>sequels prove the first game's villain right
Sequels prove the first game's villain right
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i think borderlands did this
Reminder that Frank Horrigan did nothing wrong.
Master did NOTHING wrong.
Except for all of those things that even he admits he did wrong.
Vaguely related, but it pisses me off something major that the brotherhood crashes about 100 vertibirds a week in fallout 4. Aren't they one of the most valuable resources?
>"As long as there are differences, we will tear ourselves apart fighting each other. We need one race, one goal, one people, to move forward to our destiny"
Fallout 3 and Fallout 4
>BoS defeat Enclave
>Just become a shittier Enclave in 10 years
At least the Enclave had more to their name than a paper mache blimp and a robot everyone can fucking hack and use to kill them.
I assume they are supposed to have some manufacturing capacity. It's still really dumb because the world of Fo3 was unrealistically garbage and everyone acts like the bombs fell 2 weeks ago, so I don't see how the capital wasteland would have turned around that much in like 10 years or whatever it's been.
Liberty Prime was one of the few cool moments of Fallout 3 and they just literally recycled that shit for 4.
in Wolfenstein the new order deathshead talks about taking your head and using it for experiments
in the next game that exact thing happens
There will always be differences.
They can be thoroughly suppressed and attention can be directed away from them
The Master's plan was fundamentally flawed, and I don't mean the sterility thing because that doesn't touch on the fundamentals of it.
He hopes to create a new breed of people hardy enough to survive in the wasteland, and that their unity will make them work together instead of descending into war. But his own Lieutenant, his finest creation besides himself, is a narcissistic sadist who enjoys torturing prisoners. Even if the Super Mutants could breed true, they'd just recreate the problems of the old world, because they have all the same weaknesses that matter - greed, cruelty, et cetera.
They were idiots about it but they were right
Is there any rumours/news on new vegas 2 being made? I thought there was talk of a dev changing his display pic to vault boy and posting "Glad to be back" or something.
when the minds of humanity are uploaded to internet 2.0 we will all be one
Except the part where the Master's plan would have failed horribly because mutants can't reproduce, dummy
That was the entire point
So you remember grade school? People bullied each other for glasses, freckles, being too short, being too fat, being too skinny...
How were they right? If it wasn't the Vault Dweller the government would have cleaned up the mutie infestation themselves.
Literally impossible. You will spend so much effort trying to supress people's individual will, that humanity will regress instead of going forward.
The only way to evolution, is a ruthless enviroment were the stronger, faster, and smarter can win without mercy, and the weaker, slower, and dumber die and never pass their genes or culture forward.
They bullied the weak, not the different. Your school Chad could use glasses, be overweight, be poor, but people would never mess with him for fear. You can be as average as you can, if you're weak people will bully you only because they can.
So you remember the world wars? When everyone was united against the foreign bogeyman?
Nobody will be stupid enough to think humans are capable of removing petty conflict from ourselves, but on a societal level there are many ways a united people can and have been galvanized against internal strife. There is constant motion back and forth and changes need to be made constantly but it can be done.
Or we could cull individuality and progress towards imitating insect hive society.
But besides that, you don't suppress people's individual will. You strongly suggest what the majority should pay attention to.
>mutants can't reproduce
That's not a bad thing. Mutants can live forever and humanity will die out.
>Posts the Master and not the President
Enclave did nothing wrong. The future should be pure of muties and their ilk. We could be roaming the fucking stars and shit, but no. Some bone in nose, spear chucking, tribal fuck had to destroy it.
>The only way to evolution, is a ruthless enviroment were the stronger, faster, and smarter can win without mercy, and the weaker, slower, and dumber die and never pass their genes or culture forward.
That sounds dumb, like you
>Or we could cull individuality and progress towards imitating insect hive society
Once again, impossible. What guys like you, usually left leaning authoritarians needs to understand, is that there's a limit to where social conditioning can take you. Humans will always get interested for sex no matter how much you say it is haram/sin/rape, humans will always like violence in media no matter how much you say it is sin/wrong/evil, and humans will always send society to burn if it goes against their sake or the sake of the few people close to then. The exception are the ones that are not like this. Why? Because it is genetical, it's part and parcel of our instincts.
We are like any other mammal, user. We live in a society, but because life is easier this way. It's not for the sake of society, it's for your own. In the moment the society decides to supress or hurt you, humans do like any wolf, lion, monkey, or rodent: They leave, and try to find a way to be by thenselves.
Individual ambition is what it took us this far, and what will take us beyond.
u raysist nazi bigot!!
The enclave never would have found a way to wipe out mutants if they hadn't of found the ruined mariposa military base though retard
Not him, but I can't take your pseudo-intellectualism seriously when you overuse commas like that.
It's called finding a mutant and filling it with enough holes that it stops moving you stupid nigger.
The Master was a great enemy, but the Enclave are seriously cliche and uninteresting
My language overuses commas, user. Some habits die hard.
then why didnt they do that themselves in the US? oh wait its cause they dont have enough power to wipe out an entire country you autistic bitch ass nigger faggot
FFX-2 because if Sin succeeded that god awful abomination wouldn't exist
So wrong that he kills himself over them
>fake knockoffs by a shit company
Wow really relevant
mutants=muslims coming to europe tobumfuck locals and turn them into mongrels
see-england and france
What did that have to do with anything why did you have to interject politics where it didn't belong. I mean I don't disagree but come on
play fallout 1 again
Came into this thread just for this post.
I just got done replaying through it. I get what you're going for but what the fuck does it have to do with the discussion at hand.
But mutants are the master race
Fallout 3 and 4 for that matter aren't canon.
New Vegas is the real fallout 3.
fu,ck y,ou nigg,er
This, if you get dipped and don't lose your intelligence you're far better off than you were.
So what you are saying is War, War never changes.
How, exactly?
Super mutants were superior but humanity persisted despite the environment.
>fertility problem was being worked on, and potentially close to being solved in fallout tactics
so, about that "flaw"...
I thought mutants lived for a long time. Ghouls can live forever, right?
>The only way to evolution, is a ruthless enviroment were the stronger, faster, and smarter can win without mercy, and the weaker, slower, and dumber die and never pass their genes or culture forward.
So if two dumb, weak guys beat your ass does that throw your theory out the window?
Master is top tier villain.
>wants to improve humanity and prevent another disaster
>take necessary steps to achieve his goals
>can be argued with and accepts different view if it can be backed by facts
>upon learning critical flaw in his plans he takes responsibility and kills himself.
He did nothing wrong.
The Master is literally my all-time favorite Fallout character and the reason 1 is my favorite. He's just too good.
If he is a bright
antagonist - apologist he includes that as well
But they never show these traits against their own as far as I can say...
Fundamentally you are right obv.
There is not kumbaya shit when for it to happen you need to basically anihilate another species. One might be able to bridge this by explaining that the mutants do not have the same neurology as humans and can do atrocities without beeing affected by them on a fundamental level. Like the insectoid biological machines that they are. Either way there is an inconsistency
>We need one race, one goal, one people
>tmw you realise The master was fuckin redpilled
>people taking stories with talking mutants seriously
>the world of Fo3 was unrealistically garbage and everyone acts like the bombs fell 2 weeks ago
I think the idea was that the D.C. area got hit harder than most other places and had no clean water, which made it incredibly difficult to survive there. Of course, Bethesda does a shit job of world building, so it doesn't feel like a hostile environment in game.
fuck off, pete
>not hostile environment
install broken steel and say that after the fifth time an albino radscorpion charges at you giving no fucks
Oh yes The Master was very right
Except where his entire race is fucking STERILE and for decades somehow this guy didn't wonder why his Supermutants weren't having babies?
Yeah good job, idiot
Of course a retard who looks like super mutant will be as stupid as one, and when someone points he made a mistake, he just go "Fuck it, I already got paid".
actually, in tactics, the problem is being worked on, and very close to solving, unless you decide to destroy their lab
also, did you really expect the master to command 2 super mutants to start fucking right here and there? he just assumed it just worked
not canon.
>also, did you really expect the master to command 2 super mutants to start fucking right here and there? he just assumed it just worked
Alright this was amusing but of course not. But after so many years you'd think that he would've wondered why no children of his superior race would come to see and revel in his presence, why none of mutants went up to him and told him that "fuck no make baby what do?"
canon it gets mentioned in the citadel
get fucked, nma nerd
super muties don't have any noticable holes or phalluses one side effect of a fev sauna. marcus can "fuck" in f2, but for all we know, the whore could just be grinding on what is left so marcus can get some awkard pleasure. muties in 3, for example, are 100 percent genderless, you wouldn't expect them to fuck. same thing with muties, their sex drkve could be gone
>tfw mgtow is the future
your average mutant was to busy with RIP AND TEAR to care and the smarter ones kept thier mouths shut.
Jesus I don't remember that game looking worse than Morrowind
Fuck I never got to finish this series
We don't "need" to do anything nor do we have any destiny to pursue.
The ISA is a pure evil organization and they prove time and time again.
>We will fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win our just triumph!
Spoke like a true non-achiever. Morgan Freeman is right about the guy being right.
I'm paraphrasing and I don't remember the exact games, but I remember Bass.exe going on about how NetNavis were just viewed as tools by humans to be discarded later. Of course Lan and Megaman refute that with power of friendship and whatnot. Then Star Force 1 happens 100 years later and the only Navis still used are generics kept on trading cards until they're needed that you can just find lying around. One was even in the local recycling plant.
>We need one race, one goal, one people
True that. This is why White people must die.
Bonus points: He gets proven right in the cutscene almost immediately following his death, and in the worst way imaginable for the hero. The sequel just follows up on this in full.
>get rid of the most effective and powerful race this planet has ever had
You could make an argument for asians but srs brah?
white people aren't a single race
They should be tho
It's a joke because that poster advocated for one race with a picture of Morgan Freeman, who is a based black man. A negroid. A negro, a nigger if you will. A blackie. A coon. An ape. Get it?
Why doesn't the master just make human ranches and have one Chad bull inseminate a bunch of females then FEV dip the children?
Second. Only problem is that it effects people born in the wastes and thus there can be no repopulation
Because that would prove his race is inferior, the whole point is that humans are not needed anymore
Problem? That's the whole point, lol. To kill every human being not part of the Enclave, no matter how pure their genes are. Curling-13 is especially deadly to pure humans, as experiments on V13 dwellers proven.
Is that even confirmed to be real photo? I know Hitler and his boys were weeaboos, but that photo looks really fakey. His face doesn't look real, too flat, almost as if cut out from some other photo.
Oh I guess I read it wrong. Does the enclave have an antidote?
but morrowind had the great water, it never looked bad.
no, then he was weak. Strong men can beat multiple men simultaneously. And besides with memes you dont have to live up to your ideal, you just have to nurture it until somebody strong enough comes along to execute it.
It's fake lol.
Just a good companion piece to pic related
The Enclave has the Oil Rig which is built to operate like a nuclear fallout shelter, with air and water filters, or even a full on closed ecosystem. I think the idea was that the virus would die out after killing all possible hosts, leaving world free of humanity and humanoid mutants (but full of deathjaws and such). No one sentient to challenge Enclave authority. America prevails!
>Gets nuked by a shit flinging tribal and his gang of misfits
That's okay, we will just try again in D.C!
>Gets nuked by an angsty 19yr old
Were infants mentioned to be dipped?
I think I remember reading about weaker creatures straight up dying or getting seizures/heart attacks or worse when dipped, so I would think infants would just die
fuck off americ*n
at least americans are still white