Dragonball fighterZ thread

>5 more days until V-JUMP leaks
Who will it be? Gotenks, Dabura, Kid Buu, or Roshi?

Other urls found in this thread:


Dabura and Kid Buu, also

>leaving out Gohan

Hopefully Cooler.

Gohan Blanco.

It's going to be Gotenks, Ultimate Gohan, and Kid Buu, screencap this

people hate on Gohan but he has the potential to have the best and flashiest normals in the game and he can probably have charged normals like a focus attack. He just needs his non goku gi and he'd be set.


Leaks should appear a few days before V-jump, so this week.


Zarbon, Dodoria and Cui

Exactly how I expected, ATATATATA's and kicks.

When does this game start getting fun? Ive been trying for the past 2 months and everyday just feels like an unnecessary slog

After you spend $99999.00 dolaridos.

>playing mobage
>expecting fun

hi, reddit :)

memes go way too far these days

Anybody got anything good from the rising dragon carnival banner

Best girl, of course.

>stealing from the dokkan reddit
come on Sup Forums

First time I play a WT seriously.
I think I need a drink.

Spending at least $500 on her banner
just want my rainbow star waifu

It's gotta be Buu saga shit. I'm guess Gotenks+another Buu. Saiyaman would be the best option for Gohan, but if they insist on a regular Gohan they gotta go with pic related for his outfit because it looks fucking great.

how do you know that stuff's from reddit?

thats where i read the news
unless you want me to use gamefaqs

I still have to get either Kale and Caulifla.
Being F2P is suffering.

DBH card already out?
Hows the art?

>Kefla already in Heroes

Japs moves fast.

Pic related.

Ultra Instinct Goku got a banner in jap Dokkan Battle right after the special aired.


To the user who recommend I go full TEQ, thank you so much. Holy fucking shit it feels like the game WANTS me to go full TEQ. In the past couple of days I've pulled

>Goku Black from LR banner
>Ultimate Gohan and GT Vegeta from GSSR banner
>Just pulled great ape Bardock from the new banner

And now I'm grinding the black star DB event for Goku. Feels pretty fucking good right now.

Pretty nice hoping they release a caulifla version too
too late

>unironically liking a fusion of trash and garbage
I knew Sup Forums had shit taste but holy shit

Rude, Kefla is a qt.

The one with the shit taste is you.

Teq is so fun
other teams are literally 1 unit doing all the dmg

Thankfully she will be erased next week.

Just like how they were supposed to be erased 4 months ago, right?

Post your waifu then

>has visual appeal as babby's first shonen cute girl
>has 0 (zero) other redeeming qualities

It's sort of like that for me, right now. Only because I'm still early-ish in a build. Still need to dokkan SSJ3 Goku and shit like that.

When do you think SSJ4 Gogeta will be available again?

As someone who's favorite fusion is one of trash and garbage, I will never get the appeal of either girls or the fusion. I'd be on the fucktrain if their designs weren't so bland and they weren't written as obnoxiously, but they're insufferable and not good looking.

At least my boy has a decent chance at making base roster for Fighterz (that game this thread is about) and those new merch-pushers are likely going to be DLC.


Mind adding me as a friend?
That LR would be useful to start beating dokkan events.

>written as obnoxiously
Better than Gotenks, holy shit, he was annoying. Literally the worst fucking fusion before Merged Zamasu.

Green hair tho

>Goku logs into Bean Speak
I don't know why I laughed so hard

She's the daughter Goku never had, and it's clear she likes him too.

I expect him to be on int gogetas banner
Sure post your code

It'll be adult Gohan and his wife

>it's clear she likes him too.
Obviously, she praises him multiple times, and looks saddened when she thought Goku couldn't get up anymore before getting happy again when he stood up.

What did you say

Stand down.

>Wahh how dare you be stronger than me ningen
Proceeds to go bananas

Stay down fag


Just barbarian Saiyan genes in play. Don't be fooled by how civilized Cabba acts or how much more advanced u7's saiyan society was than that of u6's-- they're still Saiyans and they're still nothing but a bunch of thugs and killers.

The one with Super Saiyan Rage Trunks.


This webm and Todd animations will never not be funny to me




CHADhan or bust


I LOVE how psychotically badly Sup Forums is freaking out over this character

nigger with the stick

No Caulifla
No Buylifla

I got fucked over
Double ssr rate my ass
How the fuck do I only get 3 SSRs after 5 multisummons
And the only good ssr it gave me was great ape bardock instead of fasha

will i like this game if i dont really like fighting games?

>GODhan got three cuties on his first days on high school


This. It's just a hivemind. From what I've seen in video reactions, a majority of comments, and from personal friends, they love the character and got hyped from these episodes.

I went to a few of their threads after the last episode. Holy shit are they butthurt about her. I have never seen so much spam before from shitposters. It's literally impossible to talk about the show. But then again it's not like Super has much to discuss. It's a very badly written show.

If I have two phones would it be possible to have a second account

Yes, to transfer accounts between phones or after deleting the app you need to either type the transfer code in the new install or login to the linked facebook account, which is much easier.

Don't know why, the episodes have been nice.
A decent change of pace after all that nameless fodder appearing one after another, or fucking Ribrianne.

You can have as many accouts as you do fb profiles

Since 109 show has been pretty good
Maybe 113 was a bit fillery

It's because they are ruining the show ratings when the japs only want to see GODhan

>Goku has a new transformation that he's having a hard time controlling
>he's using it to fight a fused Legendary Super Saiyan
>Jiren will wake up
>Vegeta is fighting Toppo
>the Androids might finally kick that fatass Ribrianne out
>Potaras are allowed now, so we might unironically get Ultra Instinct Vegito

Don't get angry at me, get angry at the japs that only stay to watch Gohan.

I'm but a humble CHADhan salt harvester

It is never fun. It's the worst gasha with awful progression system. DB brand is only thing that carries it.

When japs want something, you get stuff like the Zamasu arc, which was an excuse to bring back their beloved Torankusu.
Gohan hasn't done anything since he killed Cell.

You can have 2 accounts on same phone

The know Gohan is irrelevant, they just want to shitpost.

I feel like I'm the only one who found the Ultra Instinct episode to be totally underwhelming.

>Transformation looked like it was done in flash in parts, especially the real shadowy bit
>Action feels real fucking slow up until he actually attacks Jiren
>Which lasts all of two seconds before Ultra Instinct wears off and Jiren goes back to being an infuriating wall with no personality and the world character design the franchise has ever seen
>Goku goes back to getting his ass handed to him, just like all of DBS so far

I wanted to like this series, but I can't. It's so infuriating. At least there's still Caulifla. And Kefla's reveal had way more impact on me than Ultra Instinct, if I'm honest.

Well, Toriyama listens to his people so you might see more CHADhan in the future if this keeps going

Reminder zamasu is so popular he is still getting new Dbh cards
Last gohan one was the obligatory suit promotion

Yes, that's why he tried making Gohan the main character of Dragon Ball during the buu arc and then ended up making him job to Buu and brought Goku back.

>adult hardass gohan that went through the thoughest shit gets bullied like a fat kid by C18 and C17
>pampered gohan that is a little bit angry can slap Perfect Cell around like it's nothing

someone explain this to me

Yes because he felt like Gohan didn't made a good protagonist for Z,

Now that we know Toriyama brought back Trunks for the nips, and Toyotaro is always looking to deliver fans their expectations. CHADhan coming back was just a matter of time

Would you play a fighter that sees a crossover of all the works that ever used Toriyama's design?

>this won't be in the music pack

Well, considering Super is terrible fanfiction, Gohan would make a perfect fit as the main character.

only if it's just the girls
they always have such pretty clothes, toriyama was so good at designing outfits. His talent was wasted on Karategi Z

Yes, except Dragon Quest.
Those games are formed by Android 17 and Goku clones.

Pedro Ball already proves this


Reddit, please, go

>except Dragon Quest
>not wanting a monster or three from one of the most iconic RPG beastiaries of all time


Im glad shaggy is getting the meme treatment he deserves