>Makes the least clunky most fun class in the game ever
>give it bottom tier dps and everyone calls it babby's first dps because its rotation isn't a convoluted mess of mechanics
How is this fair?
>Makes the least clunky most fun class in the game ever
>give it bottom tier dps and everyone calls it babby's first dps because its rotation isn't a convoluted mess of mechanics
How is this fair?
>convoluted mess of mechanics
is this the excuse for maining RDM now?
You can res, doesn't matter how shit your dps. I love RDM!
have you played SMN my man? Don't get me wrong, I main all 3 casters depending on performance at the time and I have serious hours poured into RDM. While my SMN nets best dps it's possible to completely fuck yourself over just by missing a single GCD and throwing the rest of the rotation out of sync. RDM is just fine and dandy to play as. It actually lets me watch the battlefield and not stare at my bars the entire time. A needlessly busy rotation doesn't necessarily mean a better design. The simplicity of RDM is almost genius design levels and it's because it's so well built from the ground up that it feels as easy as it is. This game has a lot of good stuff going for it but there are some older classes that need a closer look at battle flow.
>Anything in this game
>"convoluted mess of mechanics"
>RDM main
>he takes a sam or a blm into coil
set up for failure desu
>be consistent in getting to Bahamut
To be honest you could probably get by just fine with either job, maybe like 200-400 RDPS loss? You'll exceed all DPS checks in the fight without that extra RDPS regardless with a good part. Same thing with not having extra resses. You can.
The problem is.... why would you?
>wake up
>BLM is still worthless trash
>wake up
>Yotsuyu is still best wife
>Freya thread
>Uses humanized image
Stop being a pussy OP, either own your posts or dont post at all
Autism: the run
Wow I was planning on getting into this solely because of RDM and how stylish they are but you're saying everyone's just going to bully me?
A good RDM is always appreciated, it's just that their maximum DPS is like what...5% lower?
People are starting to get way too fucking desperate to get their clear now...
It's just memes and banter on a Sup Forums thread.
Reset happened
>*backsteps out of the arena behind you*
>not clunky
RDM mains are the single worst player group in XIV. WARs wish they could be so self-obsessed.
>finally get to third phase of shinryu
>terraslash winds up, I'm at half health or less in tank stance, no heals in sight
>pop every cooldown that I have up
>still die
>eventually wipe
>healer: why didn't you use a cd?
>party inevitably disbands
Does this fight just attract shitters or something? I've done the first phase so much that I can just sort of auto-pilot it like O1-2S. It's a bit busy but it's really not that complicated, I have no idea why people are still so fucking bad at it.
yes shinryu ex is terrible in pubs because it doesn't have a retard filter like O3S/O4S do
Keep in mind, whenever people talk about balance in this game, they're not talking about a job being an absolute waste of a slot in a raid like some classes/specs in other MMO's might be, they're talking about which one is slightly better when it comes to speedrunning the hardest content in the game. The only real problem with RDM for even endgame stuff is how many people play it, since having two of the same class hampers limit break generation. Since it starts at 50 and is easy to level up, has an easy rotation and stylish effects/animations, it's pretty popular among the retards, so people might have low expectations of you, but if you don't die and do decent damage then no-one will complain.
If only they could make the SSS dummy some kind of obligatory gate to do the fight...
the SSS dummy won't do shit, any baboon can do their rotation on a stationary target that doesn't fight back
Few friends of mine absolutely hate red mages due to starting with both of the off-global skills and snatching aggro. Don't know how much of an actual problem that is since I only really hear it from them collectively.
>take one of the best classes from 11
>lots of mechanical decisions and optimizations
>multiple builds
>many spells
>make it a class that literally revolves you counting to two.
redmage is kuso class and needs to be remade. how the fuck did they shit the bed so hard on this.
granted a lot of this is to due with ffxiv having no concept of a support role and debuffs/buffs all being direct damage increases/decreases. all inclusive fight design and homogenization of classes was a horrible decision.
You would be surprised by the amount of retards I take that can't refresh their dots or buff during at all
i love seeing item levels over 330 which just says you're a retard who doesn't know that tank best in slot is 320 jewelry. of course some tard tank is leading this one.
shut up and refresh rdm
their maximum dps is like 30% lower than a summoner retard. summoner is flat out better in every single regard. better mobility, better personal dps, better raid dps, better class synergy(multiple casters) and they have nigh infinite mana even with Resurrection/shift hits which rdm doesn't.
if you want to be the best possible non dragoon/ninja/bard/mch you pick summoner because it wins by a long shot.
I'm pretty sure SMN gonna replace mch, if it already hasn't
bruh you had to cast dia and haste when you didn't have a whm(never)
you have literal retards who pop food and potions on SSS because they actually need it to beat it.
whats the retard filter in o3s? Honestly thought deltascape was too easy but then again gordias was my favorite content somehow thus I must be the tard.
bring back the pepsiman
Gordias is godly. Locus is one of the best songs in the game, the perfect combination of groovy and mysterious.
how is o2s a retard filter. o1s/2s are some of the easiest fights ever put into the game.
Cat or Lizard
you would think so but O2S ends a lot of people's end game runs. /r/ing the german static pic
Why can't cats look like this in game?
Because it's a ps2 game.
Honestly think you should be forced to complete all existing extreme fights in chronological order with a LOWER than originally mandated item level to experience the newer ones. The item level reqs were generous on almost every fight.
friendly reminder 70% of the games playerbase has never killed urth's fount synched even almost 3 years later despite it being absolutely brain dead turbo ifrit.
lizards are lore-canon horse fuckers so ask yourself if you really want to have a character who got fucked by a horse and drank horse jizz as a rite of passage.
That feel when I am a casual shitter and still use that title because practically no one else does.
I'd make a cute and dainty Raen not a dirty Xaela
Why are Xaela way more common than Raen anyway?
Black is sexier than white
>chad mongol
>virgin fishface
Gee I dunno
If this is primal I used to raid with that cunt. They were fucking terrible and whined about everything.
Raen scales are way cuter though
fuck OFF
I want the dainty virgin Raen girl who gets brought into the big Kugane city.
She'd be on her knees sucking cocks in hours
Dark scales go better with most armour, most of tank, dragoon and caster armour is dark and it would look goofy with a yellowish tail sticking out of the back and head. Fem-raes are cute as hell though
To be fair, you need an exceptionally high IQ to fully appreciate and understand the mechanical workings of the WAR.
>join nidex farm party
>casual 320 monk
>for shits and giggles hit the shadow dragon instead of the proper add
>end up killing it before the first add is even at 50% despite every other dps being on it.
>healers frotting in a corner not dpsing
>they fail to skip pillars with me
>healers dying to cauterizes
>have atleast 3 wipes to blue spear healing/failure to dps
got kicked for asking the bard how its possible to parse beneath darklight days which turned out to be somemones girlfriend(male) and triggered the five stack from faerie straight out of the PF. What the fuck is it with faerie and being full of fragile turboshitters?
>static does our own thing for savage content
>since were done clearing decide to mess around in pf
>there is always always a generic PF strat people use
>pf strat makes much more sense than static strat
If I'm i320 drg and highest dps in V1S is that a good thing? It's only about 3800 dps.
>Transfer from dead Chaos server to Mateus
>Server and datacenter is actually alive with tons of characters
>People are actually talking and in English only
Best decision ever.
Who cares about male characters
Cute Raen girls
you don't know how mad i was to find out people cheesed twintania instead of actually dodging/getting hit properly during dive bombs.
You don't know how hard I laughed when these retards failed final turn despite bahamuts bomb being like 3x as slow.
Always a good laugh to see party finders demand a bard/mch and atleast one rez bitch.
no not very good. If its prog its excusable , if not then keep practicing.
Retards like you are the kind of people who go META IS LOVE META IS LIFE.
Literally everything can be cleared by everything.
don't measure yourself against fflogs. the average non samurai parse is 4000-4200 at best. Anything in the 99% is a group where people ran a parse kill with an astro/scho/dragoon all going hard riding a certain classes dick.
3800 is low but its more than acceptable considering the threshold for enrage is like 2500. Enraging isn't a player performance issue as often as it is a players keep dying issue.
I doubt you would achieve dps check at golden Bahamut with BLM.
Cum scales
I still dislike how the two tribes of Au Ra are just color swaps of each other, same with most races’ clans excluding Hyur and Roes.
Xaela should have been tall amazon dragon women with the current tall males, with Raen being dainty lizard boys with the normal small females.
>Meanwhile the world first coil clearers literally picked up a random dark knight casual player, ran the instance a couple of times and cleared it easy peasy
It's easier with DRK at golden Bahamut.
Practically all classes in this game are stale, clunky and bloated. You do the same thing every fight and the only adaptation is whether or not the boss will allow you to do your opener before going invulnerable or doing mechanics. That's it. There's no stat variety, traits, bonuses or usable items that meaningfully alter how you play the class, instead SE pretends that a lot of buttons to press means the gameplay is gonna be engaging.
They also take half a year to change anything if it doesn't work, from balance to arbitrarily locking servers and demolishing their communities because their servers catch on fire if more than 30 people are in Kugane at a time.
Why go lizard instead of cat
Summoner and Warrior are pretty fun desu
>people think there is actually ddos attacks
>not just squenix servers shitting the bed for various reasons
best fucking may may.
King's honor friend
You are like a little baby.
Watch this.
They're smaller and more of a princess type instead of slut type. It's why trannies flock to au ra.
>purposefully joining these and doing low DPS to not skip soar
good times
I don't have to see the name to know it's that good old motherfucker Video Games.
>Try out Scholar
>It's actually easier than DPSing and Tanking
Holy shit why didn't I do this before? I keep getting surprised at how easy things are now and I'm actually mad as fuck right now due to all the shit healers I've had to play with up until now.
what was the hardest heavensward primal at release. Honestly I don't think it was zurvan. I recall having way more trouble with people for thordan and seph than mr. soar.
That guy harvests so much salt it's unreal.
Entire servers vilify him
Congrats my friend you've picked the hardest and most rewarding class in the game.
People say Thordan gave them the most trouble but if you've done Coil going into it you shouldn't have much trouble, Sephirot took me personally more time to progress due to instant wipes in magic/might phase
>FFlogs paddingwagon
I'd say either Thordan or Seph, and could maybe see an argument for Nidhogg.
Nah, I'm pretty sure you would be able to. Several clears that had no deaths cleared before the first Morn Afah enrage blast, and you have all 8 to go through before you actually wipe when people are spread out. There's also been clears with a death aka somebody without the Phoenix buff. It would absolutely be doable with a suboptimal composition.
The one that's probably annoying as fuck to prog the fight on would probably be Monk. Twintania constantly turning, and Bahamut constantly going invulnerable.
Oh, I played with him once.
Trashtalked the other retards in the group, felt decent for not being on the receiving end.
That guy has not one, but two world first parses on that specific fight though.
He was justified in making that PF, and the reddit backlash was glorious
Are you based in EU?
If so, any significant decrease in connection speed? Like enough to actually make a difference?
Yes I'm in EU. And yes there's a noticeable delay. But I can still do well enough.
However if you're doing unending coil then it might be a problem.
>not requiring people to join an old ass outdated 2.0 ventrillo server for no reason other than to hear your ass push to talk cough
too casual for me fag
Same, but I transferred from Cerberus instead and into a FC I knew people from beforehand.
Best decision I've ever made.
I'm trying hard to lose my habit of pressing O to check the party's languages on content start.
Plus I got a nifty house in Shirogane.
There's lag (I got 165ms ping to the server), it's very noticeable in AoEs, but I adjusted to it somewhat quickly. I still sometimes get hit though. Double weaving is a challenge, too.
it really made me think that they added a class with better dps output than monk with a much less brutal penalty for when fight design fucks you(guaranteed to happen).
I also love the monk is good for progression meme when mantra is turbo dogshit. terrible range and doesn't effect the most valuable of heals.
fuck you squenix, why do monks gotta suck in 11 and 14.
But MNK does overall more DPS than SAM because of Brotherhood.
One of the funniest things were the PFs that started calling people with bonus "clears".
So it sounded like they just wanted a wipe party, since you can't farm without clearing.
>tfw i main MNK to 59
do i switch to SAM... i also have BLM at 59
He's in a league of his own though.
Video games is a special kind of elitist.