Is Fire Emblem actually a good series? Every game looks exactly the same. Did I get fucking tricked?
Is Fire Emblem actually a good series? Every game looks exactly the same. Did I get fucking tricked?
Most games in the same series are pretty similar user.
Which one are you playing, exactly?
Here I made a shitty chart for people like you that want to get into the series. FE7 is the best start.
its like the only srpg on the 3ds so its by default the best
>Echoes in "Should Play"
>Thracia in Must Play
>tharcia in must play
>tear ring saga in must play
>conquest in should play
Old Fire Emblem is actually pretty good as an actual strategy rpg.
FE Awakening onward is just shittier Disgaea. Unless you want to get your Nazi eugenicist on, I recommend avoiding the newer games.
>Entire "Must Play" is irrelevant oldfag shit
Into the trash it goes.
>should play
Place it in must at least
>new mystery
No way the game is great.
>tharcia, tear ring saga
>must play
TRS isn't even a FE game
On emulators I've tried a little bit of 7, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Awakening, and Fates. Just seeing which one I like most from the outset. Do they get that much more complex later on?
They do, but the core ideas of the weapon triangle remain the same. A lot of it has to do with how the maps are designed.
I called it shitty for a reason. I made it in like half an hour. If someone can make a more updated and objective chart that's better be my guest.
Please make a better one so I don't have to use my shitty one anymore
>Really only start with this if you're the ultimate casual
Fuck. Why am I so bad at these games?
It's really not that bad as people make it out to be. Yeah, there's the option of casual mode, but even for a first time SRPG player even normal mode in the early game can be relatively challenging.
But god forbid something that's popular is acknowledged.
Awakening is awful
So the only game I've played prior to Awakening for any period of time is 7, which I felt was a lot easier.
Reinforcements coming out of nowhere and then acting on that same turn is total bullshit. Although I think I got to a point where I can just send Robin out paired up with someone and she's basically invincible.
> all these lyncucks literally fuming about the fact that based 3DS saved their irrelevant franchise
Why would they be mad? She's like the one character from FE7 that still gets prominently featured in stuff.
7 is harder then Awakening on HHM. But Hard and Lunatic is harder then normal and Eliwood hard. Both games are pretty easy though since they're babbies first FE.
Updated list:
Play 7
Play Awakening
Play Conquest
You're done congrats. You played the only Fire Emblem games that currently and have ever mattered.
The only reason Ike's games are expensive is literally fucking Smash Bros. Those games are shit games let alone shit Fire Emblem games. Avoid at all costs.
There are some TRPGs on 3DS, it's just that FE has the most variety and consistently good to average titles.
>Langrisser 3DS
Absolute garbage
>Stella Glow
Mediocre gameplay but better waifus than FE.
>Devil Survivor
Actually pretty solid TRPGs with a wide selection of demons and skill builds.
It's not great, but I'm so tired of all the double standards thrown around. SS has grinding, yet no one seems to care. PoR was easy as piss because of how strong Ike was, but nobody seems to care.
What about Lunatic+?
Lyncucks as in people who dislike FE13-onwards
Lunatic+ is the hardest difficulty mode in the series, but its completely unfair and artificial and calling it a difficultly mode would be a disgrace to hard modes. Don't brother with it unless you want to use a guide.
Awakening on hard mode has a lot of moments where my units get one-shot
>Play Conquest
Just no
FE is genuinely terrible. The series has fuck all for direction, inspiration or any sort of passion. It's soulless garbage.
I don't think its possible to get one-shotted in Awakening while paired-up. I can understand on lunatic but not Hard.
Lynfags are waifufags, so I doubt they dislike FE13 and the direction the series took. Especially when they still get more Lyn.
>implying they arent angry they cant marry there shit waifu
Weird image choice for that comment, user.
>4, 5
>shit tier bootleg fire emblem game
>Must play
LMAOing your life
>hurr everything old is bad
Fuck off.
>The remake of 1 was preddy good.
5 had way to many flaws and the maps of 4 were way to big. Keep crying.
What's the best way to tackle the Sol Katti lvl 61 mission that's Bows only? Should I aim for Anna first since I only have 2 bow users?
I do when liking the older games started becoming taboo on Sup Forums, it wasn't too long ago around Heroes' release that there were constant threads of people playing them and enjoying them.
What do RNG level ups actually add to the game?
When old games age gracefully, Geno and Thrasica did not.
Jugdrall Threads aren't too unheard of, and they are generally pretty positive to the games when they pop up.
i hope there wouldnt be anymore of thoes shitty games
That's the timed elimination, right
If you can unlock true power on fujin yumi and slap dragonslayer on it, it should be pretty easy after you've beaten Garnef
>PoR and RD
nice bait.exe
>on Ch. 17 of Warriors
>just want to move on to other games
Should I just drop it and come back to it later?
if you dont like it, dont play it
Come back later, if you're having trouble with the campaign, the history scenarios are going to rape you.
When I was around 14 or 15, I cant recall, I tried FE6 because I heard it was "fantasy Advance Wars" and I loved AW. Turned out much different and when I realized that weapons wear out, I cant repair them, I could end up leveling wrong characters or not leveling enough or waste certain weapons, thus forcing me to read the guide first, I gave up.
Last year, I played demo version of Awakening and felt in love. Played Awakening for ~120 hours total, then Birthright for ~80 hours and Revelation pumping total gameplay time to 235 hours.
I seriously dont know, why some "oldfags" dislike 3DS Emblems so much. They are good, fun and solid games. But I guess listing Tharcia as "best Emblem" by some, game that was never released outside of Japan, suggest hipster way of thinking.
>playing Revelations
Come on man
At least try Conquest
I refuse to join evil side and I dont want to play FE where I cant correct leveling choices or have to read guide about what to buy when and what to avoid.
Your loss
>FE6 in optional
It's by far the best of the GBA entries when it comes to gameplay you fucking mong
From my point of view, Hoshido is evil.
>unpopular opinion
Please go.
FE7 has varied map objectives and HHM.
FE6 has enemies that don't have 0 Luck across the board, better overall map design in spite of Seize that forces you to tackle multiple objectives most of the time, a better hard mode, and some incredibly standout units
t. shitter