Post discussion about Yu-Gi-Oh! VIDEO GAMES here. Not anime, video games. (We don't want to get this one locked too)

Post discussion about Yu-Gi-Oh! VIDEO GAMES here. Not anime, video games. (We don't want to get this one locked too)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just stop spamming these threads and just take it to /tg/, literally won't get banned if you want to talk about the card game over there. It's not that hard to follow the rules.

Dungeon dice monsters is the best yugioh game

Yeah but I want to talk about the video games and which ones are good and which ones suck and people's experiences with those video games. This is a video game-specific thread.

>We don't want to get this one locked too
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, Neogaf is two blocks down

Isn’t that just Duel Monsters but with dice?

Is anyone currently tackling a Tag Force 6 translation or is it forgotten?

No how dare you

The dice form the environment on which the monsters duel with the special and unique abilities

Which Tag Force games are good?

Are Crystrons any good?

There's a partial that covers the cards and nothing else, but honestly who cares about 6 when it's STILL set in 5D's? 4 5 and 6 seem to be carbon copies of each other with slightly more cards. I've never played it but I bet you I could tell you the story for every single character if I gave enough of a shit to type it out.

Translation is dead on the water after arc V got released.

And don't get me started on Arc-V's shitty meme translation.

YOU WATCHED THE ABRIDGED SERIES, CONGRATULATIONS. I don't need it referenced every two fucking seconds.

any yu gi oh game where you can use the gods? i don't think you could in the gba games that i played.

Pretty much all of them in the last 7 years. They got playable versions in the real life TCG awhile back, too.

Reshef of Destruction is literally Turbo Your God Cards:The Game
Most of the Tag Force games have them too,but you have to have save data from the previous game or some bullshit.

Should I stick with Tag Force 3 if I want to enjoy comfy duel academy with best girl AKA Alexis or should I just go ahead and play Tag Force Special?

For the love of god stick with 3. Don't subject yourself to the memes.

Special only has five characters per series and is less "waifuish" than its predecessors, but has more recent cards.

Forbidden Memories was a fun game despite the gameplay being extremely simple yet somehow frustratingly obtuse as well.

Alright then. Any tips on Alexis as a partner though? I'm running a warrior deck at the moment and obviously we don't really benefit each other.

*fuses your post into a twin-headed thunder dragon*

I actually really liked the fusion mechanic. My only problem is that most monster types are useless as a result because of how little viable fusion options they give.

Oh and I guess how it requires too much experimentation to get a hang of is also annoying too.

Reminder, traps are gay.

>Playing against Odion and his ten billion trap creature deck
>Play motherfucking Jinzo
>Smug as shit for about one turn until my tag partner tributes Jinzo for his fucking red-eyes black dragon
>Twenty thousand traps activate and we lose

New Tag Force when?

They're pretty fun, but I wouldn't say they are good enough to take to a tournament larger than locals and expect to top. Their new Link also makes them more playable with the new master rules. To bad Needlefiber is too generic for its own good so it helps other decks way more than it does Crystrons.

>>Smug as shit for about one turn until my tag partner tributes Jinzo for his fucking red-eyes black dragon
Why did Joey insist on using Red-Eyes and not bother to get any of his limited amount of cards that actually benefit him like Meteor Dragon?

Sure you do

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread

What's your opinion on GX?

For real though the focus on speed and combos is cancer. The proper reaction is to adapt your deck and force your opponent to slow the fuck down however, not whine on the internet.

How does it feel to be such a raging autist you post this asinine tl;dr copy-pasta over a children's card game every thread?

Retarded as fuck, some episodes actually made me cringe. Comfy setting and cute girls though.

Normies overrate it to hell and back.

>>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
But anime/manga was around before the game?

Season 1 and 2 are the best anime series, GX as a whole was the best gameplay era.

Reminder that someone went into exile and reverted to basically a caveman to try and increase his random guessing skills so he can get some special sandwich.

It was a really good sandwich though

Why did he think living out in the wild was gonna help increase his draw luck?

>mfw I have an ABC Dragon Buster equipped with Assault Core,Buster Dragon,and Crush Wyvern while I have 2 Ojamapartys on the field and 3 Ojamas in my hand
wtf I love Ojamas now

>The proper reaction is to adapt your deck and force your opponent to slow the fuck down however, not whine on the internet.

Hand Traps



Lets you start with one of the first six starter decks, no story characters to fight against but it's still the best GBA Yugioh game.
>Eternal Duelist Soul
If you have nostalgia for the Axe of Despair on Summoned Skull meta of 2003, then BOY DO I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU.

European version has a bugfix that causes the game to NOT delete Pegasus from the enemy encounter list, get that version of the ROM instead
SIX SAMURAI META if you're into absurdly broken bullshit.

Best GX game, hands down
Best 5Ds game, hands down


The AI is horrible compared to Eternal Duelist Soul, and unlike Eternal Duelist Soul, you can't duel anyone anytime you want. It also only has like two more packs than EDS, so just play that instead if you want to play an early beatstick meta game.
those dumb niggas actually gave Jaden a fucking DRAGON deck what the hell

The UI is horrid and it doesn't have NTR's excuse of being the first DS game. Also there's no story mode and a bunch of shit that was available online isn't available anymore. Ditto for WC2008.
They legit start you off in syncho town with two synchros worth using and require you to grind like 60 duels with specific characters to get ONE booster that has synchros in it, all the while the characters you have to beat like 10x each spam synchros at your ass. one of the bitches spams fucking Naturia Beast, have fun with that.

JP only, meme translation.

You would too if some fuck face kept getting it for a whole week straight.

Pretty accurate.

What about this tho? Better than WC06 if you like dueling anime characters.

I remember that capsule monsters game from ps2, which was fucking great, and the shitty broken one that took place in england or some shit

Actual Yugioh player here. /tg/ are hostile to Yugioh. Take it to instead. is also popular but mods don't really consider game discussion relevant to the anime.

the /vg/ thread is fucking cancer don't go there.

Ojama ABC is pretty fun and much better than I thought it would be.

What Yugioh Clients have Links?

Percy (Mainline YGOPRO) just released their Links update so all the shitty malware clients are now obsolete. Welcome back automatic card updates and proper online play.
YGOPRO2 is Link compatible but has some issues with effect activation. It's worth checking out and will probably replace YGOPRO in a while.
All others are garbage. Mostly just Percy clones with added advertisements and paid card sleeves and shit.

YGOPro percy has it. The update happened like a week or two ago. Just download it off their discord.
There is no proper offline ai for now, but if you go to LAN and put in:
IP: 8234
Password: ai
You'll be able to play against some test ai.

It also had a nice 3D perspective instead of a flat grid to place cards on like the others.

>have to beat everyone at least 10 times each for King of Games rank
>two of them only show up in the morning on saturday
>they also only show up if you're in obelisk blue
>in order to grind wins on them you have to know in advance you'll need to and only fight them during the time they appear or just spam duel them and skip the rest of the week over and over
>no ingame way to track how many times you've dueled specific people
at least A Legendary Ocean beatdown makes extremely quick work of literally everyone but fucking hell
what do you even get for hitting King of Games in GBA Duel Academy?

An autographed kaibaman and a very nice letter.

Alright, thanks.
So I assume DevPro has become less popular now due to no Links

Not having Link certainly hasn't helped DevPro. They were also slower at adding new cards, and the Devbot ai, last I checked, was slower and performed worse than Percy ai.

It's a buggy unfun pile of trash. Avoid like the plague.

How do we fix Crystal Beasts?

Also VRAINS Tag Force game when? I want to mess around with Links and newer stuff in general without having to fight other people online all the time.

>no fusion archetype based off of polymers

3, 4, 5, 6

You can't because of MUH LORE. The problem isn't their Spells and Traps, it's literally every CB member except Ruby and Sapphire being a pile of shit, especially Rainbow Dragon.
At their best, they're Abundance Turbo thanks to Crystal Tree and the new support.

Also, Tag Force series is kill m8. Konami put all their shekels into Duel Links sadly.

There was a major improvement between 4 to 5 when it comes to wandering around in the overworld, and people not being constantly pissed at you just because you decided to talk a nice walk in town with a Dark Signer, and more cards = better obviously

I still can't believe this is not an edit


why is Kaiba so bullshit in nearly every gba title?

>he can't even draw his favorite card

What else are you gonna do at a card game school?

>start playing eternal duelist soul
>oh so it's in the same series as dark duel stories
>do a duel and just get a pack and not money
>remember seeing password on options screen
>free blue eyes, dark magician, axe of despair, everything can be obtained from the start
i guess this was before they realized letting the player get every card in the game as soon as they turn on the power for the first time completely breaks the game

It's the one I grew up with but I only remember the blond girl with the nice tits and "COME ON AND GET YOUR GAME ON!"

>not Destiny Board Traveler the real best yugioh game

I love Animal Crossing

why was this ever created?

So Konami can ban you from using it after you were lucky enough to get one

seemed obvious and simple card to make at first but they didn't realise how fucking stupid it actually is. Just like Monster Reborn

It was from the anime

To fuck over people, obviously. It was an early card that got adapted somewhat faithfully. Then it got banned, now it's been unlimited for a few years.

Just change your big monsters to defense before you attack

it was actually in the manga during duelist kingdom, you know, when there weren't really concrete rules on what could happen and the mangaka just made shit up depending on how they wanted the duel to go. basically in terms of story purposes, it's just a bullshit deus ex machina that stops yugi's dark magician from getting its shit wrecked by weevil, then it got adapted into a bullshit deus ex machina card because balance didnt exist for a while in tcg

>it was actually in the manga during duelist kingdom
What I meant.

The original duel monsters game was merely a platform to tell a shonen manga plot on, not a well constructed, thought out actual card game. It's why you have shit like ATTACK THE MOON which was memed into an actual card,
but whatever, and most likely why YGO has nothing like fucking keywords for its card effects

Why would you ever do that, though?

When you think your opponent has a mirror force

You don't, you just play MST and destroy it

>Smug as shit for about one turn until my tag partner tributes Jinzo for his fucking red-eyes black dragon

do we have a list of cards that were memed in from the anime/manga? I'm almost certain Berserker Soul first appeared in the anime

Pretty shit but it has some good moments. Not worth sitting through but I'm fond of it. It elevated the TCG/OCG with the new cards it provided and actually produced some fun video games too.

what the fuck


>how it was used in the anime in its first (and only) appearance
"Breaker the Magical Warrior" then attacks directly (Weevil 3700 → 2200). Yami Yugi then activates "Berserker Soul" by discarding his entire hand. Now Yami Yugi can draw cards from his Deck until he draws a Magic/Trap Card. For each Monster Card drawn, Yami Yugi can send it to the Graveyard and select a monster with 1500 or lower ATK in order to allow the selected monster to attack again. The first two cards Yami Yugi draws and discards are "Queen's Knight" and "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts". "Breaker the Magical Warrior" attacks directly twice more (Weevil 2200 → 700 → 0).

I actually enjoyed the bluff element it added to the game early on.

>I've got a summoned skull and vampire lord ready to push his shit in
>he set one card in his s/t zone and ended his turn
>should I switch one of them to defense mode to be safe, or chance it and possibly win the duel this turn?

It came from the source material. This game has no mana costs so it's slightly less broken than it'd be in other card games.



To fuck over beatdown zerg faggots.

>the music in the original version of this scene

Never forget

>Yellow chink subs
It's almost nostalgic in a way

people tend to forget that the moon thing isn't even the most retarded thing that happens in early duels, especially in the manga where the rules were even more loose. trying to connect duels pre-battle city pre-official tcg with the current game is just stupid. those effects werent wrong, they just came before the game had official rules and anything could happen.

Whoever did these subs must have been legit retarded.

>Straight up hear Haga say Anzu-chan
>Subs say Kyoko(????)
>Demon Dueler Destroyer