This is your medic for tonight
thank her for carrying your team
Dirty bomb thread
This is your medic for tonight
thank her for carrying your team
Dirty bomb thread
>Auras that don't put down their heal station and just run around trying to shotgun everything and fail
Fuck them. The good ones are so rare.
That one Aura that drops the station for herself then instantly picks it back up again and fucks off.
Thank Christ every other healer was more fun to play than her and her nails down a blackboard voice. Fuck right off with your shitty Blish.
Remember when Sparks caused such epic levels of ass pain that they had to completely break her down into death while leaving Fletcher and Aura completely alone?
Remember when it never mattered because if you were still good enough you could stomp anything with her.
Is the new healer any good? The whole anti-grenade/deployable/airstrike drone thing sounds good but it also sounds like Aimees useless cameras.
Sparks being able to destroy the EV on her own was complete bullshit and I loved it. Could completely carry an entire team with her on defense.
Guardian is no medic she's a objective specialist that can revive faster cause fuck she'd be pretty broken if she was an obspec though
Bubble negates a shit ton of stuff makes EV maps actually playable instead of having 3 skyhammers and Arty's partying on an EV
Guardian is an off-medic. Her gun can win her most 1v1 fights with ease and her anti-projectile device is absolutely godlike for defending areas and objectives. Two guardians can basically make an EV invincible unless there is a Kira.
Guardian+Aura is GOAT medic comp imo.
Incredibly boring character design
Yeah she needs wings, spiky hair, and a demon alter ego like my Gaia OC
not really a healer since she can only revive
the drone is as useful as it sounds, you deploy it and they can't harm the EV
Not as rare as ammo-giving skyhammers
Spark snipers were the worst
I unironically think Dirty Bomb has the best character designs out of all multiplayer shooters.
It's the perfect balance between cool, recognizable and somewhat believable.
Well they can they just have to use there gun to shoot the drone or EV. Ammo is more necessary than ever if you want to destroy generators with a Guardian protecting it.
nigger sombra
>le quirky girl with dyke hair
Aura just looks like an NPC in Deus Ex. It's completely bland, nothing to distinguish her
she's about as far away from the quirky girl subtype as a female character can be
She is not a medic. She's a necromancer.
she's very easily recognizable in-game so i don't mind she doesn't have bright blue hair and pixie wings
dirty bomb isn't that game
So what your opinion on Fragger and being a motherfucking murder machine
Just got the load out that has the k121 with explodehedron spares and focus
He requires some skill so I really don't mind.
Unlike Rhino who's the ultimate noob slayer and you don't even need to put an effort into it. I never feel good when I wreck shit with Rhino beacuse I know it was because the other team were drooling idiots, not because I was good.
Can we all just agree that proxyfags are the worst
she's the qtest and honestly you don't need too big a brain to avoid her mines
oh wow this thread is the most pathetic attempt at marketing I've ever seen
jesus fuck what an ugly fucking nigger. send that dirty monkey back to fucking africa and keep NIGGERS out of my games. also overwatch is utter garbage
They even went to the extent of completely destroying the suicide mine plays that Proxies used to use. You kill a Proxy before the mine is armed or before she shoots it and its dead and won't go off.
Theres no reason to ever choose Thunder or Stoker over Fragger, the game itself has a fair few of these problems but I think the Fragger one is the worst. Theres no reason to ever play Stoker because his molotov is on such a massive cooldown and the area denial is so short you might as well just grenade the same area and kill everyone there.
Three of you down and I'm still dancing.
I don't think it's fair to compare Fragger to Stoker: Fragger is a killer and Stoker is a FOP. Stoker is still terrible in his own class, though.
why is every girl in this game expect proxy uggo?
>f2p grindfest with lootboxes
Oh look, where have I seen that style of character before..
>You kill a Proxy before the mine is armed or before she shoots it and its dead and won't go off.
that's not true, it explodes regardless
if you mean in casual where you can shoot it and not deal team damage thats different