OMG Gertrude is that guy playing Mario on his Nintendo in public?

>OMG Gertrude is that guy playing Mario on his Nintendo in public?
>What a fucking loser!!

Who the fuck was even named gertrude after like 1947



How fucking old are you?


Like they care.


>been called a loser for so long it feels comfy to be called one
>noticing I'm acting normal or being called normal upsets me
It's become half the reason I play my bing bing wahoo on the go. Even when it's dead I play with the controls to comfort myself

>being named gertrude
>calling anyone else a loser

Good thread

normie please go

I must have it really bad to be made fun of by a bitch named Gertrude



Even when the Gameboy was released in 1989, the name Gertrude would still be pushing it.


I know right he died to the first broodal rabbit.

Now, now, Temperance. That sort of language is very unchristlike and sinful. Talk like that again and I'll tell Father McCormick and you'll spend a week in the stocks again.

All countries are the United States

>Gertrude is a name of anyone besides an 90 year old holocaust survivor.

How many years has it been since you've had contact with a woman?

I'm living in Europe and I've never met or even heard about anyone called fucking Gertrude

It's disgusting. I can almost hear them clapping over their "witty" jokes about a common name.


>not playing your video games in public

if your name isn't the approved 20
or hispanic you have no business being alive

i live in Europe i have never met someone with a European name i am not joking

who is the artist for this again? He's fucking great and I can't remember.

senke kagero

And then we come rushing back to reality where people commonly play phone, DS and switch games in public and no one says anything unless they're basement dwellers who don't go out and see it for themselves.


Many thanks

>that doujin
Welp. Time to fap again


I know right? All three of my sisters are named Gertrude. Americlaps are simply unable to understand our superior culture.