Squishy tummies

Squishy tummies
Cute little cunneys

What loligame from 2017 did you like the most?

I'm Canadian. This shit is not cool. Delete your fucking post.

Splatoon 2 probably. Lavenza is my favorite vidya loli from 2017 though

Stop enabling him.

What Final Fantasy XIV character is this?

>reeeeeee stop talking about video game girls on the video game board
Go fuck yourself.


Yomawari Midnight Shadows was good too.
Loli suffering was done right here.

>I'm Canadian
no you gaf
now go away

>I'm Canadian. This shit is not cool.
Yeah. You have my condolences.

Who cares about Canadians? They're not even human.

Raiko is coming very soon, if you want tummies, hers gets a window all to itself.

when do we get rid of these fucking pedophiles

Just finished Rose yesterday gud game

I'll always appreciate how you fuckin creeps will just keep on being creepy no matter who, no matter what gets in the way

Keep on diddling fake kids and let's just hope you don't diddle the real ones

Literally fucking child porn. I'm Canadian. I could go to jail for looking at this.

>you fuckin creeps will just keep on being creepy no matter who, no matter what gets in the way
Now you're getting it

You say that like removing canada is a bad thing.
I didn't know this. I'm going to post loli more often.

None of those images even have porn in them, and if it's really illegal for you to view such materials you should stop coming to Sup Forums.

I do like some squids.

Yeah, why won't these sic fucks think of how they're hurting these imaginary children