Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums unironically defends EA and microtransactions now, because reddit hates them
got a problem with that?
>reddit starts posting lolcats
>Sup Forums stops and pretends to hate it
>reddit starts posting rage comics
>Sup Forums stops and pretends to hate it
>r/atheism becomes popular
>Sup Forums pretends to be crusaders
I really don't understand the mindset that compels someone to determine their position based solely on what another website's position on the topic happens to be
It's fucking stunning how contrarian some people on this board are. In this thread there's several people unironically defending it with their lives. How did we get to this point? Who do we blame?
sample text
>faggoter makes passive aggressive post because he's a faggot
Hipster/Contrarian, we either have to like the already unpopular thing or hate a thing when it becomes popular
I defend EA, because I hate reddit
Anything that makes them suffer is good
What about Sup Forumseddit?
cyka blyat
well Sup Forums?
>not being subscribed to r/scottishpeopletwitter
>He's defending it
If you read his post, he isn't, and is just calling the industry a fucking cancer as a whole.
these are so fake and unfunny
it's funny when a scot talks in real life because they're not doing it on purpose
some dumb cunt trying to emulate accented words over text is just trying too hard
wasn't talking about the OP
>anno ye wur
>Battlefront 2 reddit controversy on loot boxes
>Overwatch reddit starts going into full shill mode
Like pottery.
>actually acceptable lootboxes
I hate the normalfags that buy microtransactions and I hate lootboxes and I hate overwatch and I hate reddit and I fucking hate video games god I just want to fucking drive my van into EA's lobby and blow my brains out onto their carpet
>new from Ubisoft
pic semi-rel
Holy shit
>That faggot who pretends Reddit and Sup Forums don't have a fuck ton of cross traffic.
Your own identity is suffering
>space slice
In Sup Forumss defense it is objective fact that the longer a franchise continues to exist the shittier it becomes.
Source; all the fucking franchises. Just all of them.
>"It's okay when daddy blizzard does it!"
>not hating both
Calvin and Hobbes
>acceptable lootboxes
Worthless fucking faggots.
Yeah amd 2+2=4 except when you're doing calculus.
Stop being silly.
They're right. Overwatch lootboxes are completely optional. You never need to even touch one.
oh why didnt you just link to a post instead then.
Shills are here. Abandon thread.
literally kys blizzboy
Still cancerous in a 60$ game. Sure lock your shit behind a progression system, its fine, but the moment you start to add different rarity values and RNG to get specific items, you're making the game worse.
>no option to disable cosmetics
>have to see other players rub their spoils in your face
>game shoves a loot box in your face every time you level up
>game gives you a free "taste" every time an event comes out
>completely """"optional""""
You're more of a sheep than reddit is
lmao go outside
>/Vee/ is one person
I still hate EA no matter what
Glad the last game I bought and played from them was BFBC2
But they're right.
OW lootbox are the least fucking greedy lootbox in the history of lootbox.
In CSGO and TF2 you pay to open one fucking box. Valve are the real jew here.
In OW, you win 1 lootbox for levelling up and levelling up take 1 hours of play, you get 3 weekly by playing nine game in the arcade and the new gamemode in it, you get 1 free box at event, and they can do double XP weekend even. Then, in each box, you get 4 item (and not one item like in Valve Jewish GO and Team Goy 2). And they recently lowered the amount of duplicate so there's very low chance to get a duplicate right now.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
At least you can disable cosmetics in TF2.
I support anything which fucks over people who still pay for Video Games.