Why aren't you playing Warhammer Online?
Why aren't you playing Warhammer Online?
Wasn't this shit shut down ages ago?
There's a Privateserver up
Then that's why I'm not playing it.
Said private server being run by fucking autists who have no idea what they are doing and can't balance for shit
I am playing warhammer offline. keep mmoshit out of warhammer fantasy.
server has 5% of the content and 150% of the jank of retail
How is it? Genuinely wondering since I heard all the races are unbalanced as fuck
You mean 100% of the content anyone ever cared about.
>muh PvE in an RvR centric game
>playing as NPC factions.
if you aren't playing good guys and vlad you aren't playing period
Fantasy is dead long live Age of Sigmarines
>he fell for the "shit EA is rushing is like hell, let's cut most of the content and start pretending that PvP is the only thing that matters in RvR" meme
its alive in my heart and on my PC.
Pretty fucking fun, but be warned that you're not playing for the balance.
There are some problems with the Mortal Empires and Vortex campaigns, but first game's campaign and entire Multiplayer scene are more than fine.
There are some rough match-ups in here and there but overall the races are balances in battle.
surprisingly balanced but I use a variety of mods
To be fair you are right about balancing. They are fucking retarded and have no idea how to fix White Lions and the retarded Armor Meta.
>doing 74 damage on a fucking White Lion
Are pretending to be retarded or ignoring that Live had PvE content in form of Open World Bosses and dungeons?
>tfw no cuhrazy game which sort of plays like Ninja Gaiden where you play as Gotrek going on a rampage against Skaven, Chaos Warriors and Daemons.
I'm surprised there isn't a Warhammer Fantasy RPG out there yet that has you exploring the many different empires as a Warrior Priest or something.
>there isn't a Warhammer Fantasy RPG out there
user I...
>tfw there will never be a Space Marine esque game where you're playing as a slayer in a Karak overrun by skaven/greenskins
>game starts
Because the pserver is fucking dead and it wasn't that good of a game to begin with.
>Not wanting to slay Thaggoraki/Grobi whilst trying to reclaim your Karak to erase grudges written in the Dammaz Kron
Nigga you just went full ufdi
take that shit back
please..... :(
I loved my Swordmaster and my Disciple of Khaine
Ignore Total Warhammer for the moment and just stick with what Dawi Slayers are meant to do.
They aren't meant to be meatshields or fodder. Slayers make an oath to die IN THE MOST SPECTACULAR AND EPIC WAY POSSIBLE.
They fo on rampages against gobbi, thaggoraki and other shitter-tier underfolk to face an enemy they can die to while taking it with them.
The more glorious way you die and the larger your saga of monsterslaying is the more revered your death will become and you will atone for your sin.
Hence a Slayer-based RPG or action slasher can work. A self-contained story of facing ever greater enemies until the plot culminates in a grand battle between armies or a great monster who poses a threat to your people, both of which can be a worthy ending to your slaughter in the name of your ancestors.
Being a Slayer is much more than just dying like a retard. It's about making your death have a greater meaning and dying to restore the honor of your clan. A game can be cool as hell based on this theme.
I sure had fun playing it back then. Playing a bitch elf in launch was a lot of fun but the grinding was fucking boring and the large scale PvP was laggy as fuck and lol no fps.
Depends what you consider dead. Literally no one does PvE since RVR and Scenario leveling is much more fun than dumb PQ's. RvR is pretty healthy and alive to the point I'd wish less people would attend since 600 people beating each other up at the same time makes the server shit itself.
Except that they wanna die extremely fast to pay their denbts to dorf society.
Guess how easy it will be to cheese it.
Also dorfs are useful in anchoring flanks and destroying monsters in TW.
Permadeath Slayer hack n slash where the most glorious of legends get posted on some sort of leaderboard for everyone to see?
How often do low level Scenario's pop? Like if I have to wait for 20 minutes between each one then it'll suck leveling that way.
Depends on class desu. Healers and Tanks get near instantpops while DPS takes a bit longer
Is the grind for the Conqueror set still a slog ? i gave up after getting something like 3 pieces with the Chosen.
I started playing 3 weeks ago and have 4 pieces already.
What the fuck.
not as bad, they changed the way bags from keeps work, you're guaranteed at least a white bag every time, and you don't compete with other people for rolls now so you'll get other bags more often.
Still sucks tho.
why would anyone ever play on private servers? the type of people that run and administrate these things are jerk offs on power trips most of the time. enjoy getting banned and abused by admins and their special cliques i guess
Its probably just luck with gold bags. I'm a Chosen too.
because in some cases it's the only way to play the game
I dont think anyone would play privateservers if official ones existed except for poorfags.
Apparently you also get a buff on your rolls for each whitebag.
Ok i'm curious now, do you guys wanna play if you're destro ? i have literally no friends that play RoR.
Whats your characters name? I'll add you later when I'm online.
There's a legit case for games that aren't available anymore like WAR, SWG, old WoW expansions etc. Also in some cases the original game has been ruined by the cash shop so bad that the private server is simply the better choice.
I guess I'll download and come see what's up. How's the faction balance? I sort of want to play a Shadow Warrior since I never played one originally.
Best class for someone with shit ping?
Rolling on the private server. Destro or Order. Is there an overpowering amount of Order players?