Oh man...

Oh man, it sure is a shame that DISNEY's new STAR WARS product made for children allows KIDS TO GAMBLE MONEY TO GET POPULAR CHARACTERS SUCH AS DARTH VADER.

It would be a real problem for Disney, the owner of Star Wars, if they were to be held responsible for the actions of the people they licensed the game.

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in gambling you can win things of value.

Isn't the game rated M or something?
Someone like you can't play it

First of all, not all children are innocent (check my little cousin lol)

Second of all, loot boxes aren't gambling if you get them for free sometimes

i have no idea what side you are taking or what you are trying to say

gb2/pol/ i guess?

Are you saying the law and not the person decides what is of value?

Does putting a $7.99 price tag on an in-game item give it value?

the word "monetary" was implied.
why would laws apply to someone's emotional perception of nontransferable value?

You know you can't actually get heroes out of lootboxes right?

Imagine being an illiterate newfag with zero critical thinking skills

ITT Sup Forums defends microtransactions

A lot of people here aren't understanding the point.

Mass send anonymous tipoffs to the media about how Disney is supporting child gambling and either we'll get Disney to pull the reigns on EA harder or some heavy handed commitment from a US legislator that fucks over vidya companies.

Idiot. >Reddit gets shit done. We take the opposite stance. Microtransactions are cool now

try to keep up

Didn't american legislators said loot boxes aren't gambling?


The ESRB, an industry run watchdog (it's not an actual government entity) said it wasn't gambling. The actual government hasn't said shit.

Multiple lawyers have said that loot boxes as they currently exist would result in a shitload of legislation and fines if challenged at all in court.

Every single Mrated game online is flooded with children about 7+ yelling nigger and claiming to fuck your.mom.

>I did it! I won Darth Vader's hero! Now I can retire early!

You'd have to be one stupid moron to equate lootboxes with actual gambling.

>put quarter into capsule machine
>get shitty prize


>pay 3$ for a key
>you either get a 0.00000000001$ item or a 200$ item

in the background it isn't the same as gambling? or what the fuck are you trying to say?

nibba I've sold a TF2 hat back when unusuals first came out for $300.

I am so fucking glad they canned Visceral Games. Now they have NOTHING to repair their image with the brand.

There is no $200 item.
There is a rare item that you can sell for $200 to idiots who pay $200 for stupid online bullshit.

It's only as good as $200 as long as someone is willing to pay that much. There isn't a trade-in office where you can take your digital items and exchange them for real cash. You are participating in free market.

you can't trade items in (new) battlefront two

>implying you can resell the shit you get from Battlefront loot boxes

>People ITT unironically defending EA and lootboxes
Is this the power of nu/v/?

it's not Disney who would face lawsuits if lawsuits were to surface.


the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes.

the act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance or acting recklessly:

nice meme

thanks for refuting your point before you even tried to make it

Fuck EA
Fuck government regulation

Let the children's parents writhe in their unexpected debt. Maybe parents will start paying more attention to their kids if they keep losing money

I'm not saying they're anything but pieces of fucking shit, but it isn't actual gambling, you can't sell the Darth Vader you unlock.
Same way pachinko is legal in glorious Nippon.

reminder that Activision completely pulled Overwatches lootcrates from chinese overwatch after the law requiring odds to be revealed passed

source please

Of course not. It's rated T

How? Lootboxes are a game of chance, and in some instances are bought with real world currency for stakes at items of different rarity with value assigned by oneself or the community around that game
by pure definition it is gambling

>Fuck government regulation
So you believe we should have unregulated immigrants? Fuck off retard

thats whats so fucking genious about this. they gamble and you NEVER have to pay out.

Yeah, you're right, I mis-spoke

>Fuck more* government regulation

kids cant make fully informed decisions

consider the amount of time you "pay" to get your "free" loot box after having spent full price to buy the game

you can't trade anything you win with real money or ingame money. it's all money lost down a hole with no way to retrieve it. it's as much of a "gamble" as choosing to burn cash to see the pretty flames that come out

You're on the internet you fucking retard. Go to reddit if you're too lazy to look for things.

>go to chuck-e-cheese
>trade quarters for tokens
>gamble tokens for tickets
>tickets can be exchanged for valuable toys (much less valuable than the amount of quarters you ended up spending on those tickets)

You think we don't need the government more closely monitoring future immigrants? Are you an idiot?

Disney owns the 10th largest city in California. Of all companies at risk of government interference Disney is not one.

You can trade or sell of the account, the same way that you don't gamble actual money at a casino but chips instead that can then be exchanged for money. But that is gambling.
look at steam market place and games you can sell of loot box rewards. How is that not gambling then if all that is needed is exchange of money?

>you can trade or sell of [sic] the account
that's against the terms of service
not the fault of the developer

that's a great story of how your retarded ass spends time at chuck-e-cheese, but we're talking abouit loot boxes equating to gambling.

the article I found said they simply start selling the currency and giving away lootboxes along with the currency sales
so they're still selling lootcrates, they just give players currency alongside them

they didnt pull them BUT because china considers lootboxes to be gambling, players arent allowed to buy them. Instead, you can buy crafting materials and when you do youget a loot box so you're TECHNICALLY not gambling.

Basically China regulates lootboxes the same way they regulate gambling...because its the same thing.


I think they're doing fine now. But no, they shouldn't be monitoring them after letting them in.

Making fraudulent tokens or money is against law
Doesn't stop people

you're right. laws don't stop people from breaking them.
do you have a point to make?

how do you value an account like that if one person got lucky with their "free" loot boxes and unlocks more stuff faster than another person?

i think you'd find the price will max out at whatever it costs to simply buy all the unlockables. Because why would anyone pay more if you can just buy the item from EA.

its literally impossible to make any fraction of your money back.

>its literally impossible to make any fraction of your money back
Same with casino gambling :^)

so its shittier than gambling?
what is your nonexistant point here?

You're so fucking naive on now the real world works. I'm actually jealous.

that OP used the word "gamble" when it didn't make any sense.

did you forget the OP post as soon as you looked at mine, fish-brain?

stop having this side coversation.

we're talking about video games here

>you can't trade anything you win with real money or ingame money.
Doesn't matter.


>the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or OTHER STAKES
thanks for showing us you are illiterate.

I love it

>I think they're doing fine now. But no, they shouldn't be monitoring them after letting them in.
>let refugees in the country
>suddenly more shootings and terrorist attacks, like the truck driver recently, start happening

ITT retards think they can pin microtransactions as exposing gambling to minors when it isn't technically gambling

Who cares about games outside of tools to redpill the masses

Did you forgot the definition of gambling?
Made perfect sense to use it

>doesn't know what stake means
color me surprised.
hint: you can't eat it, retard


Hi, Russia!
Here to discuss politically sensitive topics in inappropriate places?

Nice goalpost moving. Refugee and immigrant are not synonymous. Also randomly monitoring people without approval sort of violates the constitution

no i didn't. i suggest you give it a couple good readings, and read up on each word in the definition.
you're embarrassingly uninformed. if you were self-aware, i'd feel ashamed talking to you

It's not random, if its toward certain immigrants

dont engage them

You're paying money for a bunch of stuff with the guarantee of at least one rare in most cases. No matter what you pay you're still getting something. If you go play poker and bet on a hand and lose you don't get anything.

It's not gambling if you win something every time.


Still violates the Constitution either way.

I don't like the practice but i hate people being giant morons by claiming this stuff is illegal gambling. If that were the case companies would have been sued years ago

It can't violate the Constitution if they aren't American citizens.

Seriously dude be real here who in the fuck gives a hell about what a bunch of old white dudes wrote on a piece of paper like a thousand years ago? Fuck outta here with that shit.

>1980's loot crate

Please explain to me how this is any different. If you don't like it don't buy it. Stop creating some faux outrage.

M8 I am not even shitposting when I say go to another site if you want Vidya discussion. Sup Forums is Sup Forumss Vidya discussion sub board

Constitution is for
2)humans that are also american
neither of which apply

Except it does. Are you so retarded you think the Constitution does not apply to non citizens?

I can decide not to give me money towards companies that are greedy I can't however decide what the government wants to regulate in video games and I'd rather not open those floodgates.

Please go to Zimbabwe and apply the Constitution to them over there. American rights only apply to Americans, everyone is just lucky to be here and praying they can stay.

the activity or practice of playing at a game of chance for money or other stakes.
So, what we have is lootboxes. There is a chance aspect in that, could be argued if it is a game though. So for the benefit of this, we will say no. Am i playing it for money? So, what about other stakes? Yes i am, they are virtual items of different rarities.
so far that seems pretty much like gambling
let's look at the second one
the act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance or acting recklessly:
what am i risking here? I would say money to have a chance at something that could be worth more money in some cases or just a better item

They both fit lootboxes depending on how they are implented bit nonetheless, are still gambling

Except that isn't how it works. The Constitution applies to everyone in the US. Legal or not. Did you not hear about the case not even a month ago where judges ruled a Mexican illegal has a constitutional right to an abortion? If the Constitution did not apply to non citizens then US police could essentially attack, steal or forcibly detain tourists, permanent residents, green card holders etc.

Fuck of EA shill
>Can trade your prizes with other people
>Isn't detracting from any other experience, it's just a gashapon plain and simple
>Candy is a win no matter what
On top of that, even if everyone on Sup Forums didn't buy into lootcrates and microtransactions, there'd still be obsessive autists and normalfags who would.

>there'd still be obsessive autists and normalfags who would.
So let them. I'd sure as shit rather have that than the government try to fuck with video games again.

Of course it doesn't

That judge is a retard you can't have a constitutional right to murder and hopefully someone with some sense will overturn that insane ruling.

Disney doesn't own Anaheim. But what they do own (and dubiously self-govern) is the entire district Walt Disney World sits on.

I don't really believe in government regulation either because a bunch of out of touch old fucks won't care and will probably make things worse in the long run. That being said something has to be done about this lootcrate shit, it's a cancerous trend that is killing modern gaming.

how are the virtual items at stake? how is your money or in-game-currency at stake?

I agree with you on that 100%.

But user, it's not gambling since you always win something XD

Sure and continue to have video game devs cut content and lock it behind a paywall to only have a chance at getting it
Watch m8, if this continues on, parts of games or dlc will be behind loot boxes soon enough. Just like how dlc came to be and all the shit that people always said to vote with your wallet
It just doesn't work because you got people who just don't care and that is who devs will pander to.
Lootbox containing games just need an 18+/AO rating and i will be happy with that for now
Stull rather them not exist as i like being able to obtain all content through gameplay, cosmetic or otherwise

Literal child detected. Holy shit, I didn't think people this stupid existed.

don't be so bitter you can't formulate an argument, or even read a dictionary.

I think a better argument to be made towards the federal government would be chiefly to the IRS and that these transactions should be heavily taxed.

Especially in the case of Collectors Editions. See how fast Companies change their stripes when the IRS is asking for Luxury Taxes on that shit.