Guy's I'm looking for a loot grind game. Pic related, last one I played. It's really good for those of you that haven't played.
Guy's I'm looking for a loot grind game. Pic related, last one I played...
i assume you've already played the classics so your choices are pretty much poe or d3.
My personal favourites:
Diablo 2: LoD
Path of Exile
Titan Quest
Throne of Darkness
Legend Hand of God (a bit trashy but I like it)
Torchlight 1/2 (artstyle not for everyone, though)
A bit different in structure:
Sacred 1/2
Dungeon Siege 1/2
Have little to do with loot grinding, have similar gameplay and focus more on story:
Divine Divinity
Love PoE, currently waiting for the next league. D3 is such garbage though. I just started playing again for the new season. That game is literally, take 3 hours to get to max level (10 minutes if you get pled). Spend 4 hours getting your full set, another 4 getting all your weapons and items. Then just grind paragon.
There is nothing to this game, it's such trash.
agree on all fronts but that's about the only (new) choices we have for these type of games now sadly.
Did you ever play any of the incredible adventures of vanhelsing games? Are they worth playing?
Tyranny and Torchlight 2 were the last ones I played.
They were fun
wait for wolcen and 40k inquisitor martyr to be finished
van helsing and victor vran are both very mediocre
I'm also burned from Grim Dawn. I have over 600 hours of gameplay. Even if In bored of it I cannot stop playing it. Im edging to buy Nioh but I'm not sure about its replayability and online content.
Isn't NIOH like Dark Souls, which is definitely not a loot grind game. Don't get me wrong, I love that series. I'm just looking to play something mind numbing to tide me over for a few days lol.
Wolcen looks pretty the story and lore seem inexistant. Also devs are only 2 or 3 so it wont have a final release for a long time.
I read lots of bad review from Martyr. Looks like it would be better to go full twin stick shooter with some loot grinding.
Well it has lots of loot apparently and I'm looking for a different gameplay too. I also played and finished every soul games so I think I'll like it.
I really wish I liked these kinds of games. The Diablo clones and whatnot. I feel a huge disconnect between gameplay and myself. Killing hoards of enemies at a time like they are ants super fast just destroys immersion for me and I get bored. Nothing feels interesting or does it get better late game?
Chronicon might be worth taking a look at, user. Fair warning that it's still in early access.
One of the best madman screaming simulators out there.
oh have you played FATE
Its extremely grind heavily, it has better combat than these Diablo-clone but dont expect to see the same kind of depth in term of builds and itemization in it, still a good game overall though.
The closest game to Diablo-clone in term of build and the unique and variety in item customization as a not-Diablo-clone game for me is Borderlands series, you should check it out.
Well, early on you mow through stuff easily because you start the game naked and levels will provide the biggest boost to your power. The loot grind comes later where you need better gear to do it effectively. If you don't like it at the beginning I doubt you'll like it at the end.
this is what i came to suggest. got way more playtime out of this game than i expected. it's a tiny indie game but has a good endgame
magnetic field build is fucking glorious
>unique and variety in item customization
Nioh has more similarity to Diablo than it does to soulshit
It's literally just character action Diablo + Tenchu with a bit of Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha thrown in
Borderlands could be so much better if trey went full Diablo with stats on items. And item slots in general. Add a body armor and melee weapons as equippables at least.
Nioh has plenty of build variety and itemization, the only things it's missing are classes and actual dedicated magic skills
Grim Dawn
Median XL is grindan good
So is there randomly generated loot? Or is it more like souls where there is loot in certain places and it is always the same.
And also, no classes? So is there any kind of build diversity?
>Sup Forums has reached its last form where even twitter-long posts are skimmed
Meant this to be about NIOH not FATE
Well, that's kind of the genre in a nutshell. It's like Dynasty Warriors, the basic gameplay loop either clicks for you or it doesn't.
Hard to do better than Grim Dawn if it does though. All the different layers of customization it brings, the staggering variety of builds, and mod support on top of all that.
It would still have the problem of being a bland, grindy ARPG with a boilerplate FPS stapled on top of it. Bullet sponge enemies are the best way to completely fucking ruin a shooter.
Now you just made me want Nioh even more
that description makes my dick hard
path of exile
>the staggering variety of builds
TQIT and D2LoD had more even without constellations and mods, not even talking about PoE. I love GD, though, but it is lacking in quite a few aspects. I shill for it everywhere because I love the devs and they had it rough through the development.
Diablo 3, people shit on it but it's a fun game to grind in. Better with friends though.
Yes, all the loot is random, but there are some unique things you'll only find on certain bosses or NPCs. Has stats just like Diablo pretty much, just obviously in its own contextual setting. No classes, your build essentially comes from the weapons you choose, the armor you wear, the stats you have on them to supplement or augment stats, and the skill you take from the skill trees.
There is quite a bit of build variety and tons of options, all of which are perfectly viable. There are 7 weapon types, and 3 ranged weapon types. Whatever ones you like you can build for by choosing skills for them, getting gear that gives them bonuses, and so on and so forth. So yeah, it's very much a Diablo style game, just in an actual character action game style
One note I will mention though, since you're coming into it looking for Diablo games as opposed to most people playing Nioh looking for more "Souls" or action style is that in actual Diablo clone games they really take pretty minimal effort and attention. Whereas Nioh can take quite a lot of effort and constant attention, it's not a "turn off your brain and farm acts" kind of game until you get really familiar with it.
My description here really isn't doing it much justice, but the gist of it is that it's a very different take on a pretty solid Diablo style foundation and it works very well if you can get into it
It is fun (coming from PoE and D2). But its longevity is non-existent. In ~10 hours you have a complete build with complete everything, all other upgrades or changes will be marginal at best. The rifts are "random" yet feel repetitive very quickly.
>Nioh has plenty of build variety and itemization
No lad if a game can't allow you to become a dual-wielding cowboy deathknight that shoots explosive icy bullets than the build variety is shit. Nioh is still good though.
That'd be more fun if it wasn't just "shoot fireballs except blue" which is what most build variety in these type of games comes down to
Alright guys how do we fix the HnS genre?
>remove exponental damage scaling, keep the numbers somewhat low
>prevent people from investing points in a single staple skill and complimentary passives
>make good item drops early on instead of torturing players with "7% chance to +3% to fire resistance on attacking dragons"
>restructure the content so instead of playing the entire game 3 times make the difficulty grow during the campaign and spread the endgame content across the whole game so each area is worth revisiting
>they had it rough through the development
I thought it was just a bit slow because of man power and all but do tell.
In borderlands 2,you can goes full melee mode or summon minion mode and complete the game at UHVM due to some unique item like the firehawk shield
Its the only game with unique item design truly feel unque aside from diablo-clone games
So much. Actually, the devs have been maintaining a constant flow of development blog posts since ~2010.
For instance
>Speaking of people having babies, I had one... I didn't want to pay myself additional money from the project to cover the exorbitantly high cost of daycare. Instead, we made plans to have a family member take care of the baby when my wife returned to work and it seemed like the perfect situation. After just two weeks, misfortune struck and that person was no longer able to help us. Not knowing what else to do, I ended up having to become a part-time daycare provider for a time... yeah...
>right after alpha shipped I found out from a blood test that my family was somehow being exposed to toxic levels of lead. I ordered some test kits and discovered our apartment was totally contaminated with invisible poison dust. The upside, if there is one, is that we found out very early before it reached critical levels and required treatment but we had to get out of the apartment ASAP. The result was that I had to dedicate a lot of time to finding a new place, packing, moving and unpacking
As for hiring, the devs had so much trouble with attracting people from Iron Lore (titan Quest), their animators/quest designers were doing all that as a part-time job and then had to leave because, say, their wive would lose her job. And much more after that, GD is a product of love and care but I believe managing it sucked ass.
Come to recall, Torchlight 2 was the worst arpg because of that. There were too many piddly little shit bonuses on everything, and I recall one of the mods it got when Runic finally delivered their mod utility (a goddamn year late) aggravated the amount of fucking stupid piddly shit bonuses. if i look at something and it has like 20 lines of shit then i just lose interest so hard. only turbo-autists think +0.36% to shittingdicks is GOOD.
Van Helsing was okay, but the addition of classes in VH3 which was expanded on in the Final Cut wasn't so great. Mostly I liked the bantz between Helsing and Katarina. it was actually really really gay that there weren't even any gear sets until level 100. there's a balance between having like 50 separate gear sets which you'll NEVER EVER complete (hey Titan Quest) and only having 1 endgame gear set you'll never ever complete thanks to getting bored and moving on.
Having the 3 difficulty modes meme is just artificial game playtime extension using artificial difficulty sliding. maybe if they ever did something INTERESTING with higher difficulty modes instead of >-50% to player resistance and +200% to NPC damage
Can you tell me if the "complete" version of VH1 is worse than the original? I only have the latest one and was curious about it.
I have same problem with grim dawn I had with titan quest. Animations and overall style is horrible imo.
What are your guys' opinions on Van Helsing final cut?
in the original VH1 you could swap between melee and ranged and make hybrid helsing instead of skills being locked up in that class system they added. but it also only played up to defeating the mad scientist and his fucking awesome steampunk robot which is only 1/3 of the final cut's content.
Mu legend is new if you want to grind while you grind
I kind of agree about the multiple difficulty thing. I dislike having to play through a game three times just because Diabo did it. I'm glad POE did away with it even if the replacement acts have their own issues.
I wish Grim Dawn had gotten rid of it as well.
Grim Dawn offers the best singleplayer experience. POE is dogshit.
PoE offers more content than any other ARPG in the history of RPG. There are more builds, more things to do, more items, than any ARPG that has ever existed.
Grim dawn is a good single player game, but to say it is as good as PoE is just lying to yourself.
>PoE offers more content than any other ARPG in the history of RPG.
More retarded grind due to Korean MMO levels of drop chances, maybe. Otherwise, it's trash.
What's with the negativity? I can compile such a list (hell, at least twice as long) for both D2 and TQ, let alone GD.
Why can't you enjoy games for what they are? I see D3 as a short-term arcadey experience, GD is more TQ-esque and improves on it in so many ways, PoE now includes so many mechanics and choices it would take someone really jaded and biased to call it dogshit (and I hate all the mutiplayer aspects of it, starting with the absence of a Hydra (TQ)/Mephisto (D2) alternative for farming uniques due to trade economy.
In PoE at least you have things to do end game. You can run Eternal Lab uber runs, which requires an item only found in maps to unlock. You can either buy this item which will net you less profit, or you can farm this in maps yourself. The choice is yours. When in the Eternal Lab you can either choose to do speed runs, and bank on selling helm enchants from the end this requires a build that is fast and can kill bosses quick. Or you can focus on collecting all the keys and making the end boss super hard, but making him drop a lot more loot. This requires a very tanky build, and one where you can run over traps and stuff like that. You can also sell Uber lab to other people for a profit as well, or even ask for a key to run it, thus taking that cost out of the equation.
You can make a character that speed farms lower level maps for currency, or a character that is build to survive the highest tier maps to get the highest rolled items.
You can build a character that can farm Uber Aziri, a tough fight, but one that can drop awesome items from a loot table. Or you can build a character that can fight Shaper, another tough fight, but one that can drop awesome items from his loot table as well.
You can play with others if you want in a default league. You can play with others in 3 months leagues that each time have a different challenge to them, or play solo self found which doesn't allow trading with other players. It's 100% as if it was a single player game.
Eh. Quantity wise sure, but most of it is crap and you know it. Most uniques are just garbage. Most "mechanics" are just league holdovers that were nerfed to pointlessness. Tons of gems are either worthless or just another flavor of damage multiplier.
The game has so much content thats its genuinely bloated with it in a bad way. They could cut out half the uniques and no one would think anything negative of it. They could get rid of a third of the skill gems and as long as they rebalanced skill base damage and scaling a bit it wouldn't really affect anything. Hell, even the skill tree could have half the fucking thing removed and it wouldn't mean much besides some tuning changes needed.
If you think the quantity is a simple positive you are a dumbass.
Pretty sure this is someone from poeg having bad RNG and is salty af ( or at least the img is )
There are also races as well.
"Retarded grind due to Korean MMO levels of drop chances"
Complaining about grinding in an ARPG is pretty autistic. I've gotten every item I've ever wanted in solo self found in this game. The only thing I've never gotten is a mirror, but most players will never see that item, nor would you ever need it in solo self found.
This game is an ARPG so yes, it will be grinding, that's the genre. But in that genre, it has more to do end game and on the way there than any other ARPG in history. Not to mention it's not a "complete 3 acts, then do them in 3 difficutlies. You play from act 1 to act 10, then you are at end game.
>or play solo self found which doesn't allow trading with other players. It's 100% as if it was a single player game.
Except its balanced like a multiplayer game.
>PoE now includes so many mechanics and choices
None of them matter, because PoE is not a h&s game. PoE is a shitty trading simulator, nothing more.
I have been playing SSF since the closed beta. I've been a part of single player community in D2 for over a decade. Had no problems with either.
>You play from act 1 to act 10, then you are at end game.
This is a recent change, only done a couple months back. And POE was not the first ARPG to make this change either.
And bullshit you have self found everything you ever wanted. You either put 1000 hours in or you aimed ridiculously low on what you wanted.
...You have to be joking. Yes, there are a lot of leveling uniques and due to how the game works they can drop end game. But there are currently 753 different uniques, at least 1/2 of which have the potential to completely change or define a build.
The most fun you can have in POE is finding unique builds with certain items, ascendancies, and passive points that nobody has thought of before. The uniques are constantly being updated as well to make ones that may have been sub par in the past better.
Some items that used to be called "useless" have turned out to be crazy powerful in builds that nobody has thought of before.
Nah it's true. The only thing that was ever difficult for me to get was HoWa, and I eventually got it anyway. That character was the furthest I've ever gotten in SSF and RIP'd at lvl 96
> But there are currently 753 different uniques, at least 1/2 of which have the potential to completely change or define a build.
So the game has over 300 uniques that don't really have any useful impact?
Thanks for proving my point.
Again bullshit. Give me the character builds you made, the items you went for, and how long you put into those characters. You either aimed for low tier builds or put hundreds of hours into each character.
path of exile's loot drops are shit though. it's some of the worst rng i've ever seen in a game. it doesn't matter though. poe is about trading and at least end game stuff reliably drops valuable loot
>most of it is crap
Just like how the forum and leddit say about poison in 3.0 before Mathil begin to work on a poison build and kill Shaper huh ?
In poeg right now there are bunch of people doing meme builds, have seen someone posted glacial hammer doing 500k dps or even those using those -jewel with the onsluahgt shield
They aren't useless, they are good for leveling.
But that's like complaining that yellows that drop aren't always good. Not every item is going to be good obviously, but uniques aren't THAT rare in PoE. Not to mention, there are so many builds out there that have yet to be discovered, tons and tons of these items may find great use some day, some people just might have not thought of a way to use them yet.
Take the streamer Mathil for instance, and the "Mathil effect". This guy finds new builds nobody has thought of all the time with uniques nobody uses. Just because people are unoriginal and only follow cookie cutter builds off the forums doesn't mean all these uniques will always be bad.
>Complaining about grinding in an ARPG is pretty autistic.
No, grinding in an ARPG is autistic.
>This game is an ARPG so yes, it will be grinding, that's the genre.
Except in Grim Dawn you don't have to grind at all. You just play it and build a cool character and shit drops at a reasonable pace as you do so. It's like a game made for humans like me and not subhuman freaks like yourself.
That doesn't really change anything that was said. Just because someone managed to make something work under very specific conditions doesn't mean that a ton of other shit didn't work.
I don't know why you have this idea that just because there is a chance something might end up maybe working out perhaps that it justifies a ridiculous amount of bloat.
go away, shitcrow
And just because he comes up with builds sometimes using these uniques people weren't paying attention to doesn't mean the game doesn't have tons of useless items.
Again, this is a clear case of having tons of pointless shit in the game. Why you can't wrap your head around that concept is ridiculous to me.
>This guy finds new builds nobody has thought of all the time with uniques nobody uses.
Wrong, that guy highlights builds that people have used for ages, and you get meta babies jumping on the bandwagon.
Rares are good for leveling. Uniques should be unique and impactful. They should mean something. They shouldn't be stat sticks that are nice to wear for 5 levels and then throw in the stash. There ARE uniques that you can find even at level 5 that are valuable on max level characters, and that is good design. The issue is that literally hundreds of items are useless for anything BUT leveling, and the only reason they are even useful for leveling is because sometimes people might have an annoying time finding a better rare for a few levels.
Its pure bloat.
And how can you know other shits cant work ?
Like seriously people are fucking doing red maps with elemental hit, FUCKING ELEMENTAL HIT.
Poegtards complaining the game is way too ez now with all the ascendacies, and here is (you) complaining about "tons of other shit didnt work"
Victor Vran is worth playing through at least once if you get it cheap. There is a little verticality in the levels which is nice.
...You're saying you don't have time to grind for a game where you grind for items...
Don't get me wrong. I love Grim Dawn. But there is maybe 5% of the build diversity in that game as there is in PoE. Also, for a TON of those builds you need to complete sets, so if you don't find them all, guess what? You're build is shit.
In PoE there are no sets, you just build around good items.
Grim dawn = Grind the same areas over and over to get items to complete your build. Not that much build diversity due to the limitations of the choices you are given.
PoE = Grind infinite areas, or fight bosses, or run dungeons, or run the lab. Infinite build diversity due to the amount of items, spells, abilities, and passives there are.
It's all grinding. There is just more content when it comes to poe.
And to tell me you don't have time are arguing me in at (arguably) the middle of the night about a video game. K
The only reason you are trying to act like every unique in POE is a broken build waiting to be discovered is because you love POE and want that to be the case. I just go by the facts, and the fact is literally hundreds of uniques are functionally pointless and could be completely removed with little to no impact on any build anyone would shoot for.
You WANT that to not be true, but that is the simple state of things. If you can actually show me good and viable endgame builds using every "useless" unique, I'll drop it, but otherwise, please stop using these rare exceptions to somehow prove there isn't this massive bloat. It makes you look like a giant fucking fanboy and its annoying.
I never disagreed with you. I just said that MOST uniques are good. Just because they are a unique item doesn't mean they HAVE to be good. Not every yellow is good right? But the best weapons in the game for a TONNNNN if not most builds are yellow.
>every unique in POE is a broken build waiting to be discovered
You only say tons of uniques didnt work, not "every unique in POE is a broken build"
GGG themshelves even said not every unique in the game is designed around the end game, but the game right now has reach to the point where you can do red maps with shitty skill and shitty gears with no problem, and that, in my definition, is a "working" build.
>PoE = spend more time trading the shitty loot you've found, that NEVER actually fits your build, than playing the game, because the drop chances are so abysmal that you absolutely need to use the dogshit trading system in order to get the gear your build actually needs
Fixed that for you. Again, GD is a h&s game, PoE is a shitty trading simulator.
You have to realize there is a massive difference between grinding for 10-20 hours and grinding 100-200 hours and grinding for 1000-2000 hours. Grinding itself isn't the issue, its the time scale.
POE is by far the grindiest ARPG I know of. It requires more time from the player to achieve anything than any other ARPG I can think of. Ignoring that and laying into people for complaining about that is ridiculous.
You do realize there are people killing shaper in first few days of League right ?
And some other people reach 90 in 3 days
Wait a second, are you one of those people playing poe thinking lv100 is a must ?
I can’t believe noone mentioned warframe. It’s f2p and excellent loot grinder
OP here, so I heard good things about warframe from my friend. But then reading into it, I heard that like you don't actually farm items, you just farm mats to craft stuff? Also the internet says the game is super P2W
Dude you beat the game and kill every boss without having a perfect "every unique to make this build perfect"
People do this every league within a week if not sooner.
What I'm saying is there are more OPTIONS than any other ARPG. More items, more end game content, more story, more crafting, more options of basically everything.
And those above that are complaining that it's grinding for 1k - 2k hours?
Dude, i play PoE for fucking 6 years. And you dont grind "infinite" areas, you grind the same 2-3 maps tops. Unless you fucked up your atlas in that case you grind 10 different areas.
The problem with grinding in PoE is no matter where you go, the reward outside of a few specific bossfights is going to be completely random. They tried fixing that somewhat with divination cards, but that does not really work.
In GD however you have monster infrequent items, which only drop from specific monsters. So at least for rare items you can target farm them and at least feel some kind of progression.
Its just up to what kind of poison you chose. I prefer GDs itemization, but fuck me if i will miss any of the leagues in PoE.
I don’t know honestly, I haven’t played it, but it looks fantastic and I heard nothing but good things about it. It’s free mate, worth a try. I’m burned out on loot grinders for life since diablo 3 (my first loot grinder, over 2k hours in it). But if I was in the market for a loot grinder, warframe would be the one I’d try.
late game is very different in poe.
much harder.
god what I would give to have a live community still playing this game today. Nothing was more comfy as a kid and going to the community center and installing this shit on their computers and playing the fuck out of it.
Are you forgetting Shaper? Guardians? Aziri? Uber versions? Enchants you can only get from the lab? These have certain items that drop just like monster infrequents.
And yes you can just shape your map to run the same map over and over again. But do you have to? No. Is it worse to run different maps? Absolutely not.
In PoE you have more OPTIONS. There is always going to be a "most optimal" way to run things in ANY game. At least in PoE you have more options than any other ARPG ever made.
Shaper, atziri, uber atziri, guardians and the council are pretty much the equivalent of the key dungeons in GD which have bosses that drop legendaries that only drop from that boss.
In PoE the problem is that while you do have a lot of options, buying shit by just going fast is so fucking optimal that doing anything else makes me feel bad (unless im running a service).
Also the thing with infrequents is that they make all areas of the game attractive for farming, and not only a few specific ones, since they are spread out evenly.
In PoE you still want to rush trough the content asap and items till you hit maps don't matter.
Yes, there are more options to grind stuff. Too bad all of them mean nothing, because the drop rates themselves are on the level of a Korean MMO.
>b-but I get everything I want just by playing the game normally
You don't, stop lying. It's impossible to gear up properly in PoE without using the shitty trade system. Truth is, POE is completely trade focused and in order to ensure people actually use the abhorrent trade system, the drop rates have to be trash. It's a closed cycle of shit in a shitty game, I've dropped this turd years ago and I recommend anyone who values his time do the same.
That's the problem with these souls-clone though, You can't even shoot green,blue and red fireballs that decimate entire horde.
If you pay you loose unless you have one of those 75% off from login reward.
t. over 10k of plat from the market.
why is it every time a thread like this is made it just turns into poe vs gd autists throwing shit at each other
I like both.