VR is the future

VR is the future.

Adapt or die

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No way fag. I'm sticking with monitors and proper controls.

wow you're very good :3

where is her anale?

Where's her butthole?

That lady aint got no poop chute

>No asshole
Who gives a fuck

>No asshole
This is some old bullshit OP.

pls be my gf am very horny kik me my name is anjay

It's fucking dead, out of 10 games they announce each time 7 of them are just tech demos.

Call me when they implement a gas cannister that simulates brap

Everyone knows this is just Dead or Alive Beach Paradise right? I guess we're just pretending

bitch lasagna

>poorfags get mad at VR episode

South Park does that already

>no asshole

This is why vr is dead

I'll join in when haptic feedback suits and aroma emitters are affordable and available to the public

>Virtual Reality
>Can't even replicate an asshole into a woman's ass

Not enough market penetration and understanding of the tech to really get the most out of it.

Then you have the major problem of limited interaction and movement for a lot of titles forcing you to sit in one space which limits immersion greatly.

It is pretty neat stuff, but to be honest. I thought VR was pretty shitty when I tried a buddy's google cardboard shit. I failed to see what the big draw was. Then I tried Playstation VR and I have to say it was drastically different and it really showed me the appeal of VR, even though I don't think it is there yet in terms of complete immersion.

I think people trying the smartphone VR shit really wrecked their opinion of it which lowered the adoption rate of the tech.

I'm waiting for the Vive II. That one HTC showed off in China doesn't look like it, though.

>no smell
>no touch
what's the point?

I'm too retarded for magic. I'll stick to my two handed weapons.

>not getting so drunk you cherish your own touch as if it were someone else
>not spreading your asshole in an unventilated room to simulate being naked with someone else

To be honest if total and complete immersion existed. Touch, smell, taste, etc.

Would you ever want to leave?



>this is the future

It's hot how she's just a barbie doll with no actual stuff underneath the bikini.

>tfw VR is still too young to inhale a ladies perfect armpit




I never want to go back.

Post all of them

I felt the same way about VR until I demo'd the PSVR as well at Bestbuy. I played some space shooter and was really impressed. But those goggles are still uncomfortable to wear for extended periods and it strained my eyes pretty bad. Hopefully it improves over time.

If I fuck her mating press you expect me to look at her face? VR is so stupid.


Would be funny if this was some second life online thing and the guy was using vr fleshlight without knowing he was spied on

Adapt or reproduce



I don't buy flat games only VR games.
I feel like I'm somehow getting cheated if it doesn't have VR.

anyone here actually played sexy vive games? is it worth it?

That fucking fist shake killed me

This most be staged, no way vr can be this immersive in real gameplay

This is too good to not be staged

Are brapfags even real or is all just shitposting?

Its ok, the bondage stuff in CM3D is neat to look at. Trying to get honey select to work was a bit of a mess as the controls were really weird and its a bit lacking in the bondage department

Are you new to the internet?

How is she even poop without anus?

They're just funny skits some Jap did.

yes it's my 2nd day ya know?

>no asshole
Basically a barbie doll. Fuck off I almost how hard

>Fuck off I almost how hard
But what did he mean by this?

>future is here
>people complain about butthole

Are there any essentials one really should have installed or played?
Currently working on my avatar for vrchat faggotry and I played the hell out of GalGun VR.

A future without buttholes is a future I do not want to live in.

Eleven Table Tennis and soundboxing are my top picks at the moment.

But that's where poop comes from, it's dirty.

Only soyboys like this cowtit shit.

Buttholes are literally the best.

You need to go back.

Dumbest insult ever, fuck off cuck

>GalGun VR
Is there any actual sex or is it just shooting anime girls with strange guns?

That's kinda hot...

>no asshole
no thanks


I always find it funny when people who don't even own vr talk about it like they know what they are talking about 'cause Sup Forums just likes to unironically shit on anything that's not nintendo.

Arizona Sunshine, Gorn, Pavlov vr, Onward, Serious Sam games, Doom 3 vr mod, Alien isolation vr mod, Sairento, Killing Floor Incursion, knockout league, thrill of the fight.

All good games that aren't just generic shooting galleries or tech demos, give me one platform in it's first year or two that delivered that many good games with more in payday, fallout, and skyrim coming up

Shoot em up only, but you can invite your favourite anime to your home.
The experience is worth nonetheless, because it's something else when a life-sized anime girl runs towards you or stands right right beside you, wanting your attention.

So what actual sex games does VR have? It's all I need.

>The Anthony Burch experience

honey select, I don't follow them but there are quite a few others, with illusion saying they're gonna break hard into the market.

Illusion games.


Welp black fridayshopping list is complete for me.

A used haswell Xeon for $20, a GTX 1060 and a Vive.

>Short/Dyke hair

Better get Rift for $350 on black friday while you can


Don't bother, none of them use motion controls in any meaningful way. VR Kanojo was a huge disappointment for me.

*unsheathes katana*

So either we "adapt" to it or VR dies.
I'm ok with it dying.


Can't wait for the CEI videos




It was tried before and did not survived. The irony.

Game has lotion that makes boobs hard/soft

I'm holding out until there's a clear winner, or when the top 3 get their heads out of their asses and allow a free market system. I don't see the second option ever happening, so I'll just keep playing it cooly, like Spee D. Wagon.

>VRcucks pay money to be cucks in videogames
These people are dysgenical

>Can't see her asshole behind that thin piece of material
shit model desu

>no touch

>teledildonic connectivity
there can no longer be any doubt that the future is now

So far that's like a shitty version of cleverbot.

Thanks user. Shit sucks I'd have thought at least one title would have utilised it well by now.

>hacker breaks your finger in 100 places
I can't wait for the future

>No butthole
>No mons mound or anything

Yeah, nah. I'll pass.

>Sup Forums tries to learn sex from VR for their first time

>vag clipping
No thanks, ruins it every timr

Its not japanese unless it has clipping.

More like hacker maxes out the resistance on all fingers so you can't move them and you stand there like an ass unable to remove your helmet and shit because of your stuby useless hands.

>Sup Forums tries to learn box from VR for their first time

did she died?