God, I hate her so much

god, I hate her so much...

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I also hate women too, fellow alt-right virgin.

no, she's legimately a shit character

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on his face. What should i do about him? Ideas?

>people on Sup Forums hating women

Wew lad. Didn't not see that not coming. Not!

Punch him in the dick and flush him down the drain

To be fair, they've done a tremendous job of making you hate almost every female character in this game
>Aya turns out to be a backstabbing bitch
>Cleo turns out to be a backstabbing bitch
>black friend turns out to be a backstabbing bitch
>new protag is even worse than voiceless player avatar

finally someone gets it...

>revenge won't change anything
>fuck you Bayek, our kid is dead
>Aya, Cleo's gonna betray us
>fuck you Bayek, she's my queen
>she betrays them

She is absolutely terrible. No reason to leave Bayek at the end besides "muh strong independent womyn" bullshit. Playing as her was even worse. I got tired of that sailing shit in Black Flag, we didn't need more of it.

>This character is shit

Wow good job lefties

>hate women -> homophobe

Nigger, what are you on?


Wow don't be so sexist

Is this piratable yet or is the cpu drm shit making it harder?

didn't mind her. the game got her across fairly well as a character whose nature was influenced much more than bayek by the killing of their kid. which is why she is the one leaving her homeland to start the AC chapter in rome.

also note that her body ends up back in egypt in her death. knowing that they are planning a trilogy of these games (in rome and greece, too), and seeing how bayek is actually a pretty cool character that I can see being expanded upon, we're probably going to follow them to the ends of their lives (like ezio) via several games and in the end they will have some kind of happy ending in egypt. At least I hope so, they deserve it.


This. AC ship stuff is garbage. FUCK AC4

>we need more goverment
>i need the state to hold my hand
>complain about false freedom where COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS exist.
both sides are super shit.

oh also, she eventually ends up killing cleopatra (this is from AC2 lore) not sure if we're gonna get that in game.

well anything dealing with Cleopatra's death is inevitably also going to have to acknowledge Augustus wrecking the assassins so hard they had to go underground and hide for 1000 years

It would make it pretty obvious all the assassins did in the game was to replace one Caesar with another, only this one is smarter and vastly more brutal

finally I can use this

Where did this revenge wont change anything bullshit come from anyway?

Even small time revenge feels great, cant imagine what some big "purpose of life" revenge must feel like.

I love her, I just hate her personality.