IGN is on strike now because of harrasment. Who will provide the internet with meme reviews now?
IGN is on strike now because of harrasment. Who will provide the internet with meme reviews now?
And here's the cherry on top. The person who caused this mess was the girl who said "too much water." Kallie Plagge.
>former staffer
>former editor
>neither work for IGN anymore
>IGN employees walk out
It's sounds like IGN stepped in and stopped the harrasment. Isn't this supposed to be how an HR department works?
Dumb slut doesn't knows what a true survivor is, it reeks of victimizing.
Also if everything she said is true she is an idiot by giving her benefactor's name to everyone.
This is why you don't uncage the vagina
lol wut? so neither of them work for ign anymore?
whats the fucking point of striking then?
man, what the fuck is wrong with this timeline?
So uh, are they protesting against the woman or against the editor?
You know what, fuck it, why am I even asking?
>give the switch a 7/10 instead of a perfect score like ninetndobabbies wanted
>get fired from your job and then accused of sexual harassment by a co worker
lmao the price was too high
she was right about that though
>guy pushes it a bit too hard with some shitty/stupid/whatever remarks
>could just be an autistic retard, hard to tell without knowing him, but who cares, it doesn't really matter here
>HR is left with testimony vs testimony shit, who the fuck should they believe
>tell her to stop doing shit he accuses her of
>apparently tell the dude to stop doing shit she accuses him of
>for the rest of her stay at IGN he apparently didn't really do anything non-work related
This is an issue how, exactly?
>women, non-whites and nu-males using any excuse not to work
Surprise surprise.
Because she's a woman, and if the man isn't castrated simply for looking her way, she's a poor, poor victim.
There needs to be a law enacted, where if you lie about sexual harrassment, or rape charges, then you actually get raped, brutally.
so do these people do through investigations before demonizing the guy in the situation, or is he just public enemy immediately?
How does ign even still exist? They serve no purpose. Like, just die already
What is going on in 2017? Why all the sexual harassment allegations?
i came to ask the same thing
>some woman says some guy harassed her
>guy said he didn't do it
>people just assume the woman isn't full of shit and walk out
this is besides the fact literally no one cares if game reviewers arent working
>by a former editor
what do they want? For them to fire him a second time?
Millenial girls found out you can accuse guys of rape with zero evidence.
COD: WW2 returns to familiar ground, bringing with it the excitement and updates of nearly 15 years worth of development. Should not be missed!
Hire me, IGN.
This is why women should stay at home taking care of the kids. Women and men shouldn't be working together in the same place.
Fuck the jews for forcing women into the workforce to drive down wages
The latter.
It's always the fucking latter.
Even in her messages, she states that the only proof she needs is another woman (who wasn't even a fucking witness, mind you).
She's going full damage control because people are already calling her out. Every time someone pokes holes in her story, she goes "Oh wow, another man trying to seize the situation" or something along those lines.
At least we can play vidya all day that way
>IGN is on strike
And nothing of value has been lost
>hollywood jew apparently dicks a few actresses
>they suddenly all start coming out, now they're not afraid anymore, it's 2017 cum on!
>everyone else starts riding the hype train
That's basically it. I guess there's a bit of attention whoring and maybe revenge mixed into it, too. I mean fuck, just an allegation is enough to fuck with a guy's career if he's unlucky. It does not matter if he is found not guilty, the allegation alone is enough for most employers.
This is even ignoring that she had several options if she felt like nothing was happening:
>Find another job
>Document everything
>Lawyer up
Instead she waits until after the fact to make a deal about it? She doesn't pursue legal action but instead just causes an online shitstorm about it? Girl did zilch to help herself.
Who is calling her out, and what holes are being poked in her story? I'm asking this impartially, since I just want to know as much as I can.
The first one is a compliment though
The other two are pretty bad
Wait, are they on strike because the allegations are bullshit or on they on strike in support of the allegations?
>Hey guys we're all gonna go on strike because someone said they were harassed. No proof or anything, just because she said so and humans are incapable of lying.
until their memories are erased from history, all articles and content they were involved in in any capacity deleted, and an official denouncement from corporate, we are on strike
>whats the fucking point of striking then?
Nothing. These faggots do it now just to be trendy.
what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
It still applies. Unfortunately, only to the law, not to society or private institutions.
only applies to woman and/or non-cacasians only
>Woman says HR made her sign a document saying she acted inappropriately
>She never took a picture of this with her smart phone
>This document has never been asked for so nobody knows if it even exists
>Everyone just blindly believes her
brownie points are more valuable than proof
People are all about kneejerk reactions and drama.
Doesn't happen in rape / abuse / harassment accusations. Have fun clearing your name after being accused of doing any of those. Hint: you csn't clear your name even if you prove you didn't do anything, you're basically unemployable.
Feels like these allegations are always made towards guys with a certain look.
Let's be real here, how many of these allegations turned out to be false?
>IGN is on strike
Literally who the fuck cares? I hope they never come back, and all those currently dispossessed because of the bullshit NOTHING never work again, ending up as street urchins blowing dudes for a crack.
Nothing will top NeoGaf. that shit literally destroyed the site
The grand majority of Rape accusations turn out to be false.
Didn't they finally do a follow up story on lots of Campus Rape claims and only found 23% or so to actually be true? The rest were literally "I was just drunk and regretted it."
Any rape/sexual harrasment allegations need to be reported immediately and proved within a few days, otherwise they should be completely forgotten.
None of this "I was so trauamtized~" bullshit.
Are IGN employees even unionized?
You can't just strike because you want to.
While I don't give a shit about IGN the whole fuss with the sexual harassment allegations has started to getting annoying. It was funny at first with radical liberals getting a taste of their own weapon "Listen and believe" nonsense but now it's getting out of hand with paranoid feminazi calling everyone as sexual harassers and expecting to be taken seriously without any valid evidence.
Whelp... Sam is getting that pussy unless Sam is a [insert pronoun here]
?? I raped two woman in Tunisia and i'm still employed. Is America THAT cucked?
I hate that the only opinion you are allowed to have about these allegations on social media is "You go sweetie!" otherwise you are labeled a rape apologist
Mostly comment sections in the original article.
Don't be surprised if they got disabled now.
Are you really surprised?
American women get asshurt over every little thing.
I think it's daddy issues because of the shit tier parenting and lack of common fucking sense
>Mfw Weinsteinning has ruined every single one of my hobbies
Thanks women.
>guy doing thing she doesn't like
>she tells HR
>he stops doing the thing she doesn't like
what's the problem here? Is she mad he wasn't fired? All he did was hit on her
The whole video game industry is cancer. Nuke NeoGAF and Silicon Valley please.
I would sexually harass her
There are no breaks on the rape accusation train
>Not 10/10 buy the dlc.
You fucked up jabroni
You call what they do work?
What the fuck is going on
There are no break on those garbage thread who give them attention & clicks.
roasties realized they can say you sexualize harassed them cause you complimented them 5 years ago
Is Ingenito his last name? I'm getting a very heebie kikeburger vibe from him explaining the allegations, especially with the beard, but his italian-ish last name is throwing me off. Is he just a fat ugly italian or is he a ferengi?
They are probably not even on strike
Isn't this literally the sexual harassment panda episode of South Park from years ago?
Old guy hit on a hot girl but she didn't think he was attractive, so she complained to HR. HR told him to stop, but he countered by claiming she was harassing him, so HR also told her to stop. After that point the guy never harassed her again, unless you count asking her work related questions or sitting near her at a meeting as "harassment". Apparently him not getting instantly fired for hitting on her made her so mad that it scarred her for life.
why anyone would hire this person is beyond me, she would be more successful as an independent cleavage-showin reviewer.
>I spent the entirety of those months sick with anxiety, literally to the point of severe nausea every day. I was terrified.
>he continued to walk near my desk, ask me work questions in person, and sit near me in mettings.
what the fuck is wrong with women? this should be classified as some kind of mental sickness and women like this should be put under intensive care at a mental hospital immediately.
Half of these allegations and by half I mean 90 percent are literally nothing. It's basically
>he made me uncomfortable
>I had sex with him of my own free will to further my career
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the huge backlash as it's a trove of hilarity, but these allegations are fucking stupid. The Louis CK one especially. How are you going to sit there and watch someone undress and then get hard and beat off and then this is a big deal 15 years ago? If someone started taking out their penis, I'd be gone and laugh about it after (which I'm sure this isn't the first time they saw a penis). And why can things - that weren't even fucking criminal - ruin your career decades later? I'm sure if someone said Jolie pulled her cookie out and pissed in front of them when they were underaged it wouldn't do a fucking thing. And can I report actors for their penises popping up in movies that scarred me for life?
>How does ign even still exist?
Is this some kind of conspiracy to destroy all the ugly genes?
>ugly guys already have problems approaching girls because they are insecure
>the advice given is always to give a try and not be scared to make moves
>now they risk getting accused of harassment/rape
>first two sentences straight form the big book of cliches.
Women are terrible writers.
the girl who cried rape
is this the next step in cautionary tales?
What is he guilty of? Being ugly and daring to speak to a womyn?
She's a former IGN employee, what did you expect?
we should just kill all women and start to fuck each other lads lol
last one he is clearly talking about playing video games.
so it's just pic related?
This has literally no downsides whatsoever. Humanity doesn't need to continue.
Is this a good time to send them my writing resume? I want some IGN money
how about evidence did u think about that u tubby bitch
>>he continued to walk near my desk, ask me work questions in person, and sit near me in mettings.
I didn't read the images above and I'm not gonna hunt down a link to IGN or some shit, but please tell me that isn't a word-for-word from the article.
nice now when he gets out of prison he actually can go rape her and not get convicted
>nine years
it is. I quoted it.
>Sharon Stone ruined my life. For years as a child all I could see when I closed my eyes were her... her... bare (vagina) with me... her vagina
>I can no longer suffer in silence
Uh that is not how that works senpai.
Apparently he texted her this right after he was told she complained
I really ought to move out of the US once I graduate college. How's Ireland. They speak English, right?
>year is 2020
>walking down the sidewalk not paying attention, lost in thought
>happen to pass a woman
>she immediately pulls out her rape whistle
>immediately tackled by 13 scrawny white guys with beards and manbuns, spilling their lattes everywhere
>i don't even fall over because they're so weak
>arrested for harrassing a women
>in court the next day
>woman tells the judge, in tears, about how nervous and sick she was having to put up with the pressure of being near me
>claims I exploited my power over her because she needed to use the sidewalk to get to the medical marijuana clinic
>sentenced to 3 years in the reeducation gulag and forced to drink soy milk and bottled water every day until I grow ovaries
>actually using the word "survivor" because a guy said your butt looked nice