted and ham-fisted. Just fucking calm down on the microtransactions for five seconds. You don't have to bend the lootbox model to fit in every single gameyou make. How about just make a game for once
Can wait to grind OTHER 40 HURS to unlock dlc characters
>Reduce price of heroes
>Reduce the reward from campaign as well to match Janina Gavankar's price
>Meanwhile credit rates from everything else weren't reduced by 75%
Yeah pretty sure LoL started that ebin term for the player character. Somehow it never sounds endearing when said.
Unlocks, expansion packs, cheat codes, all that shit is dead m8. Pay to unlock, because we gotta suck dry the uninterested playerbase who will buy the game, play it for a week and then never look at it again.
>Dumbfuck normies will still buy this game because Star Wars
>Star Wars nerds will buy it because they'll buy literally anything with the Star Wars name on it
>Grandparents will buy it for the grandkids this Christmas because Star Wars
>EA will still get their money no matter what
>Not a goddamn thing will change
>They'll continue to shit out turds and watch the money roll in as they never have to put effort into making a good game ever again
Why spend money making a good game when you can make a subpar one padded with micrtransactions? They make a bigger profit doing the latter.
Dude Hatsworth is the bomb
>grinding for characters in the first place
I just want to play the campaign. I read the prequel novel, Inferno Squad, and I liked it quite a bit.