Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread

Fuck off faggot mods, delete some console war threads instead. You are the reason this place is so shit.

Yu-Gi-Oh video games are about the cards and the anime, so yes we are going to talk about the cards and the anime too, there's no way to just talk about the videogames without mentioning any of the cards or characters. We are having fun here, please just fuck off.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/7jj06mtpljmnjda/[SCY] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (DVD 720p).torrent?dl=1

I'm fairly sure is literally just only one weeb mod that hates YGO in general. You really should check IRC someday, it's a shitfest.

Anyway, posting one of the best games in the franchise. I'll always recommend this one.

Reminder to ignore metafags, linkfags and that shill from the 3DS game.

Second for unearthly Autism


Any tips for Reshef?

not vidya, reported

Don't play it.

>Someone recommending a game is not vidya

>Someone posting his favorite card in the games is not vidya

>Someone asking for tips about vidya is not vidya

Nice try, mod.

Seriously tranny janny mods what's their fucking problem?


Global Rule 7 you shithead

Keep fighting the good fight OP.

>The Sacred Cards
>don't get Ra until you beat the final boss
>immediately after you beat the final boss you're forced to give up all of your god cards
what did they mean by this

Original artwork is also the best artwork.

>favorite card
>chinese knockoff BEWD

best in-game storyline for GBA or DS? or anything close to the original anime?

Anybody remembers capsule monster colloseum? Man, I wasted HOURS on that shit

WC 2008 will alwaus be the best yugioh game...i poured so many hours in that game its not even funny

I didn't even use it

Me too, I had some fun times watching my sister rage at Odion. Shame about Light and Dark being overused there.

Pulling off a turn skip with any card is the most rewarding feeling ever. Instant explosion of dopamine. Too bad all the cards that allow you to do that are completley unusable in modern Yu-Gi-Oh

I remember I went thru the game like 3 or 4 times trying to get all the fusions and evolutions, and all the other monsters

>TFW You realized you had to start a battle, forfeit, quit, and repeat 20 FUCKING TIMES to get a celtic guardian

Why talk about the old trash cards and show if we can talk about Pendulum or Link Summon?

It just completly crushes or the old shit/cards except for the 0,01% that are bonkers OP (Monster Reborn etc.).

Hope we get a good Vrains game.

The Sacred Cards is the best story game. It's set in the battle city arc and plays more like an RPG than a card game.

Who was he lads?

Don't believe his lies.

Long time /tg/ lurker here. For whoever was pissy about the last thread. You would get way more hate for starting this type of thread over there.

why is Rebecca such a semen demon?

Links and Pendulum are trash.

Fuck off.
Cards >>>> bitches

Have there been any cards in the last two years that compliment Slifer or Ra?

Yes I have the Mound of Bound something or other and Ra Sphere Mode.

Currently playing through Falsebound Kingdom. It's a shame the game's a one-off.

This is the shittest bait on Sup Forums right now. Apply yourself.

Kill yourself.

You but better

>downloading ygopro2
>4 hours left
for fuck sakes

Why are they trash? They add another layer of strategy.

I understand that certain people like might not have the IQ to comprehend the new rules, but otherwise most people do like more options.

>tfw as a kid I figured out how to scum tons of great monsters by abusing he memory card trade system

Exchange your moral decency for high internet speeds and move to California.


Go to the /vg/ one, man. This one is not for you.

This and Zera the Mant were the coolest ritual monsters.

duel master konami

Nice filename

i-is that quik-fix?

I want to play it again, lads. I never really felt this way about any other chilldhood game

Too bad they never made a sequel

Zera looks fucking stupid,and what the fuck even is a Mant? Try again.

Post cardfus.
Dark Magician Girl is used goods.

I will always hate this monster because of his game.


There are many reasons, user.

Will there ever be another based Nintendo Yu-Gi-Oh Game bois? I'm a Gen 1 fan of this franchise and only care about Yugi Moto, Kaiba, The Pharaoh, etc

The game's not that hard if you know how/where to grind and what cards to use. The AI is so easy to predict and manipulate that 8 year old me figured out the rules they operate on.

The grind is what's bad about it though. And even when you get decent cards, the first half of the game relies on lucking out with the attribute circle, and the second half is stalling for phoenix mode.

Then why is he such an easy scrub to beat and grind star chips off of?

I think I read somewhere that Reshef is like the 3rd hardest GBA game of all time. user, it's hard.

Because robots can't duel for shit.

I'm getting bored of playing the power of chaos trilogy
whats the best game I can emulate on my phone that does not have xyz pendulum syncro summon bullshit and has many many cards?
I just want a good classic ygo game

No matter what era of Yu-Gi-Oh! you're a fan of, I doubt there's going to be a good game, at least with an English release, for a long time.
Konami would rather try and jew people for digital cards as well as the physical ones than make a sweet game.


Any year-numbered GBA game is a safe bet.
My personal favourite is Stairway to the Destined Duel, it's set in Battle City if you're keen on the original series.
Others will recommend the GX ones.
I don't know if DS emulation on phones is a thing, but there's some good DS games, too.

Absolutely patrician

Spirit Caller was pretty cool.

>duel links has a survey about the game
>several options ask about making the game TCG rules
all i fucking want is an official yugioh game with the normal goddamn rules
im sick of curbstomping brazilians on ygopro and fighting autistic tryhards on duelingbook

Is this the sort of card that has since adapted unusually to the meta, or no?

Did that have duel spirits you can use in it?

the GOAT coming through

I dunno I only played with friends.
Used it with Marshmallow type monsters to create a good defense

I beat it without even using phoenix mode. The only long grind session you need to do is at the beginning,where you need to grind until you can use Doron,that one 1500 atk aqua slime that multiplies itself,Darkness Approaches,and Dark Flare Knight. Load as many of these into your deck as possible.The rest of your deck consists of beefy tribute monsters,throwaway garbage cards with a low cost,traps,and whatever God Cards you have at the time. Your goal is to always have more monsters on the field than your opponent so that you can tribute for your beatsticks or,ideally,a God Card. Once you get a few high atk monsters on the field,set a start setting garbage monsters face down in defense. Your opponent will always attack them no matter what,leaving them with a target wide open for attacking. Just keep doing that until their life points hit zero or you draw a God Card. If you get out a God Card,the duel is over,you've already won.

>play duel links once
>hate it, especially the speed format
>come back to it every few hours to grind because I feel like I might enjoy it eventually and don't want to be too far behind
Fuck DL.
I don't want to fight the same three decks over and over.

Darklords can tech The World pretty effectively.



I'll always love my wightbois and wightgurls.

What is the best GBA game? I'd prefer something with a decent singleplayer.

world tournament 04

Duel Academy.

>Decide to revisit this game for the first time since Childhood
>It's kicking my dick so hard
>tfw I love it

Winning against those cheating bastards gives me a feeling of accomplishment I haven't felt in a long time.

I love the weird almost SMT way you fuse monsters too.


Next time, try posting something worthwhile. "bump" adds nothing to the thread.

>Yugioh marathon makes Rebecca Sup Forums's flavor of the month

It's an awkward feel.

Becky is an upgrade on Tea in everyway.


Sacred Cards and Reshef have the best bantz

I've loved her for years, user.
I know that feel

why the fuck aren't they making tag force games anymore

People stopped buying them. Mostly because of YGOPRO,I'd assume.


With this

>Make the random 12 year old from 100 episodes ago develop a crush on Yugi as a joke
>She ends up being better as a love interest than Anzu ever was
Not sure if that says more about Rebecca or the way Anzu was written, though.

Card game dating sim when, Konami?

Not only that but Rebecca doesn't get blacked like Anzu.

Tag Force!

That's just Kaiba being Kaiba though

Why didn't Yugi or anybody tried to befriend poor Kaiba? Yeah, he's a dick but the guy is obviously lonely. I think the manga even pointed this out. Dude wanted friends badly. Poor guy needed a Kisara in his life.

Why would you want to befriend him?

Anyone see the 720p upscale of Yu-Gi-Oh?

It's different in the manga. He even acknowledges Joey in Battle City, after his possessed duel with Yugi.

What's the story behind this card?

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (DVD 720p)

>720p 8-bit upscale/encode of the 4Kids DVDs. This is a project I've been working on since June 2017 and it was completed on November 8th 2017. After having finished my Avatar 1080p remaster, I was looking for more anime/cartoons to improve and realized I was never satisfied with any of the Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters releases out there. So I bought the entire 4Kids DVD set myself and decided to upscale everything to 720p to make it look somewhat watchable (as well as include untouched 224kbps AC-3 audio). Some people won't mind the amount of filtering, while others hate it. It's a preference I can't really comment on (Blu-rays are a different story). These are blurry 480i DVDs with many issues and I tried to make them as good as I could. In any case, this is one of the very few non-bitrate starved encodes out there. Encoding time is something between 750-1000 hours and several hours of manual labour to add full chapters.


dropbox.com/s/7jj06mtpljmnjda/[SCY] Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (DVD 720p).torrent?dl=1

Chinese knock offs.
If you were in school while Yu-Gi-Oh! was big, it's likely that you'd see shit like that.
There were all sorts of them, but quite a few were really common, so people from all sorts of countries know them.

>no torrent
Why are people content with waiting forever?
Not the user who asked, but thanks for posting regardless.

Fuck me, never mind. I should have clicked, or even read, the second link before talking shit. Thanks again.