What's your opinion on fangames of franchises? Do you play any?
What's your opinion on fangames of franchises? Do you play any?
the only one i've liked is battle moon wars
Is the Touhou game on the Switch any good? Looks like trash
Dropped it without even playing it
I love fangames, personally. There's just an implacable charm to them that I can't find anywhere else.
YnK translation never
It's a port of a 7 year old game that's already on PC. Find a DL from somewhere like Doujingravity and try it for yourself.
Are you serious? It was never finished? I never bothered starting the expansion since I saw they were putting some effort into translating it.
They can be cool sometimes. Had a great time with this game, a lot of love went into it.
Depends on the quality of the fangame.
It's well and truly dead, jim.
>Translation never
all touhou is trash except the cute china girl in the op
Freedom Planet is basically a fangame, but it's pretty ok so ill say im a fan
>china girl
>not trash
Can't even fight, that's her ONE niche and she can't even do that.
Played this game. Liked it a lot. Gameplay could have been better but story captured the feel of Mother perfectly.
Did the latest touhoumon get fully translated yet
Only romhacks. 99.9% of fan games made from the ground up are technical pieces of trash and great examples of how not to make a game
Mega Man's got some neat ones. X Corrupted would probably release by the time I get a god damned PhD at the pace it's moving, but the other ones are pretty good.
>The guy that screwed the pooch by constantly bugging the dev
yuugi is shit
What is this sprite cropped from? Reverse image search isn't helping me.
i'd let her shit on my chest that's for sure
oh yeah i like some Sonic fangames, there's this one where you play as Metal Sonic and its fuckin tops
I want to Hong her Meilings
>mcdonalds releases the big Mac and everyone loves it
>fag goes "hey this is great, im inspired to make my own burgers"
>makes own burgers and becomes a chef
>mcdonalds releases the big Mac and everyone loves it
>fag goes "hey this is great, but you know what would be cooler? If I made my OWN big mac!!!"
>buys big Macs from McDonald's, puts copious amounts of mustard in each of them, and gives them out for free on the street
>McDonald's lawyer immediately goes to his stand
>"I'm sorry sir but this is copyright infringement, you are not allowed to give away our product for free."
>"No sir that's not how copyright works, now get down on the ground"
>gets grabbed by police
>"Yes and there's a reason we are successful and Burger King is not"
>tries to grab cops gun
>Fails horribly and gets shot
Which one seems like the most logical choice?
One of the Gensou Shoujo Taisen games
what the fuck how did she lose her hands
they're just stubs
Touhou is the only game series I can think of where I can go out and buy a physical copy of a fangame at gamestop in the US yet not even the steam release of an official game is in english
Are you okay, pal?
Motherfucker, maybe if he'd been more open about how retarded the team was being, someone else would've stepped up to help and take their place. But he just kept quiet saying the project wasn't dead. Fuckdamn shitcunts.
Mugen is fun.
Did you forget to take your medicine today or something?
>SaGa Touhou
>Etrian Touhou
>that feel when no Tales Touhou
>Battle Network Touhou soon™
>Super Touhou RPG soon™
There's apparently a team (or two?) picking up from where they left off.
This was linked in the Discord a few days ago when they officially announced the project dead.
Thank the gods.
Didn't know there was a discord though. Mind linking so I can keep up with it?
I'm playing it right fucking now
Plus disk translation never ever
HSiFS on steam
good thing or bad thing???
This shit is fucking good.
2hus fan content is better than the actual content.
I only say that because I suck ass at SHMUPS.
Thanks pal.
Thank you for this hope, user.
No translations, modern games with characters no one talks about
I think Touhou is still safe from the hordes for now
Nothing happened with all those ironic Lets Plays
Nothing is going to happen again
It's only in Japanese so the only people who will buy it are people who are into the series in the first place
Pretty much. Most people who would come across the store page would lose interest once they see ZUN's art and all the moon runes everywhere.
It doesn't even have the word Touhou on there.
Still one of the greatest games ever
Wish the devs stopped making inferior games and make another one like this
I unironically believe Soku is the best and most fun fighting game I've ever played and everyone should try it at least once.
I also enjoyed HM and ULiL
>tfw Shard of Dreams will never be fully translated and it's fan translation team got disbanded
I miss Soku threads on Sup Forums. /jp/ moves too slow to get a quick game night going. I suppose there's the IRC room that has people, but I like playing and shitposting here.
It's trash which is a shame
If the combat was 2x faster and had some sort of 'home in' attack it might be an alright game to fuck around in every now and then
Hoping Gensou Wanderer gets ported
What sucks is that Sky Arena apparantly also got a console port but somehow still no localization
Join Zaton's discord, that's where pretty much the entire Hisouten community is these days.
you know damn well why soku threads went to shit here
But user PDP is easily the best 2humon out there. Why would you use that face now that the expansion is never ever? Its still up there in my favorite fan games.
>food analogy
Please stop
yeah I do. There were a couple of shitposters who
have legitimate autism who go by the names r. g
and s.h.otty who would literally ctrl+f every thread they could find just so they could derail every thread with their autism. S.h otty was just a horrible soku player from the irc who got bullied too hard and decided to crash everything with no survivors while r. g was the guy responsible for all the "marisa is my wife "posting that went on in the threads. Not to mention the """people""" from South America who would shitpost in the threads (you know who I'm talking about) all the actual players and people who contributed fucked off to their separate places. bogeyman mentality took over at one point and before you knew it you had people getting attacked by non-shitposters for attempting to host some games. That's why the threads crashed.
I like the later fighting games almost solely because they have Byakuren and Miko
As far as touhou is concerned, I like the fangames far more than the real deal. That's an exception to the rule, generally I don't care for parodies because by principle their enjoyment is derived from having played another game which may or may not be very good in the first place. If they start referencing multiple games, then that makes it even worse.
>what if those original games were good
It doesn't happen as often as you might think. Japanese game industry has been locked away from the rest of the world for past 2 decades, and their idea of 'good' is often not what western idea of good is.
I know right?
Western's idea of good is absolute dogshit. How can a much larger and diverse community be so devoid of talent and creativity is baffling.
Well, considering I'm competent and white, I'd successfully disarm the cop, take out all of the police, and make my getaway after gunning down a bystander and planting my identification on him.
Then I'd disappear into the shadowy underbelly of society where my natural skills and uncanny ability to not get pegged for crimes would quickly gain me assets and allies.
After 5 years of biding my time, I coordinate an assassination of big-name Mc Donalds shareholders, and forge their wills to include a number of shell identities as a recipient of a portion of their shares. Eventually, I become the majority shareholder, make my mustard big macs again, and when the lawyers come back, I promptly dismiss them from service. Then have their mailboxes shat in.
Touhou, Sonic, and Pokemon get some pretty good fan games ironically.
Thank fucking god.