Battlefront II

Skill can beat micro-transactions.
Gentlemen, there's a solution here you're not seeing.

The solution is to not play a garbage game

Hello, EA employee, we welcome you to out image board and hope you have a great time.

Now get the fuck out, nigger.

>implying I work for EA
Hell if I got paid well enough I would absolutely work for EA and be the ultimate EA nigger

all games are bad user don't be silly

You should refrain from posting to much, or are you paid by the post?

Yeah, but what if skill+micro-transactions beats skill without micro-transactions?

You should refrain from weak cop outs by implying people work for EA.
Nigger I would eat EAs asshole for the right amount of cash just to watch neckbeards cry about capitalism.

Yes, git gud at not buying shit games.

Today, OP was not a faggot?

See OP
Just like Master Qui-Gon said

Epic post EA shill, you nearly got me

t. EA

All games are shit tho

All of your posts are shit, nigger.

All of your posts and games are shit, nigger

can skill beat the fact vehicles do not spawn on map and all the cool vehicles are on rails

that literally has nothing to do with what p2w means

too bad this game doesn't reward skill, only time spent in-game

luckily user made this handy script so you can afk in BF2 and get the same sense of pride and accomplishment
yes this is real

>I deserve to bot and hack in video games!
kill yourself

still not enough for me to get this game.

>I deserve a sense of pride and accomplishment from buying lootcrates to progress in a $80 game
you first

>buying the 80 dollar version and not the 60 dollar version
>actually buying the microtransactions
No thanks I'm good.

>Not C++

Fucking 0.000001xer.

the only way to win is not to play

Or just pirate it and play whilst laughing at EA. Sorry consolefags, ethical superiority is a PC exclusive.

>All these nu-males who have never pub-stomped in their entire lives

>pirate a MP game with a 3-hour campaign

>Gentlemen, there's a solution here you're not seeing.
Play the original BF2?

Unironically this, unless people hack I usually get 40-50 kills per game with a just a ship, most people playing are kids and easy to fucking kill.

People are acting like this is some competitive esports twitch shooter which it's not. I don't think it even keeps track of k/d ratios. Everyone's just using it as an excuse to stand on their soap box. If they didn't rag on this game for the lootboxes, they would have just found another EA game to complain about.

People don't care about being good at this game, they just want want the heroes unlocked from the start and not to have to grind for them

>75% damage decrease for boba fett while flying
kill yourself EA


git gud

oh boy I sure do love 20 people rubber band all over the place