Makes you think

Makes you think

I can't decide what to play

>buy games i dont want because theyre on sale or because my friends praise them to no one and promise to keep playing them with me
>only games i want are the ones that i dont have

I'm depressed

Not really.

This is the result of all my years of semi-crippling depression

I don't actually own or play video games I just give opinions about them

Is this true?

Depression is a bitch. I don't ever feel like doing anything

Don't know who CN nor Neutral are, other than that it seems about right.

>black friday coming up
>want to buy some new games
>I know I have a backlog of games
>I just continue playing overwatch despite hating it

I only get put into this situation if I'm anticipating a video game release. I won't be able to play anything seriously until I get said anticipated game.

>Bought Yakuza Kiwami Steelbook cause it was 25 buckaroonies
>FFXI has a 67% off campaign for new players and shit so I got that.
>Bought KF2 during the Halloween sale cause I loved 1 and enjoyed 2 on teh PS+.
>Still need to finish Nioh and the DLCs in PS4.
How do I do all this in a timely fashion Sup Forums?
Why is it so hard to decide on what vidya to play?

>go to work at 7
>get out of work at 3:30
>get home by 4:30
>winter so it's rainy all the time + it gets dark at like 5
>don't feel like playing any stressful games
>don't have any fresh relaxing games
>no fresh shows to watch
>no fresh movies to see
>don't even feel like jerking off
>refresh Sup Forums over and over
>wait until 10:30 so I can get ready for bed just in time to wake up at 6:15 tomorrow and do it all again
fuck this time of year.

>doesn't know john carmack

You're lucky you have a nice morning shift.
I work 11 to 8:00~ everyday and can't do ANYTHING during the workweek. By the time I get out everythings either closed or closing except for bars or restaurants.

>Doesn't know the God of FPS games.
You deserve to be shamed and tarred faggot.

Starting something is the hardest part.

This, so much. Whenever I can actually get into a game I can play it straight to the end if I'm enjoying it enough.

This so much. Starting to is hard but once I'm in it is usually easy after that

>All the games I own i've already completed several times or require multiplayer
>just stare at my computer for hours until I fall asleep

>See all the games I haven't finished
>Just stare at my computer and do nothing


I have a folder containing my entire backlog of games, comics, anime, etc and use a RNG to decide what I'm going to make some progress in. It currently has 353 items, not including sequels which I won't add until the current game in the series I'm playing is finished. Sadly, my hard drive died recently so I lost hundreds/thousands of hours of save games and a good number of games aren't reinstalled at the moment. Currently waiting for Homefront 2 to finish downloading and then I'll play a bit of that. I'll finish my backlog someday!

what is salt?

Probably Salt & Sanctuary

this doesn't really seem accurate.
gabe isn't really evil, just bitter as hell about how retarded gamers are.

>most of my favorite games have no definitive ending
>regularly replay games I've completed; also return to the favorites often
>still occasionally pick up a new game(new meaning I don't have it, not new as in current gen)
It's not a good cycle, since I don't get through a lot of unplayed/unfinished games. It can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Mind posting the whole list?

I give each episode of newer shows their own slot to give myself a better chance at keeping up with what's currently airing while keeping all the episodes of older shows in their own folder. It's a little bit inflated that way, but I like it.


>putting seasonal anime in your backlog with a ~0.3% chance of rolling it
>you're on episode 5 somehow
madman. magus bride is good though.

Nah, I just watched the first episode the other day. Inuyashiki is pretty cool.

>constantly get a ton of games
>all I truly want is constant new games in a single series

I think I'm broken.

How do I go through crafting and Palace of the Dead without wanting to kill myself?

Missed a column somehow

I just want my currenct contract to end so I can stay indoors and do fucking nothing. I don't even care if I don't play vidya, I just want to avoid the dark and wet and cold

Oryou, just the game Salt. Some shipping sailing game or something. Can’t exactly remember.

Space Channel 5 Part 2

Then do something about it instead of waiting for something to fall from the sky.