Say it with me Sup Forums

Say it with me Sup Forums

DEER _ _ _ _ _ !!!!!

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Is this hots or overwatch clone?

Out of the way, best support coming through!

That's a faun, you dork.

This game sucked when it was BLC and it sucked a year ago too
Why is it getting attention now?


actually it's WoW


Disappointed she isnt a taur. She looks like one from the front.

no faun allowed

I want to grab that tail of her and never let go.

Real shit, why did the devs make a faun so sexy on a game that's kid friendly?

but your hand is going to reek of deer poop

I clapped! I clapped when he said the Spyro quote!


When you were a kid did you not enjoy asses too?

Deepest lore

who is this fluid druid?

Is Jade good? She is pretty cute.

That's literally azmodan without the spider legs

Is it even deer pussy or human pussy?

1. hooves give high heel effect w/o tacky shoes
2. change in fur color around her bits enhance the feeling im lookin at something lewd
3.torso is permantly tilted forward so shes always sticking her butt out
4.her curves are all subtle and smooth and the fur half enhances this feeling
5. belly is shaped in such a way that combined with forward lean she is always draping her loin cloth a fair distance from her PUSSY
6. she is only wearing a fuckin loincloth.. the most erotic piece of clothing... and she is a panty flash machine
7. with so much attention drawing the viewer to her pussy and butthole with all above factors, the viewer is then drawn to notice that while her curves are slight, they have nuance to the shape and you appreciate the form much more


All the champions are hot girls now

I genuinely don't think there is a single champion in the game that isn't good. But there are a couple that are exceptional and will outperform others in their respective role when played well.

The balance in this game is surprisingly decent.


>5. belly is shaped in such a way that combined with forward lean she is always draping her loin cloth a fair distance from her PUSSY

Muh dick

How do you even beat Freya?

Very cool.

source on that pic?


How tight is deer pussy?

Webms show that its really pink, and looks like the anus, so it must be a real squeeze

How does she heal? does she nurture his allies?

>Her and Thorn on the enemy team
I don't get the bitching about Thorn Raigon is worse, but those two in combination is some grade A bullshit. Thorn becomes an unkillable god, and Blossom is already the biggest hassle ever to lock down without having one of the best peelers with her. What do you even do?
>Target Thorn and do nothing because he's outhealing LITERALLY everything
>Target Blossom and do nothing because she's fucking Blossom and has the best escape in the game along with Thorn who can peel for days

>Webms show that its really pink, and looks like the anus, so it must be a real squeeze
excuse me user

>best escape in the game

Good, most of the others look gay as hell. Cute girls are the only reason to play video games.

Press C to animation cancel your shit and bait all her shit. If you're ranged you can use a charged ability like Jade's RMB to bait out her counter and then cancel it. If you're melee and she's in your face you have to predict the counter and play accordingly, kinda like a fighting game.

Dodge her RMB hammer throw if you can. Her E is a little hard to dodge because it's so fast and an AOE but a good freya won't use it all willy nilly because it gives her invuln frames that she can use to dodge whatever you do, so don't blow your big damage if she still has her E.

I forget what the fuck else she does.

Jade and jumong is probably best/easiest to climb with. Surprisingly balanced actually

>Webms show that its really pink, and looks like the anus
g-got any links?

I want to make a family with her!

she can use her space two times in a row

>tfw enemy raigon will simply not stop rocketing your shit into the air
>even when its 1v3 and your team is nothing but full health he is just running around using his only opportunities to knock someone into the air
fuck raigon, not even OP just people that play him tend to be some sort of queer

I'm playing with a friend who seems to enjoy Blossom, is that a decent duo or should I switch?

W-what webms, user?
asking for a friend

Don't hit counter and try to cc her while going for the other players.

is this one of those "god tier character designs that are stuck in a shit game?" The combat is overhead anyways, no deer as to be found.

[Dogear (Inumimi Moeta)] Roman de Renart

With the battlerite upgrade it is.
>Press space, cover a large distance, turn invisible, get haste, and shed movement impairing abilities
>Press space again to cover another chunk of space. You can cover half the maps worth of distance at this point
>You get i-frames while jumping
>You can cast shit in between pressing space
Only arguable contender is Thorns bullshit burrow.

thanks user

And? If you force her to jump once she must use it within 2 sec. If she doesn't then you go after her. Her tree is what makes her stupid strong.

I love bambis cat

anyone got the one where /k/ ties down a doe and fucks it?

no and neither does anyone else

thats the one ive been looking for but no one seems to have it


I want to kiss that belly

It just depends on skill really. There is no hero who can't reach top 100 like there used to be. Oldur is my personal favorite to climb and heal with since he got a decent all round kit, and fucks ranged heroes with reflect/shield. He's probably the weakest support in terms of raw healing but he deals a lot of damage

Her voice ruins the whole thing. Shit is grating as fuck

DEER's are nice animals and I like them a lot. Though I am interested in the idea of eating their meat if you know what I mean....hahaha After it is thoroughly cooked and prepared in a way that makes it taste excellent.

most voice actors in this game are absolutely disgusting if I ever have to listen to another single fucking Jade voiceline I will off myself this fucking instant I swear to god
It seems only the males have decent voices, except ashka and ezmo

>thoroughly cooked

gross it's a girl

I love Lucie


>that fur pattern

Alright I found it for you user at least I think this is the one

stop shilling this shitty pay2win game

Did I forget the ketchup and pineapple toppings?

>QT barefoot girl wearing partial shoes.
Muh dik
>Stubby fat woman feet for no reason.
Reduction in dik.


Wut. There is absolutely nothing P2W in this game

I'm just trying to get people to draw lewds of her


i dont think you know what that word means

This game has some of the most generic character designs I’ve ever seen.

Also, it’ll be dead in a few week weeks just like Battleborn, Lawbreakers and Gigantic.

>Blossom, Poloma, Brown Skin with white hair Lucie

Normal Lucie, Freya, Jade

Iva, Pearl

really grinds my gears mate

>4k coins to unlock a hero
>only 32 usually drop from a match
>daily missions give like 200
>it's all still a massive grind fest unless you give in and buy the heroes packs

Lime Green skin Taya

webms hahah you must be a sick fuck to want to see that haha. do you have a link for that lol

What is this a picture for ants?

I remember trying to hide my kiddie boner while watching this

Thats not **pay2win**

That's pay 2 skip grind

Starter Hero Jade is easily competent enough to wreck players and the Beginner Friendly heroes only cost 950 gold. No hero is horribly OP nor is there horribly underpowered heroes.








Varesh is free right now, go play him and come back with your opinion after

>Got her Legendary skin in a box
>Its shit
>still use default one because its her best skin


>tfw you probably wont be alive by the time people can fuck deergirls in true virtual reality


Askha is more than enough to get you to Diamond if you just git gud with her.

me too

>implying her best skin isn't delicious brown faun

>only like 5 r34 pics of her in existence and they're all terrible

This is what hell must be like


i thought that was a guy?


>Paying to cover her in more unnecessary clothes

Don't know what they were thinking desu

Any tips for getting better at the game, I placed platinum only playing shift but everyone's better then me

they dumbed it down, gave it a LoL makeover, and added waifus

>irl fauns look uncanny as fuck

This reality was a mistake

is this an /asmr/ video?

>This game has some of the most generic character designs I’ve ever seen.
I think it's a requirement for the genre