Welcome to the timeline where Bara Furry porn is on steam

Welcome to the timeline where Bara Furry porn is on steam.


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You mad wite boi? This is the future you chose

all the other timelines are radioactive wastelands so i'll just count my blessings

Actual screenshot btw

i don't fap to rape

Nukes aren't real in this universe anyways.


It's not porn, the R18 stuff was removed for the Steam version.

I never asked for this



Also the fact that the slope was slippery enough to allow censored loli, furry, and rape games on steam alone i'd gurantee that within the next 5 years there's going to be an adult section on steam without any censors.

Is Kindred Spirits the only VN on Steam that has its sex scenes intact? Probably because they're more tasteful than the other stuff, but still.

Can't wait. Maybe I might start finally using Steam again.

fucking finally

I wonder how many people have had sexuality crisis's on the toilet.

reminder that takemoto is a rapist

Remember when this was a shopped picture?

This is why gayben is getting richer and richer off his money machine "Steamâ„¢" and you're still poor.

What an awful timeline.

When do we get one with girls in it?

can you mind break any of them

Otome Domain translation when?

>Psychological Horror
Sounds about right. Its horrific enough just knowing this exists. Also, its horrific to know there are people who jerk off to it.

So this is the power of PC gaming...

I like this timeline.

Best timeline.

This guy runs up to your rips of his pants and tells you to suck his dick while giving you an extremely ANGERY LOOK. What do?

I don't like bara, but it's probably still better than most of the other "totally not porn" shovelware games on steam.

Ask him who beat him up in an airport

which one is the most slutty

Why are you playing the Ching version?

There's plenty of Steam guys with lewder stuff than this unpatched.

Nice, Preordered.

That's actually the Canadian version.


Its out. And free.

I remember back in 2010 or so when a western distributor of VNs had an april fool's page saying their games were going to steam. The ones that brought over Kana little sister iirc
What a time to be alive

I know of others but Id rather not tell you them because I dont want to give them even 1 sale.

Thanks OP, I just reported this for gay porn and furry degeneracy. Hope it gets taken down or at least censored.

So THIS is the power of the PC...woah...

It's not like there aren't curators that keep track of it anyway.

Who what

I blame Neptunia and those Sakura games for opening the flood gates to this shit on steam.

>no kemoshota
It's free and I'm still not going to play it desu

For fucks sake there have already been threads for this. Just search the catalog before making one.
You can easily patch it back in though by downloading off the website and replacing the Steam files with the website files.
Why are you playing in Chinese?

>For fucks sake there have already been threads for this.

But there aren't any up.

I don't like felines but it looks ok.


Kill yourself, conservatard soccermom.

there is literally nothing wrong with being a furry

Guardian Cat is pretty upper-mid or high tier but I feel like this game missed the point of furry, which is the sheer variety it allows. There's like 50000 animals in the world. Why make all 3 a tiger?

>all cats
when will there be a gay vn of being able to date some reptiles birds and bug guys

Angels with Scaly Wings has dragons and is another Steam game. Besides that there's just Morenatsu.

Can't really think of anything with birds except Housamo.

You have to go back

They're Chinese. They probably just like tigers.

Being for porn games and/or romance VNs on Steam does not equate or have anything to do with Neogaf user. In fact Neogaf itself didn't really like Asian games very much, always prioritizing AAA Western titles. This is an Asian VN.

Paypal has a strict no smut clause, it's not happening.

>censorship is ok as long it fits my agenda
Fuck off back to Sup Forums underage shitstain.

Ladykiller in a bind I heard has one

I prefer my straight western furry date sims made from pre generated 3d rendered assets, you weeb.

Which is also on steam.

Actually there are alot furry date sims lately.

I support this. It's a good start. Now we need less text and story and more dating choices.

Why are the overwhelming majority of furries homosexual men?

Gay men and straight men have different standards for attraction. Straight men care about breeding ability and gay men don't. Now stop asking.

Absolutely disgusting.

Disproportionate number of gays? Sure. Majority? Not even.

Better looking than you are neckbeard.

because only other men will dress up as animals for them

Making the characters less human makes it easier to accept less feminine physical traits since you're not looking at a human.

Why does Sup Forums defend furries?

Their not the majority, just a higher ratio than normal and they are very vocal.

Tiger dad is trying his best.

Likulau is pure.

Don't believe the shitcat's lies.

I like both thanks. That includes real men too.

Can I fuck the dragon in that screenshot?

We all wish.

Though to be honest I dont know all the porn cgis.

I like how they make it easier to exaggerate certain personality traits in characters, like a lion being full of pride or a fox being sly and deceitful, and I think animals are cute, so when you combine cute animals with cute human traits, it makes things more cute. So defending such characters and/or people that like said characters seems natural to me.

I also just dislike censorship in general, so the idea of not wanting a game like this to be allowed on Steam seems dumb to me, and I'm personally fond of some of the better VNs out there. No idea if this is one of the better VNs out there, but it doesn't appear to be devoid of effort, which is a good first start. Because of this, I'd defend games like this being on Steam, though I do that for anything on Steam regardless of quality since ultimately no one has to pay for any of the games put on Steam (though in this game's case, its free anyways)


I'm moreso implying that one thing leads to another.


>stay up late to download it as soon as it releases
>wander around aimlessly and struggle to uncover the hidden plot
>slowly get most endings
>finally figure everything out, reach a pretty serious ending
>make a few attempts at getting whatever the last route is

I can't even finish this. I can't stop laughing. 10/10 thank you Taiwan.

I like the way cute animal traits blend together with hot male bodies so perfectly. It's interesting how it can work so well without being uncanny even though they're all a different species. And seeing animals behave like humans gives life a little more spice.

It's a good thing.

I feel the opposite. I like that its furry but hate that its bara. I want to date skinny boys, not muscle men.

Why does my fetish have to be lumped with furries.

Isn't that what this one is for?

There needs to be more lizard and dragon dating sims. Mammals don't do it for me

>not liking both

Your loss.

He's okay, but he's still not quite what I'm looking for. Think something like Shin from Morenatsu.

I'm not actually far into Nekojishi yet, so I'm not sure what all the options are other than the 3 main cats you see on the cover.

Thanks. Great to be here.

I think its just the 3. Are you playing the uncensored version?

>Are you playing the uncensored version
Absolutely. First thing I looked for when I saw the game had come out. Surprised at how easy it is to just replace the files from the website.
How major are the differences between versions, if you know?


Too much dialog for me to check through and say for sure.

why is there no straight bara?

>there's like 50000 animals in the world
furries are fucking retarded, you heard it here first

I wouldn't say the majority.

But they do have the better artists.

I can't even tell when people are trolling or being legit retarded anymore.

There is, and it's some of the hottest fucking shit.

you're retarded. there are estimated to be over 7 million animal species on earth, and we have documented nearly 1 million. did i mention youre retarded, you furry fuck?

Okay user, you got me.
