What's Sup Forums's opinion on stream-snipers?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on stream-snipers?
>shilling for keysites
no sympathy for this nigger
t. Destiny
You would take the same deal if you where in his position.
some people have principles and don't sell out the first chance they get.
Such as?
Hilarious, if you aren't smart enough to add a delay then you deserve to die.
just a long distance version of watching the other person's screen during split screen
Is it.. is it victim blaming? New low.
Stream sniping is the same shit that was going on in computer clubs in 2000s. The attitude from both sides hasn't changed.. or has it?
Stream snipers?
wadu hek are those?
such as, don't associate with thieving kikes just because they undercut other thieving kikes.
I prefer them over the other people in stream who show up as the streamers personal army/give them items.
How do so many people actually manage to even get into lobbies with these big streamers? The matchmaking is completely automatic. Do these people just leave lobbies over and over again until they get in one with a streamer?
>if you aren't smart enough to add a delay then you deserve to die.
This your leaving yourself open to this kind of shit in PUBG in particular if your a big streamer putting some kind of overlay over your mini-map and stream delay is pretty much a given.
Forsen's stream is unironically hilarious
nice job trying to shill your channel then getting butthurt at every criticism made about you in this thread retard.
Kill yourself out of Sup Forums.
You guys are retarded, you can snipe someone regardless of delay in PUBG
The fuck are you on about?
It's lame as fuck that you would go out of their way to stream snipe but the streamer is also broadcasting their location so you can't really bitch.
Depends really but you tend to stay in a small area for extended period of time in PUBG so I guess you have a point.
Forsen is one of the most popular streamers on twitch I find it highly unlikely he needs to shill his channel on a mongolian throat singing forum.
>wadu hek
>implying that he don't do it on purpose because it gathers more people to watch this shitfiesta and makes stream different from other ones
People stream sniping is far more entertaining than the streamers themselves
literally every twitch streamer from amaz to kripp to forsen to anyone really.
Forsen himself is not bad though, doesn't act autistic or over-react to everything and is generally pretty chill with banter.
Same as my opinion on chinese.