Has a game ever made you actually think? And by that I mean, genuinely reconsider things...

Has a game ever made you actually think? And by that I mean, genuinely reconsider things, or question something that the game mirros in what’s presented in the story or gameplay.

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bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Tarot Cards and Bloodborne


Doki Doki Literature Club

the Rick & Morty VR experience

Literally everything?

The entire point of living is to constantly intake information, compare it to your current knowledge and beliefs, and ammend your philosophies and understanding based on the new revelations and realizations. I get what you're saying, but you're being a touch too vague; anyone can find meaning in almost anything because what has meaning is different from person to person. A 10 year old playing Battlefront 2 could have it as his catalyst to realizing that things aren't black and white and heroes can also be villains in the same light, whereas a 70 year old playing Talos Principle could learn absolutely nothing.

The release of the Switch taught me that a lot of underaged brainlets on Sup Forums think that "mature" games mean killing people and that "kiddie" games with colourful graphics offer a lot more fulfilling and interesting experience most of the time.

Also, RDR and GTA IV made me think a lot about the often circumstantial nature of crime and how people who take part in it are often in over their heads before they even know what hit them.

What is there to even explore at this point? All the too deep exploration has been thoroughly gone through.

literally never because video game writing has been and never exceed fanfic tier.

stick to gameplay faggos

Soma is bretty gud though

For example, characters like John Marston and Niko Bellic actually did not have many other options outside of crime if they did not want to live poor and in shit conditions all their lives. Crime didn't exactly solve those problems, but it could actually be true that they were better off as criminals than staying in whatever situation they'd been in before. There's also the possible truth that after their troubled upbringings there was no other "fate" for them.


Some of the shit I thought on the moment are still stuck in my head.

Spec Ops The Line is questionably subjective quality wise but that part with the civilians after Lugo gets the rope and my natural reaction to it in the heat of the moment really fucked me up when I reconsidered I could have just scared them away.

i hate horror senpai.

I can't think of one game that has dramatic writing that works.

Best writing in games imo, is writing that doesn't take itself seriously and understands that it's a game and is meant to be fun.

I like the campyness of MGS games. Only other game I can think of is Postal 2, the writing in that game was real fun.

thats literally just an adaptation of "heart of darkness".


taking things literally is a sign of autism, you know

Japan is good for this.

LoZ is fun and whimsical enough to be taken "seriously" while you're playing, but not enough for the cringe factor to take hold.

Honestly, though, I want more games like GTA to have realistic physics and the like. I don't want "cinematic" shit or for the stories to really change, but I do want most of the gameplay mechanics to.

>car gets fucked up after crashing into a cement barrier and starts stalling

Would really make the title "Grand Theft Auto" mean something if you had to scrounge to steal a new car more often during a police chase.

Talking about Soulsborne game lore lead myself and a friend into a tailspin of occult, philosophic and existential discussions. The people who planned the lore in these Souls games were really into some wild shit.

bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Tarot Cards and Bloodborne This was kind of the catalyst for veering into things outside of the game lore.

Ehhh, not sure I really buy this. A lot of those connections seem like prettt big stretches.

Persona 3 made me realize I need to go outside more, not even fucking kidding.
Morrowind made me realize that there are times I will prefer mechanics and interesting content over graphics, and BoTW made me realize I hate newer open world games.

Alice Madness Returns made me really take a step back when the twist was revealed.

It turns out that the orphanage Alice has been staying at is a front of a child prostitution ring. The game alludes to this several times both inside and outside Alice's delusions, but the final level is extremely overt with the imagery. The final level is themed after a Dollhouse, with enemies taking the form of porcelain dolls.

>The levels are decorated with children's toys dismembered and put on display behind glass cases. One such decoration has a porcelain doll with its crotch smashed open, with several smaller dolls hanging from the gaping wound from strings, pinned to the wall like entomologist mounts.
>An enemy type can only be killed by slashing it's clothes off. This makes the doll cover its privates and start backing off.
>A gateway in the level takes the form of a naked doll with a tunnel running through its crotch

There are at least a dozen more allusions to the twist strewn throughout just this one level, but the focus of the entire game involves tarred porcelain dolls invading Alice's happy places in Wonderland. I was dumbstruck that I managed to deny such an obvious theme all the way to the end of the game, which was when I realized that Alice was in denial about the exact same thing. That moment made me feel connected to Alice in a way I don't think I've ever felt for a videogame character before.

Babby's first exposure to the idea of consciousness plus the most mentally handicapped protagonist possible?

>I like the campyness of MGS games.
MGS3 is my favourite example of using a game being deliberately campy to reinforce the story.

The GTA V torture scene always makes me uncomfortable, I'm fine with violence, but pulling out teeth? No thanks.