If you EVER bitched about the Hog Hook, you're a spineless pussy that couldn't deal with an easily bait-able ability

If you EVER bitched about the Hog Hook, you're a spineless pussy that couldn't deal with an easily bait-able ability.

Nerfed 3 times. I bet you complained about Doomfist too. Fucking faggots

That looks more like your shit internet bro

Just because Blizz handled the Hog situation like shit, doesn't mean his hook wasn't broken before.

arent you suppoed to melee to get the kill? or did blizz change it

t. Hog one trick

>one trick
wtf stop being so toxic

Widow has always had wonky interactions while being hooked just like Ana and to a lesser extent Reaper. No melee finisher, no moving closer to the Widow to land more pellets, left clicks the Widow once then goes to left click the Mercy then the Widow again.

Lazy Hog desu

I mean I've bitched about most aspects of Overwatch. It's pretty shitty.

>TF2 sniper is broken because he can oneshot me if I stand still out in the open

Wow he can't play as a flanker with 600 hp and instakill mechanics anymore!

Sup Forums doesn't play popular gaems. They tend to their indie and nintendo games

TF2 sniper's weapon doesn't have a hitbox the size of Heavy, so you have to actually aim. Neither does Sniper have 600 HP.

>nintendo games
>not THE mainstream games

>hyper-casualfag numale eunuch hipster never played TF2 defends Overwatch balancing

Like pottry

Except Widowmaker is still in the game and can still do exactly that, the difference is that widowmaker actually has to have a decent amount of aim to one-shot, meanwhile pre-nerf roadhog only had to aim in the general direction of the character and got rewarded with a completely free kill, while also having the highest health pool in the game and a massive self-heal.

Oh look, it's Hanzo's bow.

Nice projection there, buddy.

No instakill on most characters but its still fucking easy to flank and kill almost anything, its even easier since his get out free jail card is so fucking good. They added back his ability to move people around once they've been hooked meaning you can literally drop people right into your team or off cliffs or into pits. The Eichenwalde bridge is amazing on defense for just chucking people off of.

Hog is a whole load more fun to play now because hes actually a little bit more versatile than he was before.

>reading comprehension

>sniper's weapon doesn't have a hitbox the size of Heavy

And it doesn't. You'd know that if you actually played TF2.
Hog's hook is literally larger than some of the hero models in OW, and its hitbox was even bigger.

>nerfs Roadhog's low-skill instakill
>buffs Junkrat's literally ZERO-skill instakill
Blizzard are the fucking goddamn worst.

The day Jeff and his numale devs dumpstered ShitSwine was the greatest day of my life. Shitters could no longer rely on their crutch hero.

Don't forget they did that at the sametime as reworking Mercy, the least mechanically intensive healer into being almost mandatory AND having Winston being the most important tank.

The three lowest skill braindead characters being the strongest they've ever been at the sametime. Its the communities fault for all the toxicity though, if you were less toxic we might even bother to get around to fixing half of that shit.

>Dodge hook
>Receive insta-kill M2 headshot
Old Hog was fucking retarded.

>here's a character
>he has one (1) gun
>he has the most basic self heal imaginable
>he has a hook that can only be used on enemies
>and an ultimate that pushes everyone away despite his entire theme being to get close to enemies.
>and that's it, that's literally his entire character, no alternative weapons, no alternative uses for his skills, no interesting passive ability, nothing.

Roadhog is a fucking terrible character because he's a walking hook / shotgun rather than an actual class.

This is why I stopped playing over watch. The game was fun as fuck at launch, bit of patches coulda ironed out a few bugs but nooo instead blizzard basically needed road hog and mcree (and widow and junkratt) into completely useless sacks of shit. Meanwhile LGBT autism sugar rush poster slut tracer remains the same

Junk is a top DPS right now. Just throw mines at people, lol.

im more mad he can no longer one shoot people at full Health.

Well, doomfist was broken by allowing you hitting character through objects like cars and shit.

Release hog was fine but it was also okay that they limited the corner hooking since it looked kinda weird. The latest neutering is an embarrassment.

If you actually played overwatch, you'd know what you just said is bullshit.
Hooking someone on a spot where you can't see the enemy but it still connects because of the hook hitbox was to some extent retarded.

>that guy who says "lol just dodge it bro" when people bring up how dumb Roadhog's hook is
>even though Lucio and Genji are basically the only characters in the entire game that can do anything other than stroll around at a leisurely pace when they aren't using an ability
>he'll never actually explain *how* to dodge the hook despite not having the mobility to do so
>the best he can do is give some vague useless non-advice where he tells people to "juke" or "bait" the hook that's all just rephrased versions of "lol just dodge it bro", and then accuse people of being unskilled
Blizzard needs to keep nerfing Roadhog just so this guy will stop shitposting and kill himself.

This is pretty much the entire problem with Overwatch as a game.
Everyone is impossible to balance because they're all just walking gimmicks that can only do the specific set of things that their abilities allow them to do.
If Roadhog's hook combo one-shots everything, then he's overpowered. If it doesn't, he's useless.

>Nerfed 3 times
>each time it became better than before

> pulls you through geometry
fuck that

If you EVER played Overwatch, you're a spineless pussy that can't play proper video games.

You've had the opportunity for years to play something else. I bet you got bodied on Titanfall 2 and quit. Fucking faggots.

Play Lawbreakers than faggot.

jesus christ

you don't cross the road to play in the dirt

I've played TF2, Overwatch, Paladins, and Dirty Bomb.
Right now I like Dirty Bomb the most, and Paladins does Overwatch better than Overwatch.

You're playing some bad games

>let's take a competitive multiplayer FPS and add abilities so badlets can get kills too

I'm glad I stopped playing that trash.

Practically every character has some sort of mobility options they can use to get around Roadhog.

You can't though, that's the issue with the entire game, not just Hog.
>play Tracer
>Hog's on the enemy team
>he hooks, I see it and blink away
>get hooked and OHKOd
>killcam shows that my blink didn't register on the server
You can't use mobility abilities reactively, because the game will just disregard them and give priority to the hook, because it's harcoded this way.
Instead of addressing this underlying issue, Blizz just nerfed Hog's damage, so even deserved hooks sometimes don't result in a kill, but at the same time players still get hooked when they shouldn't have been. A move pleasing absolutely no one.