Is being born in 1994 - 1996 the goat?

Is being born in 1994 - 1996 the goat?

>cusp of Millennials and Gen Z, got traits from both
>able to enjoy the best of early-mid 2000s vidya at ages 5-10
>same with cartoons, anime, comics, music, films etc
>switch to Golden age(2007-2011) YouTube in middle school/teen years, right after cartoons and games golden age ended

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What about 1993?

What about 1992?

>Golden age(2007-2011)
I was born in 1996 too.

>being born in the 90s
>not the 80s
Fuck off my board

you're still in your mid twenties and haven't completely wasted your young adult life yet so I guess it's not too bad

Nope, '91. I got to witness graphics evolve into the 3rd dimension.

That was the golden age of youtube is what i'm saying. Not the golden age in general.

>Golden age(2007-2011) YouTube
as opposed to >cartoons and games golden age ended

nah. you missed out dude.

You're right in that case. Scatman Mario 64 videos were the shit.

Yes and we got to experience the game golden age when we were 5-10 before switching to Youtube, as said in the post. You lack reading comprehension.

>Golden age(2007-2011)
You're God damn right.

>born in 97
>had no idea 3d graphics were a thing because i played my dads old nes and a snes my parents bought me at a garage sale until i was in second grade
>when I was a kid a new kid moved in on the block
>he had a ps2 it was the first time I ever saw a game in 3d and it was mind blowing
>my 9 year old mind had never considered that there could be 3d games
>spent the rest of the year saving up for a ps2
>the first game I got with it was KH
those were good times

Born late 80's is objectively the best slot in recent years.

Born late 80's is equivalent to all the patricians born late 60's, this shit hits a 20 year leap.

The next patrician generation will be born from 2015 > 2020.

I was born in 92, as much as I hate getting older I think it was a decent time to be born.

Golden age was 1990-2000, videogames were getting exponentially better every year and everyone was optimistic. Things started sliding downhill with the original xbox and by the time the 360 came around it was all over. 2011 was when things became irredeemably bad.

you missed out on 8 bit, 16 bit, barely even remember 32 and 64.

and you had disney channel as your kids shows and cartoons. do you even know who pepper ann is? that was the last show on saturday mornings before they all shit the bed

Nah you're just looking for validation based on the year you were born

why does it matter when you were born you fucking autist

But muh nostalgia for 2007

I feel bad for people that weren't born in year I was born; it meant that they weren't at the perfect age for the best year in the history of videogeames: year I was born plus thirteen.

> he wasn't born in 198X
> he didn't get a NES in kindergarten and grow up during the console wars
> he didn't go through high school before smartphones and social media

You have my pity

1991 here. We are pretty cool dudes

I was born in 1993 and I had a Blackberry phone as a HS freshman so I went half fliphone and half smartphone throughout HS.

best thing about being born before the 90's is getting to experience the technological advancements . every new thing was like "holy shit, we can do this now!"

these huge leaps. now its like, "well, its a slightly better screen and resolution...I guess."

what are you? fucking 30?
on a video game image board?
Get out, old man!

PS2 era is still the best generation gaming ever had, if you got to experience it as a kid you got it made

you dont need to be young to experience nostalgia

Let's admit it my 80s brothers, we are on a board for children

Yup I think 1993-1997
You get to experience the playing outside and 90's and the new age.

You have to be a real fucking outcast to still be on Sup Forums in 2017.

Age is irrelevant.

'86 here, honestly if you're not 30+ right now you got fucked.

and we'll always be here.

You get to see pokemon and all that and are old enough to enjoy WoW and young see what future brings.


>Is being born in 1994 - 1996 the goat?

I've been spending more time on /vr/, much comfier, fewer toddlers.

1996 here. first game was Half Life, played HL Deathmatch in LAN parties because my group of friends wasn't big enough for counter strike

anyone else know this feel?

>PS2 era
lol this sonydrony. Xbox+GC master race

/vr/ is cool but i also want to talk about new games

1997-1999 is usually considered to be the best years of gaming.

Same here. Pre social network school was great. Trolling classmates through AIM was even better.

I miss it.

I feel you, that's why I'm here too. Cheers brother

The console wars are still going on today tho.

first game was ghostbusters or shinobi on master system.
didn't get into lan parties until Xbox with Halo and Halo 2. PCs were expensive then and I hated DOS.

so I kind of know the feel. I miss lan parties.

1995 here.
I'm already starting to feel fucking old and I'm only 22

No. Since we're not children.

I was born in 94 and I've had a pretty bitchin' life, all things considered.
>live through the 5th, 6th, and 7th console gens while still in secondary school, with ample time to play all the best games
>inherit snes and genesis from my cousins to play the classics
>play the shit out of yu-gi-oh at its peak
>watch avatar the last motherfucking airbender from beginning to end
>watch teen motherfucking titans from beginning to end
>fucking anime
>fucking runescape
Good times

>AOL chatrooms

cartoon gold age was early 90s kiddo

>starting to feel fucking old and I'm only 22

better get your shit together now. time creeps up on you./

Same here, pal, turning 23 this year.
Doesn't help that the male-pattern baldness is starting to set in.

Console wars will go on forever, but THE Console Wars was the Nintendo vs Sega saga

i experienced the pinnacle of everything after my birth year. prove me wrong (you can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I'm from 91 and this is the first I feel old.

I enjoyed playing the DKC trilogy when it came out though.

>Male pattern baldness
Shit dude, I'm 24 but the worst I have are a few gray hairs.

That's how it started for me, now I'm 34 and at this rate I'll be fully grey in the next few years. Enjoy looking young while you can


Apparently no one knows the lyrics to the opening song because the singer never wrote them down. Criminally underrated show, especially the episodes where Mr. Tastee goes missing

Go home Grandpa.

yeah I'm happy to have gotten the games and other media I did as a kid. Toonami, adult swim first airing, and the fifth and sixth console gens are GOAT childhood.

being born around 1990~ is the best. Got to experience the immense leaps in gaming technology. All that time on starcraft and smash bros and renting games and movies from the local vid store was pretty great.

people born in 1996 can legally drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, and buy handguns in ameriburgerland. do you feel old, old man?

He said golden age of YOUTUBE dumbshit. Not games.

Haha gramps

You will NEVER know the feeling of coming home after school and playing Halo 3 custom games. NEVER

Being born before 1994 doesn't stop you from enjoying any of those things.

>Man, Id hate to come across young people on a board about VIDEO GAMES

I'm 95 here and I don't feel old at all. I mean I don't watch let's plays or play roblox. But even when I was a kid, I didn't really play minecraft in beta, and I didn't really do alot of mainstream things

besides play basketball

Nothing serious yet, but the hair on top is thinning and I'm starting to get the classic M shape up front. I knew this was coming since by dad and both grandpas all had it but it still sucks.

Gray hair isn't nearly as bad, if I could keep the hair I have now but have it fully grey I'd take that in a heartbeat over going bald

'86 here, this is my basic growing up

>NES around the house when I was a kid
>Played SMB1-3, LoZ, CV1 & CV2, MM3, Duck Hunt, A Boy and His Blob, among others
>Start playing arcade games
>Local boardwalk had a multi-floor arcade where I spent at least 20 bucks a week
>Cousin shows me his SNES
>All those fucking colors, it's like playing cartoons, YES
>Get a SNES for Christmas
>Beat SMW, SCV4, LTTP, and play Mario Kart with my sister everyday
>Meanwhile my neighbor shows me how awesome his Game Boy was
>Get Game Boy for birthday
>Fucking Mario Land is so great
>Sister's friend who likes me has a Genesis with Sonic 1 & 2
>Beat it with her a few times
>Street Fighter II comes out on SNES, I now stay home everyday until I can beat the game at max difficulty
>Go to the arcade a clear the game and people start challenging me
>Fucking Donkey Kong Country comes out B, A, R, R, A, L
>Play Doom, Heretic, Wolfenstein, on my uncle's PC
>Street Fighter Alpha looks crazy, omg Virtua Fighter
>Cousin gets Sega Saturn and we play the shit out of it
>Get a PS1 since cousin said we could bring each other systems over to play
>Get Rayman, Battle Arena Toshiden, Tomb Raider, and Tetris Plus
>Try out Mario 64, 3D was fucking intense and I was freaking out
>Enjoy PS1 until Gran Turismo comes out, disc laser gets fucked
>Parents get me N64 since they felt sorry for me
>Catch up on Mario 64 and play the shit out of Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye
>Uncle fixes PS1 for me, now I have both systems
>1998 happens
>Get MGS and OOT
>Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure
>At this point I'm buying my own consoles
>PS2 with Tekken Tag
>Gamecube with Luigi's Mansion and Melee
>Xbox with Halo CE
>Wii with TP
>PS3 with Uncharted
>360 with Halo 3

Currently an idort that dropped Xbox and just do PC, Nintendo, Sony, and handhelds.

>i will never again know the feeling of coming home after school and playing halo 3 with friends
feels bad man

The golden age of animation was the 30s-50s.

87 here, identical life with more arcade time and less Xbox.

I'm 21, almost 22. Is there still hope for me? I wish I could start over at 18 again.

what was your first gaem?

I’m 27 and I feel young as fuck. Just get /fit/, the ride never ends once you’re attractive and healthy. I feel better than I did when I was 20 desu senpai. I’m glad I got to experience the ps2/Xbox/gc pre social media era of the internet and vidya, but I’m also reaping the rewards of everyone being shallow and narcissistic in the social media era, the vidya feels hit or miss sometimes though.

tfw you were born in the early 80s and thus born too early to grow up with your favorite streamer being your childhood hero
tfw you were born too early to grow up with a smart phone in hand as soon as you could hold things while growing up always online
tfw you were born too early to be there when awesome dance moves like dabbing, twerking and the harlem shake came out
tfw your childhood defining games will never be minecraft, WoW, undertale, FNAF, overwatch, angry birds, candy crush and farmville
tfw your childhood defining tv show will never be the big bang theory

Does anyone else age 30+ know this feel? :(

>kids today will never know what fat kid jenga or those race courses on sandbox
>kids today will never know what halo 2 zombies feels like
>kids today will never know what the wii felt like when it first came out or the ds
>kids today will never know what it was like to do pictochat on a field trip or in class
>kids today will know what it's like to find a ds or gba in the bathroom
>kids today will never know what it's like to play flash games on newgrounds or addicting games
>kids today don't know what rct is
>kids today will never have good spongebob game
>kids today will never know what it's like to log on to nickelodeon or cartoon network's website and play games on there
>kids today will never know what the start of pokemon felt like
>kids today don't know what thps is

I could go on

You can do those things at 30+, you just might get weird looks but nothing is stopping you

look on the bright side, you're just the right age to remember the gulf war! EF-111s! M16A2s! Choco-chip! M3 Bradley Cav Scouts!

The only things I played on OG Xbox were:
Halo 2 Online
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden

360 was just a Halo 3 machine and I only had one for a few months

Never bothered with the Xbone since I already had a gaming PC at that point.

KI hurt but it's on Steam now.

>80's kid
>grew up playing the NES and SNES in its heydey
>play incredible PC games like Torment, Fallout 2, and Baldur's Gate 2 during high school
>no bullshit like memes, SJW, let's plays, and streamers

I feel bad for you 90's babies

Isn't that a bit too young to have gone to school trading Pokemon with your Gameboys and link cables and binder of holographic cards then going home to catch the cartoon? Because I'm 1990 and it felt more more in line.

>I was born in 1989
>man, the 80's were a much nicer time

>1989-1993 = decent tier
>1994 = god tier
>1995 = meh tier
>1996 = shit tier

Good old Google-free Youtube. Spent time watching YTPs.

Everyone thinks the times they grew up in were the best. There's always going to be redeeming bits of every era. If it came before you, don't turn your nose up at it because it seems obtuse or ugly - you may miss something wonderful. That goes the other way too. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's not great. Be willing to embrace both new and old.

Making up your own mind about things is better than letting other people tell you what to think.

Reganomics, amirite user?
'88 here.

>tfw google video
>tfw full episodes of anything I wanted with the option to download videos
Was a good year while it lasted.

As a 95 fag that part about jewtube just HAS to be bait

Google absolutely ruined a truly special site. It went from "broadcast yourself" to the exact opposite of that philosophy.

nah 92
>Sup Forums was still literally a secret club in highschool
>"memes" weren't the disgusting monstrosities they are today
>golden age internet shit like flash games,, newgrounds, etc.
>youtube wasn't ruined yet, still was actually a good thing for creators
>awesome TV as a kid (golden age YTV, Teletoon, CN)

92 is objectively the best

I can't say I share it. I mean, on the one hand, some of that sounds cool, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to give up all those hours I spent flying my Valkyrie apart in FreeSpace dog fighting Shivans. Or experiencing Half-Life 1 for the first time. Or giving 100s to pixelated strippers in Duke3d.

I wouldn't give up Batman TAS, or TNG/DS9 at all. Not for Big Bang Theory. I hope you feel better though user.

>cusp of Millennials and Gen Z, got traits from both
Millennials are anyone from '85 onward, gen Z is what they were called before the old people newspapers decided they needed a buzzword

That honestly sounds like shit and I hope these kids will look back on these years and cringe.

2007 is the very year when everything went to hell you fucking delusional child. 2007-2011 were some of the worst years in the history of entertainment media.

thats what your parent generation say about yours too

So bad that Steve Jobs said "Fuck it.."

Who says they're wrong? Boomers are the comfiest generation.

I'm 25 but I can't say of envious of a single one of those things. So I'll assume this is bait.

>Boomers are the comfiest generation
They sure whine a lot about millenials though.