Who would you main in a Sup Forums fighting game?
Who would you main in a Sup Forums fighting game?
/k/ absolutely
seeing as they seem to be the only ones able to use firearms
Sup Forums, since they have a high win rate
/jp/ because it would be a cute girl in a hat.
/x/ because I can make everyone else kill themselves with Mandela and Flat Earth posting
/fit/, of course
Sup Forums or Sup Forums
pretty goddamn self-explanatory
Sup Forums cause i'd love to throw a record at a motherfucker and have it do damage.
Sup Forums because they're big guys
Sup Forums
y-you wouldn't hit a girl, r-right?
Sup Forums with this skin
>Sup Forums is a bard character who can't play for shit but still criticizes everyone else
/trv/, everyone would quit because there's no fun in fighting nobody
Either /x/ since i like spooky characters or /out/ as it'll probably have a lot of traps and setup combos.
Also /y/ and /s/ for obvious reasons
/d/ so I can fufill all sorts of fetishes with one character.
Sup Forums
I'd imagine one of his/har poorly written songs starting to break rhyme scheme with the insults.
Guys how do I unlock the secret Moot character?
Sup Forums for multiple forms
/k/, of course
Sup Forums so I never have to actually play it but still shit on it.
Break your computer
Sup Forums
I'd win because nobody wants to touch me
no, moot is the secret unlockable boss character
you have to beat all the other boards, including /trash/, to be able to even try to fight him
/s4s/ so I can be good at a joke character
That's just mean they're the zoner, easily countered by people with an idea of how to avoid projectiles
underrated post, fellow /x/phile
I'll just possess my enemies
and have them do lewd things, of course
Invite someone over to fuck your lover
probably /r9k/ only to realize that their only power is self-destruction; at least I'd be able to take everyone else down with me.
kimmo alm
>Sup Forums so I never have to actually play it
/asp/ of course
>mfw grumpy ojii-san shitters can't even touch me playing Bateman
Is there anything funnier than mocking anime players?
Noctis Lucis Caelum
>Not playing the 2015 Championship edition which has hiro replace moot out of nowhere as superboss
Sup Forums is clearly strongest anyway, literally has like 12 extra asspull lives before they go down for good.
/asp/, specifically the /MAG/ moveset
>TFW pre-ordered
who here /vip/ main?
>/k/ players spamming murdercube ult as soon as they're put on the defensive
it's not fucking fair.
Sup Forums
W.T. Snacks unironically
> Choose Sup Forums
> Match starts
> opponent immediately drops dead from cancer
Gippo Dudee
I bet that /po/ would be that hard to use character that is constantly changing shapes but can get some serious shit done if you master him.
Which board would be the game's Ryu?
i.e. the generic jack-of-all-trades with average stats all around
Sup Forums just for being the videogame board in a fighting game.
Sup Forums
Guys, real talk.
Is the new Sachiko character going to replace Yostuba?
Nah fuck that, I am having fun with the Sup Forums MMO. Anyone who plays it, who are your classes?
>Sup Forums Waifu Summoner
>Sup Forums Sony Shitposter
>Sup Forums Big Guy
>keep trying to join matches
>a hacker known only as Anonymous keeps hacking my console
>can't play because of it
it's bullshit
/d/ all day
>Sup Forums dwarf (incel) class
I won't allow it
/k/ because bullets
Sup Forums
/vg/ is Ken, /vr/ is Akuma.
Sup Forums would be M. Bison with a Fire motif
Sup Forums would be a sworduser who has magic bullshit and power ups
Sup Forums would be some crazy gimmicky bullshit character like FANG or El Fuerte
Sup Forums would be top tier as shit but will be two separate characters
/lgbt/ trap (healer)
So which iconic character will represent Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums has greenface
>Sup Forums has yotsuba
>Sup Forums has hitler
>Sup Forums has spiderman
>Sup Forums has cia
>/fit/ has zyzz
>Sup Forums has In the Aeroplane over the sea lady
>Sup Forums bard with shit taste
>/d/ lovecraftian horror summoner
>/m/ mech user
This one
>he doesn't main /trash/
a pity
dont listen to him
people keep spreading these rumors that there's a secret unlockable character
it's bullshit
/lgbt/ as a trap caster specialising in illusion magic
Sup Forums because despite the memes thrown about it's a genuinely fun board and the OC would lead to stupid ass zany attacks.
Sup Forums
Some ungodly amalgam of the top 20 or so most recognisable videogame characters
mootykins :3
holy shit, this HAS to be a drawthread request
>Maining sonybro and using the analvore finisher on nintentoddlers
never gets old.
Enjoy those semen brownies faggot
>Sup Forums fighting game
>North American version ships with Moot
>Japanese verson ships with Hiroyuki, Japanese Moot
Sup Forums would be Frank.
>not maining /r9k/ and shooting up the whole roster
It's all fruitless you cannot defeat /k/s character
/ck/. Don't fuck with /ck/
How do I play nice thread girl?
>nobody maining /x/-tan
fuck off, all /ck/ mains do is spam that stupid selfheal move
>not picking W.T. Snacks
It's like you guys don't even want to win.
>he doesn't main kot
what the fuck are you doing mates
keep the hood safe, H