Is he the best JPRG protagonist in history?

Is he the best JPRG protagonist in history?

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Is she the cutest?

People will say no and respond with whoever they think is the best, but the correct answer is yes.

Grandia 2 MC before he turns all soft.

>ps3 exploit coming soon
>can finally play this damn game

you were close, but no, Estelle is the cutest

>a Tales game heroine that's not an useless piece of trash/cum dumpster

ToV was one of a kind

pretty much.

I love Rita. Not like in a waifu or sexual way though, I just really like her character and design.

>average JRPG Protag "If I kill him, I will be as bad as him"
>Yuri *kills two villains in cold blood and gives zero fucks*

I'd say he didn't kill Cumore, but even if he didn't scare him into his own death, he probably would have killed him anyway.

he's certainly up there for many reasons

I'm going to pick up a PS4 for only tales games, specifically berseria. Well I regret it?

if you played Abyss and sat through that AWFUL first several hours, then you'll love the newer Tales games


>Not a little bitch
>Not self-deprecating
>Not loud as fuck
>Not annoying as fuck
>Not angsty as fuck
>Just wanted to live out a peaceful life
>Keeps his composure 100% of the time
>Takes justice into his own hands because the empire is literally incompetent
>Saves the world
>Is a handsome adult and not some snot nosed fucking kid having an existential crisis for 70 hours
The reason everyone likes Yuri is because he's basically already a nearly fully developed character when he's introduced and he only gets better.

This. He's not the idealist that Flynn is and realizes how the world really works, is okay with it somewhat. Like a real adult, no surprise given his age.


No, that's Stocke. Yuri's fun though.

Unironically yes.

>The laws have always been the tools of whoever happens to hold all the chips.
>And you can't deny that lives were saved because those bastards were put down. you'd rather tell those people, 'Sorry you have to die today. I promise we'll change things soon'?

I think what I liked most was that he accepted that what he did wasn't the moral thing, but it really was the only to stop Ragou or Cumore given they were both untouchable otherwise.

Yuri is good but he needed to lose it a bit more. He was too calm and 'perfect', something that's usually proper of silent protagonists. Needed a bit more human element

The rest is perfect

He kills Zagi too

zagi was asking for it.

To be fair he kinda has a moment regarding killing Estelle when she was kidnapped/under control by Alexei and had to have the party intervene to stop him but that's really about as far as he goes.

literally held the game together, rest were your average jrpg tokens

His only fault would be
>Get's completely irrelevant to the story in the third act

though that is more a fault with BAMCO not being able to write for shit.

I wouldn't say it's so much that he becomes irrelevant as he just doesn't experience any significant focus, but none of the characters get any attention in the third act. That's not a downfall of his character; that's a downfall of the game as a whole. I love Tales of Vesperia and it's one of my favorite games in the series, if not in general, but act 3 of Vesperia is probably among the weakest third acts in the series.

Considering he's banned from Tales of voting polls iirc, yes.

Even though he's a badass, I can't think of anyone else that can top him. Not in just in his series' voting polls, but in JRPGs overall.

I mean he spared Zagi like 4 times and he kept coming back for more.

No he like literally basically asked for it. Saying he wanted to die by Yuri's hands and shit.

Why do people like Berseria ? The characters and the story are bland and the gameplay is boring too

Yuri was the shit.

Playing it right now, Yuri is pretty cool.

source brah

Fucking badass.

Then why didn’t Yuri kill him the first 4 (or 3) times?

They needed some recurring boss fights

They had plenty already

Neptune is


Because it came after Zestiria, and anything is a step up from that.

Basically this. They're both bad, but one more than the other.

But is he as good as the great Raven?

>silent protagonists
Ludger is the only silent protagonist in the series and yet he's one of the most emotive ones at the same time.

The cast is overall one of the best in the series.